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1、Unit4 Earthquake,高一英语:刘雅丽,汶川大地震: 2008年5月12日14时28分04.1秒 69227人遇难,374643人受伤,失踪17923人,Do you know any other earthquakes in china?,唐山 1976年7月28日汶川 2008年5月12日玉树 2010年4月14日雅安 2013年4月20日,1976年7月28日,河北省唐山市发生7.8级地震,震中位于唐山市区。地震发生在深夜,市区80%的人来不及反应,被埋在瓦砾之下。极震区包括京山铁路南北两侧的47平方公里。区内所有的建筑物均几乎都荡然无存。一条长8公里、宽30米的地裂缝带,横

2、切围墙、房屋和道路、水渠。震区及其周围地区,出现大量的裂缝带、喷水冒沙、井喷、重力崩塌、滚石、边坡崩塌、地滑、地基沉陷、岩溶洞陷落以及采空区坍塌等。 中国地震出版社出版的地球的震撼一书,公布了以下数字:死亡242769人,重伤164851人,轻伤544000人。上世纪世界最惨痛的地震灾难发生了,What does the passage mainly talk about?,Time :Place :Disaster :,Main idea :,July 28, 1976,Tangshan, Hebei,A big earthquake,An earthquake happened in Ta

3、ngshanon July 28, 1976,Skim the text and match the main ideas with each paragraph.,A. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. B. Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei.C. All hope was not lost. D. Everything began to shake and it seemed that the world was

4、 at an end.,para1 ( ) para2 ( ) para3( ) para4( ),B,D,A,C,Task 1: Read the first paragraph and find out how many strange things happened before the earthquake and what they were?,nine. the water in the wells rose and fell the well walls had deep cracks a smelly gas came out of the cracks the chicken

5、s and pigs were too nervous to eat mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds bright lights in the sky sound of planes heard even no planes the water pipes cracked and burst,Task 2: read the passage again and make a time lineTime : Events : for thr

6、ee days at about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976 afternoon of July 28, 1976soon after the quake,for three days,water in the village wells rose and fell well walls developed deep cracks a smelly gas came out of the cracks chickens and pigs were too nervous to eat mice ran out of t

7、he fields fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds,at about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976,Bright lights appeared in the skyThe sound of planes could be heard although there were no planesSome water pipes burst,at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976,Everything began to shake.Huge cracks cut across houses, roads and

8、canals.Steam burst from holes in the ground.Hills of rock turned into rivers of dirt.75% buildings and 90% of homes were gone.More than 400,000 people were killed or injured.,afternoon of July 28, 1976,A second quake almost as strong as the first one came.More damage to buildings and rescuers.,soon after the quake,The army arrived.Shelters were built for survivors.Fresh water were brought in.,What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake?,Homework:,kick out the useful phrases by yourself.,


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