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1、精选UNIT 6 MOTHERS DAY LESSON 20 同步练习 1一、看图, 完成下列对话。1. Hi, are you _ to tousle?Yes, I am. _ about you? So am _.2. Are you reading your book?_, Im not. Im listening to his song.Oh, he is _.3. Happy _ Day! Thank you. This is my _ _ you.4. What are you doing? Im _ a card for Dad. Fathers Day is coming. O

2、h, yes. Its the third _ of June.二、连词成句。1. us will there Dad drive ?_2. a for of I you box chocolate have ._3. so thank much you !_4. now can open I gift the ?_三、按要求写句子。1. Im playing a game. (改为一般疑问句)_2. Im writing some words on the card. (对划线部分提问)_3. Can I go swimming? (作否定回答)_4. Do you like my gift

3、?(作肯定回答)_四、找出错误的一项, 并改正。( )1. The mouse the . _( )2. !_( )3. the dad. _( )4. I a gift . _( )5. gifts that day. _五、阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。 Its Sunday morning. It sunny. There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 3. Many students are watching. Now John has the ball. He passes it to Mike. Mike kicks

4、 the ball. Its a goal! And Peter has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies into Johns face! John is angry. But the ball flies into the goal. Another goal! Hows John feeling now? Of course, hes so happy. At last, Class I won the game. But Class 3 is not sad. They are laughing at Johns funny goal!( )1

5、. The weather is fine on Sunday.( )2. John kicks the ball into the goal.( )3. Class 3 is very sad.( )4. Class 3 are laughing at Johns funny goal.( )5. John feels happy when the ball hits his head.答案一、1. listening, How, I2. No, singing3. Fathers, gift for4. making, Sunday二、1. Will Dad drive us there?2. I have a box of chocolate for you. 3. Thank you so much!4. Can I open the gift now?三、1. Are you playing a game?2. What are you doing?3. Please dont. 4. Yes, I do. 四、1. Ashouts 2. BFathers 3. Cbest 4. Bfor 5. Bget五、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F.


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