英语笑话100字左右 英语笑话80字.docx

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《英语笑话100字左右 英语笑话80字.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语笑话100字左右 英语笑话80字.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语笑话100字左右 英语笑话80字 笑话,是供人们消遣或交际的一种制造性的语言形式,其主要功能是调侃、消遣或讽刺。我细心收集了80字英语笑话,供大家观赏学习! 80字英语笑话篇2 There once was a young man who went to his girlfriends house and said to her father, Sir,may l ask your permission to marry your daughter?And the father said, No way. Theres no way my daughte

2、r is going to marry an actor. Thats finall But the boy begged him, u Please, before you make a final decision, would you at least go to see me perform tonight and then decide ?So the father said,OK,fairenough. So that evening the father took his daughter to the theater to see the young man perform,

3、and after the performance, he took his daughter backstage into the young mans dressing room and said, OK, you can marry my daughter, no problem. The young man was beside himself and so happy that he said, Yes, sir, but why?And the father said, Because youre no actor. 有一个年轻人到他女伴侣家,对女友的父亲说:伯父,请您把女儿嫁给我

4、好吗?女孩的父亲回答:不!我女儿绝不能嫁给一个演员,不用再说了!但是男孩恳求他说:拜托您至少先看了我今晚的表演,再做最终打算好吗?那位父亲说:好吧!这要求不过分。当天晚上,这位父亲就带着女儿去剧院看年轻人的演出。表演结束后,他带女儿到后台的演员化妆室,告知年轻人说:没问题,你可以娶我的女儿。年轻人欣喜若狂地说:太好了!是什么缘由让您同意呢,?这位父亲回答:由于你不是当演员的料! 80字英语笑话篇3 五百遍 In the traffic court of a large mid-western city,a young lady was brought before the judge to a

5、nswer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes.A wild gloam came into the judges eye. You are a school teacher,eh ?said he. Madam,I sha

6、ll realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write 1 went through a red light five hundred times. 在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里,一位年轻女士被带到法官面前,她由于开车闯红灯被开了罚单。女士向法官解释,她是一名学校考师,恳求法官立刻处理她的案子,以便可以赶回去上课。法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠,说道:你是学校的老师,对吗?女士,我立刻要实现我毕生的愿望了。到那张桌子旁坐下,写我开车闯了红灯500遍。 80字英语笑话篇4 Leading questions 诱导性的提问 Tea

7、cher:Billy, What does C-A-T Spell? 老师:比利,C-A-T拼出来是什么词? Billy:Dont know,sir. 比利:不知道,先生。 Teacher:What does your mother keep to catch mice? 老师:你妈妈用什么逮老鼠? Billy:Atrap,sir. 比利:捕鼠夹,先生。 Teacher: No. What animal is fond of milk? 老师:不对,不对。什么动物特别喜爱喝牛奶? Billy:The baby,sir. 比利:婴儿,先生。 Teacher: You stupid! What w

8、as it that scratched your sisters face? 老师:你真笨!是什么东西抓破了你妹妹的脸? Billy:My nails,sir, 比利:我的指甲,先生。 Teacher: Youre putting me out of patiencel Do you see that animal in the yard? then tell me,what does C-A-T spell? 老师:你真叫我生气!你看院予里是什么动物7告知我,C-A-T 拼出来是什么字? Bilty:Kitton,sir. 比利:Kitten(小猫),先生。 看了80字英语笑话的人还看了: 1.80字英语励志短文 2.英文文字笑话大全爆笑 3.经典英语笑话故事 4.关于简洁的英文笑话 5.50到80字的英语小短文第 3 页 共 3 页


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