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1、2009年广西崇左中考数学试题及答案(word版)2009年崇左市初中毕业升学考试 数 学 (全卷满分:120分;考试时间:120分钟) 一、填空题:本大题共10小题;每小题2分,共20分(请将答案填写在题中的横线上( ,51(的绝对值是 ( ,,A75?2(已知,则的余角的度数是 ( ,A3(在函数中,自变量的取值范围是 ( xyx,,324(分解因式: ( 242xx,,,5(写出一个图像位于第一、二、三象限内的一次函数表达式: ( 26(一元二次方程的一个根为,1,则另一个根为 ( xmx,,30245?7(已知圆锥的侧面积为,侧面展开图的圆心角为,则该圆锥8cmC O 的母线长为 cm

2、( O?OABC、?OAOBC?8(如图,点是的圆心,点在上,,AOB38?,OAC,则的度数是 ( A B 2C D 1,xxx?09(当时,化简的结果是 ( (第8题) E ABCDBCECEE10(如图,正方形中,是边上一点,以为圆心、为sin,EABAAB半径的半圆与以为圆心,为半径的圆弧外切,则的值为 ( A B 二、选择题:本大题共8小题;每小题3分,共24分(在每小题给出(第10题) 的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,请将正确答案前的字母填入题后的括号内,每小题选对得3分,选错、不选或多选均得0分( c1 ab、11(如图,直线截二平行直线,则下列式子中一定成立的是cP a2 (

3、) P 5 3 ,,,13,,,12A( B( b4 P ,,,15,,,14C( D( 12(下列运算正确的是( ) (第11题) 22422236xxx?,231xx,A( B( 222222423xxx,235xxx,,C( D( 313(一个等腰三角形的两边长分别为2和5,则它的周长为( ) A(7 B(9 C(12 D(9或12 ,x?2,14(不等式组的整数解共有( ) ,x,21,A(3个 B(4个 C(5个 D(6个 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb

4、. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August

5、 Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu K

6、ang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhej

7、iang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu

8、, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengt

9、hen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 15(如图,下列选项中不是正六棱柱

10、三视图的是( ) (A( B( C( D( 16(某校九年级学生参加体育测试,一组10人的引体向上成绩如下表: 完成引体向上的个数 7 8 9 10 人 数 1 1 3 5 这组同学引体向上个数的众数与中位数依次是( ) A(9和10 B(9.5和10 C(10和9 D(10和9.5 E ABCD,,150?17(如图,把矩形沿对折后使两部分重合,若,EFD A 则,AEF=( ) A(110? B(115? C(120? D(130? 1 C B F OOAOA18(已知点A的坐标为,为坐标原点,连结,将线段()ab,(第17题) O绕点按逆时针方向旋转90?得,则点的坐标为( ) OAA1

11、1A( B( C( D( (),ab,()ab,,(),ba,()ba,,三、解答题:本大题共7小题,共76分( 19(本小题满分6分) 01,2009计算:( 2sin603tan30(1)?,,,3,20(本小题满分8分) 22(1)xx,2x,20,已知,求代数式的值( 2xx,,11Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Jap

12、anese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese d

13、efenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mou

14、ntain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to

15、Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party

16、group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training c

17、ourses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 21(本小题满分10分) ?ABCDE、BCAB、ADCE、G如图,中,分别是边的中点,相交于(求证:GEGD1A ( ,CEAD3E G B C D (第21题) 22(本小题满

18、分10分) 一只口袋中放着若干只红球和白球,这两种球除了颜色以外没有任何其他区别,袋中的球已1经搅匀,蒙上眼睛从口袋中取出一只球,取出红球的概率是( 4(1)取出白球的概率是多少, (2)如果袋中的白球有18只,那么袋中的红球有多少只, 23(本小题满分12分) 五一期间某校组织七、八年级的同学到某景点郊游,该景点的门票全票票价为15元/人,若为50,99人可以八折购票,100人以上则可六折购票(已知参加郊游的七年级同学少于50人,八年级同学多于50人而少于100人(若七、八年级分别购票,两个年级共计应付门票费1575元,若合在一起购买折扣票,总计应付门票费1080元(问: (1)参加郊游的七

19、、八年级同学的总人数是否超过100人, (2)参加郊游的七、八年级同学各为多少人, Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla

20、 people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a larg

21、e quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as

22、captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu

23、 Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Part

24、y groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and id

25、eological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 24(本小题满分14分) ABCDADBC?ABDCADBC,,24BC如图,在等腰梯形中,已知,延长到CEAD,,使( E?BADDCE(1)证明:; ACBD,ABCD(2)如果,求等腰梯形的高的值( DFD A B E C F (第24题) 25(本小题满分16分) ABC在平面直角坐标系中,现将一块等腰直角三角板放在第二象限,斜靠在两坐标轴上,2B且点,点,如图所示:抛物线经过

26、点( A(02),C(10),,yaxax,,,2B的坐标; (1)求点(2)求抛物线的解析式; ?ACPACPB(3)在抛物线上是否还存在点(点除外),使仍然是以为直角边的等腰直P角三角形,若存在,求所有点的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由( y (0,2) A B (,1,0) C x (第25题) 2009年崇左市初中毕业升学考试 数 学 答 案 2x?,3一、1(5 2(15? 3(yx,,1 4( 5(等 2(1)x,3,36( 7(8 8(19? 9(1 10( 5Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy movement the

27、 Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as

28、team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achie

29、ved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, an

30、d he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi

31、 forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the Dep

32、artment and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldier

33、s 二、11(B 12(A 13(C 14(C 15A 16(D 17(B 18(C 33三、19(原式=? 4分 2311,,,,23=0( ? 6分 22(1)xx,20(原式=? 2分 ,(1)(1)1xxx,,2xx,1= ? 4分 ,xx,112xx,,1= ? 5分 x,12, ?x,202?,x2? 6分 21,,x,原式? 7分 ?x,1原式=1 ? 8分 ?ED21(证明:连结, ?1分 A ?DE、BCAB、分别是边的中点, DE1?,DEAC?, ?3分 E AC2G ??ACGDEG, ?5分 GEGDDE1B C ?,, ?7分 D GCAGAC2GEGD1?,( ?

34、10分 CEAD3P1P,22(1) ? 3分 ()()取出白球取出红球131,= ? 4分 44(2)设袋中的红球有x只,则有 ? 5分 x1183, (或)? 8分 x,184x,184x,6解得 所以,袋中的红球有6只(?10分 23(1)全票为15元,则八折票价为12分,六折票价为9元(? 2分 ?1001515001575,, ? 4分 参加郊游的七、八年级同学的总人数必定超过100人( ? 5分 ?yx(2)设七、八年级参加郊游的同学分别有人、人 ? 6分 xyxy,,,5050100100,由(1)及已知,( ? 7分 Wang Department responsible fo

35、r the pro-democracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in

36、 the Organization and served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory.

37、 That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of

38、the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleani

39、ng party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party.

40、 Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers 依题意可得: 15121575xy,,?10分 ,9()1080xy,,解得 x,45, ? 11分 ,y,75,答:参加郊游的七、八年级同学分别为45人和75人(?12分 ?ADBCCDADCE?,?,,,24(1)证明:( ? 1分 ABCD?,,,BADCDA又四边形是等腰梯形, ? 2分 ?,,,BADDCE( ? 3分 ?ABDCADCE,, ??BADDCE( ? 5分 ?ADCEADBC,?,?,ACED(2)四边形是平行四边形, ? 7分 ?ACDE?( ?


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