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1、2014届高三新人教版化学一轮练出高分:1.1化学实验基础知识和技能 Word版含答案1(下列仪器中,常用于物质分离的是 ( ) A(? B(? C(? D(? 答案 B 解析 ?为量筒不能用于物质分离,?为漏斗可用于过滤,?为蒸馏烧瓶可用于蒸馏,?为蒸发皿可用于蒸发结晶。 2(现有下列仪器:?集气瓶;?量筒;?烧杯;?表面皿;?蒸发皿;?容量瓶;?圆底烧瓶。其中能用酒精灯加热的是 ( ) A(? B(? C(? D(? 答案 D 解析 集气瓶、量筒、表面皿、容量瓶不能加热烧杯、圆底烧瓶要隔石棉网加热蒸发皿可直接加热。 3(下列有关试纸的叙述正确的是 ( ) A(用干燥洁净的玻璃棒蘸取某溶液,

2、滴在湿润的pH试纸上,跟标准比色卡比较来 测定该溶液的pH B(使湿润的淀粉-KI试纸变蓝的气体一定是氯气 C(使湿润的品红试纸褪色的气体必是SO 2D(使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝的气体是氨气 答案 D 解析 A中测溶液的pH时pH试纸不能润湿,B中使湿润的淀粉-KI试纸变蓝的气体不一定是氯气只要是具有强氧化性的气体都可以,C中使湿润的品红试纸褪色的气体也可能是Cl。中学阶2段所学的使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝的气体只有氨气。 4(下列实验操作中不会发生安全事故的是 ( ) A(用无水醋酸钠和碱石灰混合加热制取甲烷,把产生的气体直接点燃,观察燃烧现象 B(把消石灰与NHCl固体混合加热产生的气体用导

3、管直接通入水中制取浓氨水 4C(取用少量白磷时,应在水中切割白磷,剩余的白磷立即放回原试剂瓶中 D(做完铜与浓硫酸反应实验后的试管,立即用大量水冲洗 答案 C 解析 该题考查实验操作的规范性与实验安全。点燃可燃性气体前必须进行验纯操作A错误,氨wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440

4、nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculations M-sample, expressed in grams (g) V1-diluted total volume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption

5、 coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmetic mean of the three significant digits. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 5%. Acid GB193

6、00, GB/T5009.37 1, principle: free fatty acids in vegetable oils with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide, and number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of oil consumption becomes POV. 2 reagents: ether-alcohol mixture. Ether-alcohol (2+1) mixed with a standard solution of potassiu

7、m hydroxide (3g/L) and was neutral to phenolphthalein indicator solution. 0.05mol/L standard solution of potassium hydroxide. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 10 g/L 3, sample treatment: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL,

8、 shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum recovery solvents or water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Extracting oil should meet the GB/T5009.37 requirements of methods for the determination of the amount required. 4, weighing 3, extract oil 3.0

9、0-5.00g placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, 50mL neutral ether-alcohol mixture, shake the dissolved oil, if necessary, reset the warm them dissolved气极易溶于水用导管直接通入水中会引起倒吸导致制备氨气的容器炸裂因此用水吸收氨气要采用防倒吸装置B错误,铜与浓硫酸反应结束后的试管温度较高立即用冷水冲洗容易使试管炸裂D错误。 5(下列有关试剂的保存方法,错误的是 ( ) A(浓硝酸保存在无色玻璃试剂瓶中 B(少量的钠保存在煤油中 C(氢氧化钠溶液保存在带有橡胶塞的

10、玻璃试剂瓶中 D(新制的氯水通常保存在棕色玻璃试剂瓶中 答案 A 解析 A项浓硝酸遇光容易分解应保存在棕色试剂瓶中,B项钠容易被氧化少量时可以用煤油封大量时可以用蜡封,C项氢氧化钠会腐蚀玻璃塞故用橡胶塞保存,D项新制氯水见光易分解故用棕色试剂瓶保存。 6(下列实验操作正确的是 ( ) 答案 B 解析 A项不能用酒精灯去点燃酒精灯这样做可能引起火灾,C项应平视刻度,D项应用酒精灯外焰加热且液体要均匀受热管口不要对着人。 7(由草木灰提取钾盐并检验含有的钾元素,下列实验操作错误的是 ( ) 答案 D 解析 观察钾元素的焰色反应需透过蓝色钴玻璃片。 8(下列各图所示装置的气密性检查中,一定漏气的是

11、( ) wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculations M-sample, expressed in grams (g) V1-diluted total vol

12、ume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmetic mean of the three significant digits. 6, pre

13、cision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 5%. Acid GB19300, GB/T5009.37 1, principle: free fatty acids in vegetable oils with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide, and

14、number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of oil consumption becomes POV. 2 reagents: ether-alcohol mixture. Ether-alcohol (2+1) mixed with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide (3g/L) and was neutral to phenolphthalein indicator solution. 0.05mol/L standard solution of potassium hyd

15、roxide. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 10 g/L 3, sample treatment: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum recovery solvents or water bath a

16、t 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Extracting oil should meet the GB/T5009.37 requirements of methods for the determination of the amount required. 4, weighing 3, extract oil 3.00-5.00g placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, 50mL neutral ether-alcohol mixture, shake the dissolved oil, if necessary, rese

17、t the warm them dissolved答案 D 解析 检查装置气密性要形成一密闭体系且现象明显。 9(下列操作不能达到预期目的的是 ( ) 答案 D 解析 由装置气密性检查原理知A对,因左管气体伸入烧瓶中较长烧杯中的水进入烧瓶后不易形成倒吸B对,根据试管中溶液是否出现浑浊可判断CO与苯酚钠是否能发生反应进一步判断2碳酸、苯酚酸性的强弱C对,气体进入洗气瓶时应该是长进短出D错。 10(下列有关实验的操作过程,正确的是 ( ) A(钠与水的反应:用镊子从试剂瓶中取出金属钠,用小刀切下绿豆粒大小的一粒钠,小心放入装满水的烧杯中 B(配制100 mL的质量分数10%的HO溶液:取一支规格为

18、100 mL的量筒,先取质量分数为2230%的双氧水溶液33.3 mL,然后加水至100 mL刻度线 2,C(检验某浅绿色溶液中含有Fe:取该溶液少许,向其中加入KSCN溶液,不变血红色;再向其中滴加氯水,溶液变为血红色 D(取出分液漏斗中所需的上层液体:当下层液体从分液漏斗下端管口流出后,及时关闭活塞,然后更换一个接收容器,打开活塞将分液漏斗中的液体放出 答案 C 解析 A选项烧杯不能装满水错误,B选项配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液应该用容量瓶错误,D选项分液时上层液体应该从上口倒出错误。 11(1)化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,化学实验是化学学习的重要内容。根据你掌握的知识判断,下列实验操作的

19、描述中,正确的是_(填写下列各项序号)。 A(从试剂瓶中取出的任何药品,若有剩余不能再放回原试剂瓶 wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculations M-sampl

20、e, expressed in grams (g) V1-diluted total volume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmeti

21、c mean of the three significant digits. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 5%. Acid GB19300, GB/T5009.37 1, principle: free fatty acids in vegetable oils with a

22、standard solution of potassium hydroxide, and number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of oil consumption becomes POV. 2 reagents: ether-alcohol mixture. Ether-alcohol (2+1) mixed with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide (3g/L) and was neutral to phenolphthalein indicator solution

23、. 0.05mol/L standard solution of potassium hydroxide. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 10 g/L 3, sample treatment: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sul

24、fate, vacuum recovery solvents or water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Extracting oil should meet the GB/T5009.37 requirements of methods for the determination of the amount required. 4, weighing 3, extract oil 3.00-5.00g placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, 50mL neutral ether-alcohol mixtur

25、e, shake the dissolved oil, if necessary, reset the warm them dissolvedB(用稀盐酸洗涤盛放过石灰水的试剂瓶 C(配制HSO溶液时,可先在量筒中加入一定体积的水,再在搅拌下慢慢加入浓硫酸 24D(各放一张质量相同的滤纸于天平的两托盘上,将NaOH固体放在左盘纸上称量 E(NaCO溶液不能保存在带有玻璃塞的试剂瓶中 23F(将用水润湿的pH试纸浸入稀盐酸中,测定溶液的pH (2)化学实验中,不正确的操作会对实验结果的准确性造成一定的影响,请用“”、“ ? ? (3)? 解析 (1)实验中剩余的钠、钾等试剂应该放回原试剂瓶,量筒

26、是用来量取一定体积液体的量器不能在其中稀释浓硫酸,NaOH固体有很强的吸水性不能放在纸上称量,测定溶液的pH时不要润湿pH试纸也不能将试纸浸入溶液中。 (2)实验时未用标准溶液润洗滴定管则标准溶液被稀释滴定时耗用标准溶液的体积偏大测得锥形瓶中待测液的浓度大于实际浓度,用托盘天平称取10.4 g氯化钠若将砝码和氯化钠的位置放颠倒了所称取氯化钠的质量为9.6 g,用容量瓶配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液定容时仰视刻度线所配溶液的体积偏大物质的量浓度偏小。 (3)?需要玻璃棒蘸取待测液,?需要玻璃棒搅拌加速溶解,?需要玻璃棒搅拌加快反应速率。 12(某化学小组的同学到实验室学习。在实验桌上摆有如图所示仪器

27、: (1)指导教师要求同学们写出仪器的名称,甲同学书写的答案如下表,请你找出其中的错误,将改wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculations M-sample, e

28、xpressed in grams (g) V1-diluted total volume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmetic me

29、an of the three significant digits. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 5%. Acid GB19300, GB/T5009.37 1, principle: free fatty acids in vegetable oils with a stan

30、dard solution of potassium hydroxide, and number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of oil consumption becomes POV. 2 reagents: ether-alcohol mixture. Ether-alcohol (2+1) mixed with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide (3g/L) and was neutral to phenolphthalein indicator solution. 0.

31、05mol/L standard solution of potassium hydroxide. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 10 g/L 3, sample treatment: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate

32、, vacuum recovery solvents or water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Extracting oil should meet the GB/T5009.37 requirements of methods for the determination of the amount required. 4, weighing 3, extract oil 3.00-5.00g placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, 50mL neutral ether-alcohol mixture, s

33、hake the dissolved oil, if necessary, reset the warm them dissolved正后的名称填写在下表中(若正确,则此空不需要填写)。 仪器编号 a b c d e 名称 试管 溶量瓶 集气瓶 碱式滴定管 普通漏斗 改正的名称 (2)关于e的用途,乙同学说:组成防倒吸装置。你还能说出其他两种用途吗, ?_; ?_。 (3)d仪器在使用前必须检查是否漏水,检查漏水的操作是 _。 (4)丙同学想用如图所示装置用大理石和稀盐酸反应制取CO。老 2师指出,这需要太多的稀盐酸,会造成浪费。该同学选用了上面 的一种仪器,加在装置中,解决了这个问题。请你把

34、该仪器画在 图中合适的位置。 答案 (1) 仪器编号 b d 改正的名称 容量瓶 酸式滴定管 (2)?往细口容器中加液体 ?组成过滤装置(只要答对两个即可,其他合理答案亦可) (3)关闭活塞,向滴定管中加适量水,用滴定管夹将滴定管固定在铁架台上,观察是否漏水,若2分钟内不漏水,将活塞旋转180?,重复上述操作 (4) 13(医用氯化钙可用于生产补钙、抗过敏和消炎等药物。以工业碳酸钙为原料(含量为97.5%,含有少,3,3,量Na、Al、Fe等杂质)生产医药级二水合氯化钙的主要流程如下: 3,3,(1)除杂操作时加入试剂A,调节溶液的pH为8.0,8.5,以除去溶液中少量的Al、Fe。试剂A可以

35、选择_。 a(Ca(OH) b(NaOH 2c(NH d(NaCO 323wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculations M-sample, expressed

36、in grams (g) V1-diluted total volume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmetic mean of the

37、 three significant digits. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement of results will be more than the arithmetic mean of 5%. Acid GB19300, GB/T5009.37 1, principle: free fatty acids in vegetable oils with a standard solu

38、tion of potassium hydroxide, and number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of oil consumption becomes POV. 2 reagents: ether-alcohol mixture. Ether-alcohol (2+1) mixed with a standard solution of potassium hydroxide (3g/L) and was neutral to phenolphthalein indicator solution. 0.05mol/L s

39、tandard solution of potassium hydroxide. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: 10 g/L 3, sample treatment: apply the edible parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum

40、recovery solvents or water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Extracting oil should meet the GB/T5009.37 requirements of methods for the determination of the amount required. 4, weighing 3, extract oil 3.00-5.00g placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, 50mL neutral ether-alcohol mixture, shake the

41、dissolved oil, if necessary, reset the warm them dissolved3,(2)检验溶液1中是否含Fe的方法是_ _ _。 (3)请指出下列操作的名称:操作1_;操作2_;请指出操作1中所用的玻璃仪器的名称_。 (4)写出加入碳酸铵所发生的反应的离子方程式_ _; 写出溶液2的一种用途_。 (5)准确称取100 g工业碳酸钙粉末,通过上述方法理论上可以制得质量分数为99%的医药级二水合氯化钙的质量为_。 答案 (1)ac (2)取少量溶液于试管中,加入硫氰化钾溶液,若溶液不变血红色,说明溶液中不含3,3,Fe;若溶液变血红色,说明溶液中含Fe (3

42、)过滤 蒸发浓缩、冷却、结晶 漏斗、玻璃棒、2,2,烧杯 (4)Ca,CO=CaCO? 作化肥 33(5)144.8 g ,3,3,2,3,3,解析 (1)含有Na、Al、Fe杂质的CaCO与盐酸反应后得到含有Ca、Na、Al、Fe、3,,3,3,Cl、H等离子的溶液调节溶液的pH为8.0,8.5使Al、Fe沉淀而除去由流程图知加入Ca(OH)或通入NH均不引入杂质。 23(1)二次函数yax2的图象:是一条顶点在原点且关于y轴对称的抛物线。是二次函数的特例,此时常数b=c=0.3,,3,(2)根据Fe与SCN的显色反应检验Fe。 (3)沉淀需过滤分离所以操作1为过滤得到CaCO后需加入盐酸使

43、其转化为CaCl溶液CaCl322溶液经过蒸发浓缩、冷却、结晶则可得到CaCl?2HO晶体。过滤需要的玻璃仪器有玻璃棒、烧杯22和漏斗。 2,2,2,2,(4)加入(NH)CO后溶液中的Ca与CO结合生成CaCO沉淀:Ca,CO=CaCO?。溶4233333,液2中含有NH铵盐可作化肥。 4第三章 圆(5)100 g工业碳酸钙中含有CaCO的质量为100 g97.5%,97.5 g(0.975 mol)故可得质量分数为3对圆的定义的理解:圆是一条封闭曲线,不是圆面;,10.975 mol147 g?mol99%的CaCl?2HO的质量,?144.8 g。 2299%14(化学实验装置的正确连接

44、是实验成败的关键,下图是中学化学中常见的实验装置。 tanA没有单位,它表示一个比值,即直角三角形中A的对边与邻边的比;(1)用上述装置制备气体: 一、指导思想:wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5,

45、results of calculations M-sample, expressed in grams (g) V1-diluted total volume of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL) volume of the dilution of the sample for determination of V2-, expressed in milliliters (mL) 854-average of the equivalent absorption coefficient of mg formaldehyde. Results statement: report the arithmetic mean of the three significant digits. 6, precision under rep


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