[在医院看病的英语对话] 关于看病的英语对话.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑在医院看病的英语对话 关于看病的英语对话 所谓英语情景对话,即老师创设逼真的.交际情境,让同学乐观参加其中,培育同学的沟通习惯,训练同学的口语表达力量,提高其英语交际力量的一种重要教学方式。我细心收集了在医院看病的英语对话,供大家观赏学习! 在医院看病的英语对话篇1 Jenny: How are you feeling? 你觉得怎样? Daniel: Bad. My nose keeps running. And my forehead is burning. 糟透了。我始终在流鼻涕。我始终在发烧。 Jenny: You said you never wen

2、t to hospital. 你说你从来不上医院的。 Daniel: I will get better soon. 我很快就会好的。 Jenny: The good thing is you dont need to go to school. 还好,你不用去上学。 Daniel: Yeah, I love that, no class, no homework, and no exams. 是啊,我喜爱这点,不用上课,不用写作业,也不用去考试。 Jenny: And your Mom and Dad will buy you anything you ask for. 还有你要什么你爸妈就

3、会给你买什么。 Daniel: Haha, I just got the Ultraman costume. My Dad bought it. 哈哈,我刚刚得到一件奥特曼的制服。我爸爸给我买的。 Jenny: I really envy you, Danny. 我真艳羡你,丹尼。 Daniel: Come on, I got numerous shots for that. You have no idea what Ive been through with the needles. 得了吧,我为这个挨了很多针呢。你都无法想象我怎么熬过来的? Jenny: Your sister said

4、 you fainted three times during the injection. 听你姐姐说你打针时晕倒了三次。 Daniel: May told you? Oh, May, shes such a tattletale. 阿美告知你的?哦,阿美,她真是个多嘴婆。 Jenny: No matter what, you are still my hero, Daniel. 不管怎样,丹尼尔,你仍旧是我的英雄。 Daniel: Jenny, promise me to keep this a secret, will you? 珍妮,你宣誓替我保守这隐秘,行吗? Jenny: OK,

5、I promise. You promise you will be well soon? 好的,我保证。你保证你快点儿好起来哦? Daniel: Deal. 行啊! 在医院看病的英语对话篇2 Daniel: What seems to be the problem, kid? 你有什么事吗,孩子? Doctor 3: Ive got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache. 我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。 Daniel: AhHow long have you been like this? 啊你这个样子多久了? Doctor 3: I am not

6、very sure. Maybe for three days. 我不敢确定。或许三天了吧。 Daniel: Do you have any stomachache? 你肚子痛吗? Doctor 3: I guess so. It comes and goes. 我猜是的。时有时无。 Daniel: Open your mouth and say ah God, you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils. 张开嘴,说啊天哪,扁桃体肿大。 Doctor 3: Is that serious, doctor? 严峻吗,医生? Daniel: Ye

7、s, I am sure that you got the flu. You need a shot. 是的。我确定你是得了流感。你得打一针。 Doctor 3: Oh, doctor. Do I have to? I am afraid of needles! 哦,医生。真的要打针吗?我可怕打针。 Daniel: Yes, thats for sure. But it is not that bad. Its gonna be all right. 是啊,确定的。但是没有那么糟糕。就会好起来的。 Doctor 3: Oh, doctor, please 哦,医生,求您了 Daniel: Be

8、 brave, young man. Only girls cry when given an injection. 英勇点,小家伙。只有女孩子打针才会哭。 Doctor 3: You are right. I wont cry anymore. 你说得对,我不会哭了。 Doctor 3: 标题:给传染病患者开处方 :Miyo Daniel: 难度:3 分类:就诊 Doctor 3: 来源:可可英语 甲方女:Doctor Daniel: 乙方男:Smith Well, Mr. Smith. Thats a nasty infection you have. Doctor 3: 哦,史密斯先生,

9、你得了严峻的传染病。 Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor? Daniel: 是,医生,有没有什么药可以治的? Im going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning. Doctor 3: 我给你开一些抗生素和一些药膏来止痒、减轻灼伤。 OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them? Daniel: 好的,感谢你。我在哪里买药? The pharmacy w

10、ill give you a discount since you came to the clinic. Doctor 3: 你来看过门诊,所以药房会给你一些折扣。 Great. What floor is the pharmacy on? Daniel: 太好了,药房在几楼? The fourth. Ill send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out. Doctor 3: 四楼。我来开个处方,你出去的时候可以顺便拿去买药了。 Thank you. 在医院看病的英语对话篇3 Edwa

11、rd: Hello, doctor. I have a bad stomachache, and just finished getting tested. 您好,大夫。我胃疼得厉害,这是刚做完的检查。 Doctor: The results show you have diarrhea. 检查结果显示你得了痢疾。 Edward: Any instructions I should be paying special attention to? 这病都需要留意些什么? Doctor: Dont eat anything cold or spicy. 不要吃生冷和刺激性食物。 Edward: No medicine? 不用吃药吗? Doctor: Of course youll need some medicine. I will prescribe some for you. 当然得吃药。我给你开点儿药。 Edward: Thanks. 感谢。 看了在医院看病的英语对话的人还看了: 1.英语看病情景有用对话 2.有关医院情景对话 3.关于看病的英语对话阅读 4.关于病人看病英语对话 5.有关看病有用英语对话第 7 页 共 7 页


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