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1、精选 Lesson 8 Who is he? Teaching topic: Lets learn; Ask and answerTeaching material analysis:(教材分析)1) Use “She is or He is” answer question.2) Special sentence “Who is?”Goal request:(教学目的)1)Know the part of familys name.2)Using “Whos he/she?Make “She is or He is”using in sentences.Key difficulty:(重点难

2、点)1) Know the name about family.2)They can answer question “Who is ?”Teaching times:(教学时间)1Teaching method:(教学方法) three doubts three searchesTeaching preparation and method:(教学工具)cards, tapeTeaching process:(教学过程)Step 1Warmer(2 minutes)1、复习“lets chant”。2、谈话导入:T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Go

3、od afternoon, teacher.T: How are you? Ss: Im OK. Thank you. And you? T: Not bad. Very good. Today we go on to learn lesson 8.Step2设疑自探(3minutes)Then the teacher writes some news words underline on the Bb. sister brother father teacher mother T: Can you guess how to read them? Whats the meaning of th

4、em? Now you can talk about them in a group.Step3解疑合探(7 minutes)1、Then let someone answer the questions, if there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.2、Encourage the Ss stand up and read the words by themselves.If all the Ss dont know how to read ,the teacher should tell them.3、Then let

5、 the Ss read after the teacher, next ask some one to read them, if there is something wrong, the teacher should correct them 。4、Practice the sentences with these words.-Who is he/she ?-He/She is my brother /sisterStep4质疑再探(10minutes)About this lesson, what else do you want to ask?Can you tell me som

6、ething about the text?S1:How to pronounce the letter “e”?The teacher choose some students stand up and explain it. (If there is something wrong , the teacher should correct it.The teacher read the text. Then let students read after the teacher.)After that Ill choose some students to act it.Step5运用拓展(5 minutes)写出下列单词的汉语意思she _brother _sister _he _name _three _Bb writing design:(板书设计)Lesson 8 Who is he?sister brother father teacher mother Who is he? He is my Who is she? She is my教后反思教师的教:学生的学:.


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