四年级上英语课件-unit 10 can I help you!_教科版.ppt

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1、Unit 10 Can I help you?,a pair of一双,a shoe a pair of shoes two pairs of shoesa sock a pair of socks two pairs of socks一只鞋子/袜子 一双鞋子/袜子,a pair of shorts two pairs of shorts a pair of jeans two pairs of jeans a pair of trousers two pairs of trousers 一条短裤/牛仔裤/裤子,句中有pair的话,要根据pair的单复数来决定谓语动词的单复数a pair of

2、 shoes是单数, 所以用单数is类似的还有 glass,询问价格,询问价格,How much is a pair of shoes?Its 40yuanHow much are the shoes?They are 40yuan,They are two hundred yuan.,回答,How much is the skirt?Its 100 yuan,问一条裙子价格,Lets watch my shopping video!,Can I help you?,What can I do for you?,店员,一进店,店员会说,Can I help you?,Id like to bu

3、y a pair of shoes,We have these black shoes and brown ones,How much are the black shoes,They are 899 yuan,They are too expensive.I will not take it,How about the brown ones?they are 89yuan,They are too cheap,I will take it,Do you want anything thing else?,No,thanks,店员询问 买衣物 店员介绍 询问价格 买/不买,anything意为

4、某事;任何事。一般用于否定句或疑问句中。如:-Thereis notanythingonthetable.桌子上没有任何东西。-Wecantdoanything. 我们什么都做不了。-Didyoufindanything?你发现了什么东西吗?-Canyouhearanything? 你能听到某种声吗?,everything意为每件事;一切事。可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中。如:Ihopeeverythinggoeswell.我希望一切顺利。Whocanknoweverything?谁能知道万事万物呢?,Tom sees nothing =Tom doesnt see anything,Do y

5、ou want anything else ?,a big sock,Else用法意为“别的;其它的”,它可以用作形容词,也可以用作副词。它的用法如下:,1else用作形容词 else用作形容词时常常用来作后置定语,即:放在疑问代词who,what,which等后面,或者放在something,anything,nothing,anyone,everyone等不定代词之后。如: Who else can you see?你还能看见别的什么人? (who else其他人)What else do you want?你还想要别的什么? Nothing else别的什么也不要了。 Is there

6、anything else in your bag?你的包里还有别的什么东西吗? Does anyone else know about it?还有别的什么人知道这件事吗?,else 可以有所有格形式(elses)。如:He is wearing someone elses coat. 他穿着别人的外套。 It couldnt be anybody elses. 那不能是别人的。 I take somebody elses hat. 我拿了别人的帽子。,Learning tips:1.Write the price of clothes.(写价格)2. Practise in pairs 。注

7、意礼貌用语。3. 思考购物过程中出现不合穿或不购买应该怎样用英语说。4.Show time.,Its too small for me.(太小了.)Its too big for me.(太大了.)Its too expensive.(太贵了.)Its out of stock.(没货了.)I dont like the color.(我不喜欢颜色.)I dont like this style.(我不喜欢这个款式.)Sorry ! I wont take them. (对不起,我不买了.),Matters:,A: Good morning. Welcome to our shop! Can

8、I help you?B: Yes, please . I want to buy a pair of trousers.A: Do you like these trousers?B: No, I dont like this style I wont take them.A: It doesnt matter.,A: Good morning. Welcome to our shop! Can I help you?B: Yes, please . I want to buy a pair of jeans. How much are the blue jeans?A: Theyre 12

9、0 yuan.B: Ok, but its too big for me. A: What about these ? Do you like them ? B: Ok,Ill take them.A: Thank you! Byebye!,Sum-up:,a pair of,shoessocksshortsjeanstrousers,复数名词问价格:How much are the.?Theyre. yuan.,主要的购物用语:,Can I help you? Yes, please. I want to buy./I want .How much are the.? Theyre yuan.Ill take them.,


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