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1、季度考核的英文自我评价季度考核的英文自我评价篇一In the use of direct superior performance evaluation system, the purpose of employee self-assessment is nothing more than two: 1, the fastest quantitative data sources can be quantified; 2, reflects the staff participation in performance appraisal; However, if the assessment

2、of employees Assessment without a clear understanding of it, it will lead to significant deviation of the assessment results, or even failure. We know that the performance appraisal may be a variety of errors, such as the different leaders of different personal scales, the average tendency, etc., th

3、en the self-assessment link, which led to the factors that lead to errors it?First, the personality of each person is different from the self-assessment scale is very different. For example, some employees self-confidence, their own evaluation of high, some people feel inferior, their evaluation on

4、the low side. In addition, some people pursue perfection, strict requirements on their own, and some others have passed, these two categories of people to their own scale certainly different. Also, some old employees of the company and colleagues know very clearly, scoring when its capability, and n

5、ew employees do not know other people's shallow depth, to their scoring when there is not much reference to speak of.Second, psychological research shows that most people are overconfident.Do not make a normal fool, an example of this book mentioned that we often hear a lot of people say that th

6、ey not on the phase, that is, according to the photos did not look good. In fact, the photo is an objective reflection of our appearance, and each of us in the mirror when it will be special (and may be unconscious or habitual) to choose the best angle, that is more than a layer of subjective Factor

7、s in it, which led to our look in the mirror look better than the photos. So in fact, the staff part of the self-assessment on the provision of such a mirror to our staff to the beauty, this error which is self-evident.Third, the staff self-assessment of the score, the assessment will do a great imp

8、act on the scoring. Have the experience of bargain people know that if you see the stall on a package, and my heart that probably worth 100, but the mouth asking price, the boss said 500, if you really want this package, bigMost people only dare to 300 or 400 pieces to cut. This is the so-called anc

9、hor effect, the negotiation inside the first offer, without anger in each other's situation, the higher the better is the meaning, because the first bid will greatly grasp the initiative, so that the other psychological expectationsResulting in great changes. Employee self-assessment actually ga

10、ve the examiner a chance to take the lead in the bidder, and whether the assessment due to face or other considerations, are likely to be the quote effect, so that the assessment results error. We in the actual work of human resources, but also did find this phenomenon, a company several departments

11、 staff performance appraisal scores, without exception, no less than its self-rated scores.Based on the above analysis, we will find that the department leaders get the self-evaluation scores mixed with too many subjective factors, so that can not be filtered through technical means, and this score

12、will have a great impact on the assessment; Confident employees have a high score, and sometimes due to the need for mandatory distribution, those who require their own strict, scoring low staff has become a victim, because their scoring low, the final score is difficult to be brought up leadership.

13、 In the assessment of the indicators can not quantify the more components, or different departments in different parts of the work of employees, the lack of uniform measure of the time, this situation is particularly serious.So, companies in the performance evaluation of the actual operation, how to

14、 solve these problems I mentioned above? Many people may be from the increase the proportion of quantifiable indicators, to strengthen the assessment and assessment of those who training, But in practice, it will only increase the workload and complexity of performance appraisal, implementation easi

15、er said than done? In fact, just look back to see the implementation of the two purposes of self-evaluation .Self-evaluation and implementation of self-evaluation, , We will find a simple solution: the relatively objective quantifiable indicators, the implementation of employee self-evaluation, whil

16、e maintaining a fast data source - in fact only data sources, but also embodied in the form Employee participation; and not to quantify the subjective evaluation of indicators, the assessment by the direct scoring, do not give employees self-evaluation (and thus in this link error) opportunity.We kn

17、ow that performance appraisal in human resources work is a huge project, the implementation of the highest cost, companies should seize the main contradiction, step by step, and in the initial stage, but not for the form of trapped. So is slightly Jun policy for some enterprises initially set up per

18、formance management system, simply cancel the self-evaluation session, thus avoiding the link error, but also to a certain extent reduce the workload and complexity of the assessment for the next Step smooth implementation of the well prepared.Of course, the front said that the main business in the

19、initial stage of performance management situation. When companies meet the following conditions: First, the implementation of the more smooth performance management, implementation costs can be effectively controlled; Second, the formation of a good performance within the company culture, we underst

20、and the performance management is more uniform, their own evaluation More objective; Third, the department leaders generally have a clear understanding of the lower levels and independent judgments; we can think that enterprises have entered the advanced stage. At this point to carry out a real staf

21、f self-assessment, it will further mobilize the enthusiasm of employees and the importance of performance, thus forming a virtuous circle of performance management.季度考核的英文自我评价篇二Key to Performance Performance: Self - Assessment and Objectives.Performance work is an important part of enterprise HR wor

22、k. The key to the following two points: First, give employees the opportunity to self-assessment; the second is to make the staff's goals and the company's goals are consistent.Give employees the opportunity to self-assessFirst, the employee's self-assessment as part of the company's

23、 performance appraisal process, is very important. To encourage employees to participate in the company's performance appraisal process and ensure an effective dialogue between managers and employees, you can use the same form in the company's regular performance review process, or create a

24、slightly modified version.Second, the purpose of employee self-assessment is to obtain employees on their performance of self-point of view. This is a powerful way to give employees the opportunity to speak throughout the performance appraisal process. Sometimes, managers worry about the value of se

25、lf-assessment, that employees will simply give their praise and higher ratings in order to try to raise their actual rating. Experience has shown that the opposite trend is real, and when we evaluate ourselves, we tend to be more severe than others.Third, the manager's personal view of the emplo

26、yee, self-assessment is a very valuable way for the company to get more information about employee performance. It can also help managers stay ready to deal with differences in opinion or opinion and gain insight into employee expectations.So that the objectives of the staff consistent with the comp

27、any's goalsThe importance of creating a SMART (concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal is to associate the employee's goals with higher-level organizational goals, and you create for employees' This is a very important context. This helps employees understand why the

28、ir work is important and how their work contributes to the success of the organization as a whole.Practice has proved that the goal of the staff with a higher level of departmental goals, the objectives of the branch and the goal of the entire enterprise linked to create a personal goal and organiza

29、tional goals consistent with the big environment for the development of staff performance is crucial Important, but also allow employees to feel that their work is very important.季度考核的英文自我评价篇三The so-called work performance, that is, the work of employees in the work of the results show that the cust

30、omer is satisfied with your service, leadership is recognized for your work and so on. How to write the work of self-identification, the following information for the performance of self-identification of the model, for reference purposes only.Work self-identification model: two months later, I admi

31、t that I communicate with customers less some, on the one hand because the market continued cold. I understand everyone's mood, although the decline in the process of never stop to give you a reminder, but little effect, a lot of people are holding holdings in 2018 to earn money to stick to the

32、mentality of the present, in exchange for the Is the market value of half the painful price cut down the middle. On the other hand, I have been in an orderly conduct of the marketing team management.First of all, from February 18, 2018 began the account opening activities account, this time the acti

33、vities of the company is still a unified nationwide, and the sales department has also developed a marketing team to develop customer incentive programs, Banks Bank staff introduce the customer's incentive program. My first job is to have all the data in the game. In this event, as of May 1, all

34、 marketing representatives of a total of eight account 199, of which 100 households, the amount of gold 472,7829 yuan, after the completion of each of the marketing representatives of the development of the customer's situation , Check with the manager, I will introduce the bank staff to select

35、customers out, according to the cash reward. Among them, the award of work has been issued and the manager is completed.Because of the departure of the account manager, I went to the Agricultural Bank for stagnation. There, I also deeply appreciate the inner feelings of a marketing representative. I

36、n fact, marketing is a way of communication, communication, communication needs of their own time to grasp. As far as possible the degree of customer resentment to their own minimum, so as to seize the opportunity to let him willing to accept our products. However, we may be in the communication per

37、formance is not in place, there are reasons for self-esteem, the limitations of the above character, not allowed to grasp the rhythm, so many people do not have to communicate effectively, may communicate with only A silent flyer. With this experience, and then have their own thinking, and thus also

38、 in the Bank of the stagnation point work effectively used.Services into a new marketing representative, training began. In addition to her basic training every afternoon outside of it, I think I am more to her in this line to pass the required professional ethics and attitude towards work. In each

39、answering phone calls, in every reception of customers work, let her really sense of understanding their work is a kind of service nature of the work. Later, I also alone with her stationed in the Bank. And she shared some of my work experience: what kind of customer has the potential, what kind of

40、customer is not worth to explore, what age we need to wait, in these times, in addition to teaching, I also passed the practice Mastered a lot of deeper and more practical approach.Should be called the whole business department, we will try to arrange for customers to move to home for online transac

41、tions. At the beginning, just after the closed-market approach to teaching, many people are forgotten overnight, the work is very slow. Later, after communication with the sales department staff, according to the existing conditions, we will now offer a separate large room, named online trading real

42、 room, selected in the daily opening time for the real environment training, Fully mobilized the enthusiasm of customers. At present, all the training work is still continuing, my hand data also caught some want to go home customer information.Therefore, in June I will focus on the work and the communication of these customers, so that they are satisfied and assured of doing home online transactions.


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