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1、第27卷第4期2 0 0 6年7月兵 工 学 报 ACTA ARMAMENTARIIVol.27 No.4Jul. 2006多体系统动力学Riccati离散时间传递矩阵法何斌,芮筱辜,曲毓琪(南京理丄大学动力工桂字隐.江苏隋京210094)摘要:多体系统离散时间传递矩阵法是近年发展的多体系统动力学方法,因无须建立系统动 力学方程、相关矩阵阶次低、计算速度快、建模程式化程度高等特点而倍受重视。为提高多体系统 离散时间传递矩阵法的计算稳定性,本文将其与Riccati $换相结合,形成多体系统Riccati 散时 间传递矩萍法,便空间传递两点边值问题化为初值问题、矩萍阶次降低。在Riccati变换时

2、,选择了 不同于振动力学Riccati传递矩阵法的合适中间变量,不扩大存储量的前提下进一步减小了计算时 间。与多体系统畜散时间传递矩阵法相比,提出的方法改善空问传递数值稳定性的同时不仅节省 了计算时间,也提高了时间迭代计算稳定性。数值算例证明该方法对自由度十万的大系统有效、稳 定性好,具有一定工程应用价值。关键词:基础力学;Riccati变换;多体系统动力学;传递矩阵法;工程力学中图分类号:TB122; TB124 文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-1093(2006)04-0622-04Riccati Discrete Time Transfer Matrix Method forMulti

3、body System DynamicsHE Bin, RUI Xiao-ting, LU Yu-qi(Institute of Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. Nanjir.g 210094. liangsu China)Abstract: Discrete time transfer matrix method for multibody system dynamics (MS-DT-TMM), a novel method for multibody dynamics simulation,

4、 has been developed in re:ent years. If using this method to simulate multibody dynamics, the global dynamical equations need not be developed, and such characteristics as lower order of global system matrix, fast computation speed, flexible modeling can also be obtained To improve the numerical sta

5、bility of MSDT-TMM, in this investigation, MS- DT-TMM and Riccati transform are combined Then a new method is formed, namely Riccati MS DT-TMM So boundary value problem of space transformation in MS-DT-TMM becomes the original value problem in Riccati MS-DT-TMM and the order of matrix can be reduced

6、 again To shorten the computational time again, the intermediate variables of Riccati transfer matrix method used in vibration mechanics are improved without changing calculation precision and memory storage Compared with MS-DTif using the proposed method, the numerical stability not only in space f

7、ield but also in time field can be improved and the CPU time can be economized synchronously The numerical example of one hundred thousand degree of freedom system to validate the method has been given It can show that the proposed method is a powerful tool for engineering application in multibody s

8、ystem dynamics field Key words: basic mechanics; Riccati transform; multibody system dynamics; transfer matrix method; engineering mechanics0引盲随着兵器、航空、航天、车辆、机器人、精密机械、 计算机等现代工业技术的发展,机械自动化程度和 运行速度的提高,多体系统动力学建模仿真日益受到关注,研究人员在理论和计算研究工作中提出了 许多有效的多体系统动力学分析新方法一 2】。但 它们具有如下共同点:1)需推导总体系统动力学方 程;2)随着系统自由度的增大,相关矩阵阶次也增 大;因此复杂系统的总体系统动力学方程矩阵阶次收稿日期:2005-10-12


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