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1、BOOK One (The Second Edition)Unit 1Learning a Foreign LanguageI .Aims:Students will be able to:1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text;3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of

2、reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.R .New Lexis:positive, opportunity, communicate, continual, reward, minimum, commitment, favorite, post, virtual, access, benefit, gap, embarrassat times, be worth sth./doing sth. Not onlybut also,far from, a couple

3、 of , get/have/obtain access to, participate in, keep up with, feel like sth./doing sth. give up, think out, come across, reap the benefits, trade for , give sb. insights intoID. Structure:1 .while .2 .not only .but also IV. Pre-reading Activities1 .Listen to the passageand answer the following ques

4、tions according to what you hear.2 ) When did the speaker start to learn English, and when did he gain command of the language?Suggested answer: the speaker started to learn English when he was in junior middle school. He gained command of the language after he tookEnglish through an online course.3

5、 .)Besides the language itself, what else did the speaker gain from learning a foreign language online?Suggestedanswer: Online learning has taught the speaker to better manage his time so that he could include his online studies in his busy schedule. Learning better time management has paid many rew

6、ards since.3)How could online learning help you with your English?(open-ended) Suggested answer:To provide enough information;To avoid embarrassment when I can t answer questions in classroom;To study at my own pace;2. Warming-up1) When and where did you begin to learn English? I began to learn Engl

7、ish. years ago. I have learned English for. My experience with English began in. when.2) Do you enjoy learning English? Why? No, I don t enjoy it because it is useless / too difficult. Yes, I enjoy it very much. It can help mefind a good job after graduation.learn the cultures of other countries.mak

8、e some foreign friends.learn the value of hard work.3) How was your English teacher in junior or senior middle school? My English teacher in. waskind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/ cold/always angry.4) Do you have any trouble learning English? If any, what is it?understand what others say.rem

9、ember so many words.understand the grammar.read quickly.speak in public. I always feel it difficult to. Its not easy for me to 5) What are the advantages of learning English online?equal opportunity to do.any place, any time or pace cheaper and more convenient quicker and easier to get access to muc

10、h information and to teachers student-centeredno limit to the number of students.V . Background Information:The education systems seem similar for different countries, but we use different terms to describe them. A junior middle school refers to a school in the US for children who are twelve to fift

11、een years old while in Britain a junior school refers to a school for children aged seven to eleven years. In China, a junior middle school refers to a stage of education after primary or elementary school, and a senior middle school refers to a stage of education after primary or elementary school,

12、 and a senior middle school refers to a stage of education after junior middle school and before college or university. More information about the Us education system is available in the following paragraphs.Most Americans attend twelve years of primary and secondary school. With a secondary school

13、diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational school and other professional schools.Primary and secondary school: Begins around age six for US children. They attend five or six years of primary school. Next they go to secondary school, which consists of either a two-, t

14、hree-year program or a four-year program. This is called “ middle school” or “junior high school” and “senior high school” (often just called “high school”).Higher education : after finishing high school, US students may go on to college or university. College or university study is known as“ higher

15、 education” .Study at a college or university leading to the Bachelor s Degree is known as undergraduate education . Study beyond the Bachelor s Degree is known a graduate or postgraduate education. M.D and Ph. D. are both doctorate degrees, awarded todoctors of medicine and doctors of philosophy re

16、spectively.Stage I PresentationIntroductory remarksThe author presents readers with his own language learning experiences at different stages. And at different stages, the author met different teachers and consequently formed different attitudes towards English learning.A. Vocabulary1. reward:vt. Gi

17、ve something in return for good and valuable doings.The teacher rewarded the student for his high scores.Our hard work was finally rewarded.n. something as a return for good and valuable doings.This game had its excitement, challenges, and rewards.rewarding : a. satisfying and worthwhileTeaching is

18、a rewarding career.reward sb. with sth.; reward sb. for sth;2. frustrate: vt.1) cause someone to have feelings of disappointmentShe was frustrated by her failure in the college entrance exam.2)cause the failure of somethingThick fog frustrated their attempt to land on the tiny island.frustrating: a.

19、 making someone feel annoyed, upset, or impatientIts frustrating when you re in a hurry and the traffic isn t moving.frustration . n. the feeling of being disappointed, annoyed, or upset. a sense of frustration3. junior:be junior toseniorsuperiorFreshman, sophomore, junior, senior,4. positive: a.1)

20、helpful and encouraging in achieving somethingif you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive attitude.2) definite; allowing no room for doubtThe boss must be positive before making a decision about whether these workers should be fired.5. former: a. of an earlier period the former p

21、resident / wifen. the first of the two people or things just mentionedGiven the choice between a piece of chocolate and a book, most will choose the former.Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.6. access: n.1) (U) the right to have or use somethingIf you do not have access to the In

22、ternet, well send someone to help you.2) (C) the means of entering a place.The soldiers guarded the only access to the building.get/ have /obtain access to: have the right to have or use somethingYou obtain access to your data by typing in a user name and password.7.participate (in)Members can parti

23、cipate in any of the activities organized by the club.mitment:1) (U) the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity, etc.It s a part-time program, but total commitment is still necessary for completing it.2) (C) a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions.He made a comm

24、itment to help all children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course.9. embarrass: vt. make someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortableThe others embarrassed her when they laughed at her mistake.Being unable to answer the questions embarrassed some students.embarra

25、ssing: a. making someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable. It was embarrassing that I couldn t remember his name.10. reap: vtReap the benefits (of hard study)Reap the rice in the field.reap the benefit/reward/profit/fruit of11. insight: n . (C.U) an accurate or deep understanding of something

26、 We help troubled students gain some insight into their own problems.gain insight into sth 了解,洞悉12. communicate:vi. Send and exchange feelings, opinions, or information.Now that we live in different cities, we communicate by email.We communicate with each other using sign language.vt. make opinions,

27、 feelings, or information known or understood by others.She communicated her feelings to her teacher.13. gap:bridge the gap: reduce or get rid of the difference between two things.Learning a foreign language helps us bridge the gap between two different cultures.The policy bridged the gap between th

28、e poor and the rich.14. be worth sth./doing sth: be rewarding enough for the time, effort, money, etc.Hes decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying.15. far from: notat all; rather thanFar from being angry, hes very happy.Far from helping the situation, you ve just make it worse

29、.16. trade for: exchange forHe decided to trade his goat for rice.I would trade my dictionary for your book.17. now that: because of something or as a result of something.Now that all has arrived , we can begin our class.18. instead of: rather thanI feel like staying home alone instead of going out

30、shopping with friends.You should be out for fresh air instead of staying indoors all day.19. reach out to: communicate with; contactWith the introduction of the internet, we can reach out to our friends by email. Compare:1) reach out for: try to getYou must reach out for any opportunity that comes y

31、our way.2) reach for: hold out one s hand to get somethingHe reached for the phone and dialed the number.B.Text Study1.Part Division of the TextPartsParagraphsMain Ideas11Learning a foreign language was one of the most rewarding experiences the writer has had.22-7Language learning experiences from j

32、unior middle school to senior middle school to college and then to online learning. There is also comparison between traditional learning and online learning.38Summarizes the writer s experiences in learning a foreign language. through the learning process, the writer learned the value of hard work,

33、 gained insights into another culture, and opened his mind to new ideas.2. Structure AnalysisA.General Statement + Specific Details + Conclusion1) What is the General Statement?2) What are the specific details?3) What is the conclusion?The General Statemen(the Main Idea)Learning a foreign language w

34、as one of the most difficult yet most rewardingexperiences of my life.(Para.1)The Specific DetailsEnglish Learning Experiences:Difficult : a. in senior middle school. (Para. 3)b. at college. (Para.4 )Rewarding :a. in junior middle school (Para. 2)b. with the online course. ( Paras.5 7 )ConclusionLea

35、rning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that Iwouldn t trade for anything. (Para. 8)B. The way to develop paragraphs:cause and effectThe cause and effect technique can make clear the reasons why something happens by showing the relation between cause and effect.Lis

36、t the cause and effect of Para. 2, 3, and 4.Para. 2Cause: The kind and patient teacher often praised the students.Effect: I eagerly answered questions, not worrying about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class.Para. 3Cause: The new teacher quickly punished those who gave wrong answers.Effect:

37、 I lost my eagernessto answer questions and my desire to say anything in English.Para. 4Cause: Large classes made me only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. Many students spoke much better than I did.Effect: I was afraid to speak. My English seemed to stay at the same level.3

38、.Difficult sentences1)Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. (Para.1)Paraphrase: learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult things I v ever done, but it provided more benefits than any other experience I have had.2)While my

39、 former teacher had been patient with all of the students, my new teacherquickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. (Para.3)Paraphrase: my junior middle school teacher had been patient with all the students, but my new teacher was impatient and quick to punish those who gave wrong answers.Wh

40、ile: conj. used to introduce information which contrasts with information in the main clauseWhile,而,Eg.(1) While I like you personally, I dont think what you are doing is right.(2)While professors are talking about economic theories, company chairmen are concerned with profits.“ TranslationI drink b

41、lack coffee while he prefers cream in his coffee.While most students look forward to learning English online, some cannot bear the thought.3)it didn t take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. (Para.3) Paraphrase: After a short time, I was no longer eager to answer questions.4) Not only

42、 did I lose my joy in answering questions, but I also lost my desire to say anything at all in English.(Para.3)Paraphrase: I lost my joy in answering questions, and I also lost my desire to say anything at all in English.With “ not only ” or “ only ” placed at theobf eagsinenitnegnce, its order shou

43、ld be inverted (倒装).More:neither/little/only/hardlyseldomneither/not nornot untilunder no circumstancesno sooner. than.scarcely (hardly). when.Practice(1)We have been told that under no circumstances the telephone in the office forpersonalaffairs.A. may we useB. we may useC. we could useD. did we us

44、e(2)The organization had broken no rules, but had it acted responsibly.A. neitherB. soC. eitherD. both(3) I could not persuade him to accept it, make him see the importance of it.A. if only I could notB. or I could notB. nor could ID. no more than I could(4) Only under special circumstances to take

45、make-up tests.A. are freshmen permittedB. freshmen are permittedC. permitted are freshmenD. are permitted freshmen(5) Not until the game had begun at the sports ground.A. had he arrivedB. would he have arrivedC. did he arriveD. should he have arrived5) I soon got access to the necessary equipment, l

46、earned how to use the technology from a friend and participated in the virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week. (Para.5) Paraphrase: I got the right to use the necessary equipment, learned how to use the technology from a friend, and took part in the online classroom 5 to 7 days a week.6) Once in a whi

47、le I cried out of frustration, and sometimes I felt like giving up.(Para.7)Paraphrase: Sometimes I cried because of disappointment and sometimes I wanted to stop trying.7) But I didn t feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas

48、 and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen (Para.7)Paraphrase: But I didn t feel frightened by students who spoke faster than I did, becauseI took all the time I needed to think carefully and I wrote my reply before I put it on the screen.8) Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me,


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