有关职业的英语对话 有关职业的英语对话阅读.docx

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《有关职业的英语对话 有关职业的英语对话阅读.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《有关职业的英语对话 有关职业的英语对话阅读.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑有关职业的英语对话 有关职业的英语对话阅读 通过创设有效的对话情景,为同学营造口语对话的氛围,能够极大调动同学口语练习的乐观性、主动性,提高英语口语学习的效率。我细心收集了有关职业的英语对话,供大家观赏学习! 有关职业的英语对话1 Jack: Are you satisfied with your current job? 你对现在的工作满足吗? Tracy: No. 不。 Jack: Why? 为什么? Tracy: The salary is low. 工资低。 Jack: Youre an OL, I thought you got a good sa

2、lary. 你可是办公室女郎,我以为你收入不错呢。 Tracy: Just 2800yuan. It is said that even couriers could get more than 6000yuan a month. 只有2800元。据说连快递员每月收入都能超过6000元。 Jack: But thats really a hard work. They work long hours everyday, and they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions. 但那是很辛苦的工作。他们每天都长时间地工作,而且在任

3、何天气状况下都得投递货物。 Tracy: Absolutely. 的确如此。 Jack: Your job is easy. You have no reason to complain. 你的工作很轻松。你没有理由埋怨。 Tracy: Youre right. 你说得对。 有关职业的英语对话2 Jack: Im tired to death. 累死了。 Ann: What did you do today? 你今日干了什么? Jack: I did a part-time job. I worked 8 hours and earned 12yuan. 我做兼职了。我干了8小时只赚了12元。

4、 Ann: Even a beegar would earn more than you. 就算是乞丐也赚得比你多。 Jack: Absolutely. 的确如此。 Ann: In Britain, some office workers beg from passers-by after work as their second job. 在英国,一些上班族下班后当街乞讨,以此作为自己的其次职业。 Jack: How much do they get? 他们能讨到多少钱? Ann: They may get as much as 200 pounds a night if they are

5、lucky enough. 幸运的话,他们每晚可以讨到200英镑。 Jack: 200 pounds? So they can get tens of thousands of pounds a year. 200英镑?那他们一年下来就能有几万英镑。 Ann: Yeah. Thats really a good job. 是的。那真是一份好工作。 有关职业的英语对话3 Jim: Hi, Carole. Good afternoon. 嗨,Carole。午安。 Carole: Hey, Jimmy! Good afternoon. How have you been dong? 嗨,Jimmy。

6、午安。你最近过的怎样? Jim: No bad. Im ging along just fine. 还可以。我过的还好。 Carole: You sound a litter dull. Whats wrong? 你听起来有一点没精神。怎么了? Jim: Well. I am not really happy with my salary increase. 哦,我对我加薪的幅度不太满足。 Carole: Did you speak to your boss about it? 你跟你的老板谈过了吗? Jim: Yes, but his hands are tide. This year there has been lesser profits. 是的,他手头很紧。今年的盈利比较少。 Carole: Oh, sorry to hear that, Jim. 哦,听到这个消息很圆满,Jim。 Jim: Its ok. 没关系。 看了有关职业的英语对话的人还看了: 1.关于职业的英语对话 2.关于职业英语对话 3.有关面试的英语对话 4.有关求职的英语对话 5.关于求职英语对话 第 4 页 共 4 页


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