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1、成都七中育才学校 2019 届八年级(下)半期测试英语(满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)Made and checked by Li Li& Zhang Jie注意事项:1. 本试卷分为 A 卷和 B 卷,A 卷满分 100 分,B 卷满分 50 分。2. A 卷 1-25 小题,31-75 小题为选择题,请用 2B 铅笔填涂;A 卷 26-30 小题和 B 卷所有题目需要在答题卡上用 0.5 毫米签字笔作答,超出答案区域的答案无效。A 卷(共 100 分)第一部分听力 (共 30 小题;计 30 分)一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1

2、 分;计 5 分)()1. A. I should lie down.B. I went to the mountain.C. I have a sore throat. ()2. A. Its tidy.B. Sure.C. I want to hang out.()3. A. Why not sleep earlier? B. I sleep well.C. You are tired.()4. A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, she was.C. Yes, she does. ()5. A. Fold clothes.B. Go to the movies.C. Stay

3、out late.二、听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符合的图片,并将代表图片的字母填涂在答题卡的相应位置。每小题念两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)A.B.C.D.E. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确的答案。每小题念两遍。(共 10 小题,每小题 1分;计 10 分)()11.A. Lie down.B. Drink hot water.C. Take some medicine. ()12. A. Climbing mountains.B. Taking risks.C. Reading books.()13. A. Put up signs

4、.B. Call up more students.C. Hand out notices. ()14. A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt.C. Yes, he should.()15. A. He broke Veras pen.B. He looked through Veras things.C. He took away Veras pencil-box.()16. A. In the classroom.B. In a P. E. class.C. In a hospital. ()17. A. Classmates.B. Doctor and nur

5、se.C. Strangers.()18. A. At 8:00 p.m.B. At 7:40 p.m.C. At 8:20 p.m.()19. A. Lucys parents.B. Lucys sister.C. Lucy()20. A. He was riding a bike.B. He was waiting for the bus. C. He was having a meeting.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分)()21. Mrs. Smith alwayshis husband in the morning.A.

6、 got upB. woke upC. looked up()22. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith didnt speak to each other because they.A. arguedB. were late for workC. were ill()23. Mr. Smith passed his wife a piece of paper because.A. he wanted to say sorry to his wifeB. he wanted to explain why he was angry.C.he wanted his wife to w

7、ake him up the next morning.()24. The next morning, when Mr. Smith got up, it was already. A.7:00a. m.B. 9:30 a. m.C. 8:00 a. m.()25. Mr. Smith might befor work the next morning.A. lateB. readyC. early五、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后。短文 念三遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分。)Title: The 26to the Tomato Fest

8、ival in SpainIts on the last Wednesday of August every year.The first Tomato Festival 27in 1994 in a small town of Spain. Tomato fight is the most exciting part.Around 30,000 people come to the town square for tomato fight. The fight starts at about 12 at noon and 28at about 14:00 p.m. The streets 2

9、9tomatoes after tomato fights.People have to squash(压烂) the tomato before throwing it.People are allowed to throw nothing but tomatoes.TimeHistory Details(细节) 30 第二部分 基础知识运用(共 30 小题;计 40 分)六、选择填空(共 15 小题;计 20 分)A.从各题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)()31. Itsunfair rule that my parents don

10、t allow me to shop with friends on weekends.A. aB. theC. an ()32. I dont like to hang outrainy days. I dont want to get wet.A. atB. inC. on()33._you are a student, you should listen to teachers and finish homework carefully.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. Until()34. My teacherssome of todays homework because

11、we have to prepare for tomorrows Volleyball Competition.A. work outB. take outC. cut out()35. When children grow up, they have to live alone and learn to take care of.A. themselvesB. theirC. they()36. Jim is so shy that he often feelsto answer questions in class.A. strongB. silentC. nervous ()37. Ju

12、nko Tabei is famous as a woman mountainin Japan.A. terroristB. memberC. climber ()38. It rainedlast night. I could hardly fall asleep.A. recentlyB. heavilyC. quickly()39. Ithe importance of having good habits after I had a talk with the best student in my class yesterday.A. realizedB. returnedC. rep

13、aired()40. While the serious snow, I was playing the piano in the living room.A. died downB. was dying downC. dies downB.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。并将选项中的编号字母依 次填在答题卡的相应位置。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分;计 10 分)A: Whats the matter, Linda? You look worried.B: I want to buy CDs of Taylors. 41 I only have five yuan.

14、A: 42 They will lend money to you.A. Where can I sell the school things?B. Why not ask your parents for help?C. But I dont have enough money.D. They dont think a student needs such a thing.E. But teachers wont allow us to do so.B: My parents wont help me.43A: I have a good idea. You could sell some

15、school things to save money.B: Great!44A: At the school gate. We can sell them to other students after school.B:Sounds good. 45 A: Dont worry. Lets think about other ways. 七、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入 空白处的正确答案(共 15 小题,A 篇每小题 2 分,B 篇每小题 1 分;共计 20 分)AOnce, a king loved music so much that

16、 he looked for the best instrument in the world. One day, a magic man 46 the king a harp(竖琴).The king took it back to his palace, but when he played it, the harp sounded 47 . Many other people tried it. The result was the same. The king was so angry that he threw the harp out as 48 .A poor little gi

17、rl later found the harp. Although she didnt know how to play it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, for the whole day, the months and years. The music she played was never beautiful, but each time it sounded a little 49 .Then one day, the king was reading a book in his room while the

18、girl was playing the harp. He called the girl to his palace. When he saw the girl playing the most beautiful sound with his old harp. The king 50 understood the harp could only be played well by someone who would continue learning and practicing.()46.A.controlledB. offeredC. got()47.A.beautifulB. te

19、rribleC. clear()48.A.rubbishB. woodC. snack()49.A.betterB. worseC. more()50.A.properlyB. luckilyC. suddenlyBYou and your family are planning a picnic for tomorrow. But you want to 51 theweather forecast(预报) first to see if there willbe rain or not. Your father turns on the television and the family

20、listens to the 52who makes the weather report.“It will be partly cloudy tomorrow morning, 53clearing by early afternoon. The high temperature tomorrow will be 25.”Since there will be no rain, the whole family feels 54 . Without the weather forecast, you would not know this, and you would just haveto

21、 try your luck. But now you can plan your picnic 55worrying if it will rain or not.The man you can thank for this is Cleverland Abbe. His nickname is “Old Probabilities”. He gave 56 weather forecast in the United States. People could know what the weather was like every day.Abbe began his weather re

22、port in 1869. They were based on weather 57 he drew. 58 their accuracy(精确性), the reports were popular.The government became interested in Abbes weather reports. They made Abbe a meterorologist (someone who studies weather), and he 59 reporting weather forecasts three times a day. He was the 60 forec

23、aster of the U.S. government. He is also known as the father of the weather forecast.( )51.A.raiseB. knowC. organize( )52.A.firemanB. postmanC. weatherman( )53.A.soB. butC. although( )54.A.excitedB. shockedC. stressed( )55.A.withoutB. fromC. against( )56.A.fairB. pollutedC. daily( )57.A.mapsB. situa

24、tionsC. space( )58.A.Instead ofB. Because ofC. Make sure( )59.A.beganB. hatedC. pushed( )60.A.firstB. lastC. next第三部分阅读理解 (共 15 小题;计 30 分) 八、阅读下面对话,根据对话内容判断句子的正误。正确的写“A”,错误的写“B”。(共 5 小 题,每小题 2 分;计 10 分)At the age of 16, Julia left school and worked at a restaurant. For many years, she was onlyintere

25、sted in making money. Then one day she had a serious car accident which changed her life. “The terrible car accident took me 10 months to recover(康复). During that time, I realized Iwanted to find a more meaningful reason for being here in this world,” said Julia.As soon as she recovered, Julia gave

26、up working at the restaurant and traveled to California. One day she found a big company wanted to cut down part of a forest. In the forest there were lots of redwood trees. One of the trees was more than 1,000 years old.Then Julia learned a group called Our Earth was trying to save the redwood fore

27、st from the company. They decided to find someone to live in a redwood tree and hoped this would stop the company from cutting the trees down. Julia volunteered.Julia lived in the tree for over two years without ever going down. It was cold and wet in a redwood tree. There were even very cold winter

28、s while Julia was in the tree.Finally the company decided to protect(保护) the tree Julia lived in. They agreed never to cutdown the big redwood tree or the tree around it. When Julia put her feet on the earth, she began to cry. But she thought it was so meaningful that she continued to do other thing

29、s to protect the environment.()61. Making money was the only thing Julia took an interest in when she worked at a restaurant.( )62. After Julia recovered, she went to protect the environment at once.()63. Julia lived in the redwood tree to stop the company from cutting the trees down. ()64. The life

30、 in the tree for Julia was comfortable and enjoyable.( )65. Julia understood there were more meaningful things to do from her experiences.九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(。共 10 小题,每小题 2 分;计 20 分)ANobel Book Store!To celebrate our 30th birthday, we are having a big sale!ChildrensbooksTextbook25% offPicture bo

31、ok30% offStory book20% off20% discount(折扣) on all adults books!Amazing events in our birthday month:Time & Place25 April, 4 pm Fanta Center, 3F26 April, 1 pm Retro Mall, 2F28 April, 7 pm Winkle Mall, 1F29 April, 8 pm FantaCenter, 3FEventSpeakerClaire Tay,Writer of the book Michael Hawes, English pro

32、fessor David Koh,Director of the book storeKate White, winner of many international awardsIntroduction:The School DiariesDiscussion:How to improve through readingSpeech:The most popular books of the yearQuestion & Answer:Face to face with a famous writerSpend over $50 and get a chance to win a $10 g

33、ift card.Spend over $100 and get a chance to win prizes, from Nobel membership, e-dictionaries to concert tickets!()66. April is the birthday month of.A. Nobel Book StoreB. Fanta CenterC. Winkle Mall ()67. You can get the biggest discount on.A. Childrens textbooksB. Childrens picture booksC. Adults

34、story books ()68.will help you know more about the most popular books this year.A. Claire TayB. Michael HawesC. David Koh ()69. If you spend $65, you will get a chance to win.A. an e-dictionaryB. a $10 gift cardC. a concert ticket ()70. The main purpose of the advertisement is to.A. celebrate Childr

35、ens DayB. let more book buyers comeC. introduce reading classesBPeople often think of the North Pole(北极) and the South Pole as similar frozen(冰冻的) wastelands. They are both places with very low temperature and few people live there. However, the North and South Pole are not much alike as people may

36、imagine.The North Pole has no land, only thick(厚的) ice. Temperatures hardly ever go above 0C, atwhich water turns into ice. Most of the time, it stays below zero. In winter temperature are usually as low as -34.4C.Although conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the North

37、 Pole. About 100 years ago, two men, Robert Peary and Mathew Henson, were able to get to this environment full of trouble and difficulties. They reached the North Pole on March 8th, 1909. It was really a hard trip for them.There are few things more dangerous than crossing the Arctic(北极圈) on foot. Pe

38、ople whostayed there may face many problems: very low temperature, sudden storms, and even hunger. Most of the area is uninhaibite d because few people can live in such a difficult place.People might think that with such low temperature for most of the year, the ice would be thick and hard. However,

39、 this is not true in the Arctic. The movement of the sea water under the ice mayoften cause many different changes on the surface(表面). Sometimes the ice breaks into twoopening lanes of water called “leads”. Anyone who falls into a lead can be frozen to death in a few minutes.()71. This passage is pr

40、obably from.A. a story bookB. a science bookC. a computer magazine ()72. According to the passage, what happened about 100 years ago?A. Two men succeeded in getting to the North Pole.B. The environment in the North Pole suddenly went worse.C. Temperature in the North Pole was usually higher than 0C.

41、()73. What does the underlined word “uninhabited” probably mean in Chinese?A. 气候恶劣的B. 困难重重的C. 无人居住的()74. The reason for the ice to break into two opening lanes of water is that.A. the temperature suddenly dropB. the surface is filled with iceC. the sea water under the ice moves()75. What does this p

42、assage mainly talk about?A. A difficult trip to the North Pole.B. An introduction to the North Pole.C. The differences between the North Pole and the South Pole.B 卷(共 50 分)一、根据句意和首字母补全句子,并在答题卡上写出完整的单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分)1I think people can live longer and be healthier with the dof science.2. I re

43、ally want to buy a new phone because my phone is cbroken.3. As teenagers, we should learn to care for the dwho are deaf or blind.4. Jimmy didnt like doing chores, but he sthe floor and took out the rubbish yesterday.5. I couldnt believe Peter cothers homework yesterday morning.二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使

44、对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)A: What were you doing at 8:00 last night, Peter? I called you but you didnt pick up.B: I was busy preparing for the mid-term exam. You cant imagine how 1I am. Most of my classmates are hard-working and clever. I dont want to fall behind.A: It sounds terribl

45、e. You should plan your time well in order to get a good rest and good grades. Do you parents 2you hard?B: Yes, whenever they see my grades, they never show a feeling of 3 .They think I can be better if I study harder and do more exercises. I once made a 4 to try my best to become the best student i

46、n my class. But I gave up finally because I felt too tired.A: Are your parents more disappointed (失望的)after that?B: Yes, especially after 5me with other hard-working students.A: I think you should spend more time communicating with your parents. Then they can understand you better. Anyway, you are only a kid. You should enjoy your childhood.B: Yes, luckily, our school not only takes students grades seriously, but also 6 lots of chances for us to develop our


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