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1、名词解释( 10 选 5,一个 4 分)词=The minimal free form of a language, which has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.词根=The basic unchangeable part of a word, and covers themain lexical meaning of the word.词缀 =Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function.

2、一词多义 =Polysemy means that one single word has two or moresenses at the same time.同形异义 =Homonyms are different wordswiththe same form (spelling or pronunciation)完全同形异义 =Perfect homonyms are different words identical both in sound and spelling, though different in meaning.同音异形异义 =Homophones are differ

3、ent words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning.同 形 异 音 异 义 =Homographs are differentwordsidenticalin spelling, but different in sound or meaning.同义关系 =Synonymy is a relationship of “samenessof meaning”that may hold between two words.反义关系 =Antonymy is a relationship of“meaning opp

4、osition” that may hold between two words.上下义关系 =Hyponymy is the sense relationship that relates wordshierarchically. The underlying observation is that some words have amore general meaning, while others have a more specific meaning,while referring to the same entity.问答题( 6 选 3,一题 10 分)1. (1)What do

5、es onomatopoetic motivation mean?(2)What does semantic motivation mean?(3)Dose it contradict the statement that there is no naturalconnection between sound and meaning?Answer:(1) Onomatopoeic motivation means defining the principle of motivation by sound.(2) Semantic motivation means that motivation

6、 is based on semantic factors.(3) Facts have proved this argument to be valid. Words that convey the same meaning have different phonological forms in different languages (for example, English meat / mi:t /,Chineser u. Alternatively, the same phonological forms may conveydifferent meanings - for exa

7、mple, sight, site, cite.)2. How many kinds of meaning are there in English?Answer:There are 8 kinds ofmeaning in English, including grammaticalmeaning, lexicalmeaning, denotativemeaning, associativemeaning, connotativemeaning,social(stylistic) meaning, affective meaning, collocative meaning.3. (1)Wh

8、at is context?(2)What role dose context play in linguistic communication?(以下答案摘自网络,回答稍冗长,请适当精简)Answer:(1) Context in its traditional sense refers to the lexical itemsthat precede or follow a given word. Andthere is linguistic context, refers to the words, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or whole boo

9、ks in which a wordappears. And extra-linguisticcontext, which refers to a particular time, space, or culture in which a wordappears. There also is lexical context: the lexemes that co-occur with the word in question. Themeaning of the word is affected or determined by the neighboring lexemes.(2) Con

10、textcan functionas followed:eliminatingambiguity;conveying emotional overtones; indicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word.4.5. (1)What are the major types of synonymy?(2)(3)Explain those types with examples.Answer:(1) In general, English synonyms can be divided intotwo types: compl

11、ete synonyms and relative synonyms.(2) Absolutesynonymsarewordswhosemeaningisfullyidentical in any context so that one can always be substituted for the other withoutthe slightest change in meaning. For example:(例子自己找)(3) Relative synonyms refers to which denote different shades of meaning or differ

12、ent degrees of a given quality. This kinds of synonyms are the same in some degree such as(例子自己找)6. (1)What are the major types of antonymy? (2)(3)(4)(5)Explain those types with examples.Answer:(1) There are four types of antonymy, including complementaries, gradableantonyms,relationaloppositesandse

13、mantic incompatibles(2) Complementaries refer to pairs of words that represent aneither/or relation.(例子找书去)(3) Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scalerunning between two poles or extremes. The two opposites aregradable. (例子找书去)(4) The substitution of one member for the other does n

14、ot change the meaning of a sentence if it is accompanied by the change of subject and object. (例子找书去)(5) The wordsin a group ofsemantic incompatiblesare incontrasttotheothermembersofthegroup,showinga contrastingness relationship between word and word (例子找书去)7. What are the possible causes of languag

15、e change?( 由于网上答案太泛,思路混乱,因此直接将课本原话翻译过来作为答案。 )Answer:The possible causes of language change are as followed: (1) Various social causes (including the change of social evolution, social environment, social level, national sentiment, racial sentiment, gender differences, social values and gobbledygook).(2) The evolution of the language (including loanword, analogy and the simplifying of words)


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