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1、电子商务专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in E-Business一、业务培养目标 Educational Objectives本专业是集理、工、经、管、法等多学科交叉融合形成的新型专业;培养掌握扎实的数学、信息技术、经济学、管理学和法学的理论与方法,具有技术、商务、管理、经济和法律的多维分析能力,具备制订电子商务解决方案和进行技术实施的能力,能进入企业、政府以及相关行业从事电子商务应用开发和运作管理工作的复合型高级专门人才,能进入电子商务、计算机、经济、金融、国际贸易和管理等学科领域的硕士研究生阶段深造。The Major of Ele

2、ctronic Business, which is a brand-new major concerning the subjects of science, technology, economics, management and laws, aims at fostering advanced compounded talents who master the theories and methods of mathematics, information technology, economics, management and laws, have the ability of d

3、esigning electronic business solutions and their execution in technical way, can enter the enterprises, governmental units and related trades and take up the job of applying, developing and running of electronic business system. At the same time, its graduates can further their master degree program

4、 in the fields of electronic business, computer science, economics, finance, international trade and management.二、业务培养要求 Educational Requirement1. 掌握与电子商务相关的信息技术、经济、金融、贸易、管理和法律的基本理论和基本知识;2. 具有较强的网络组建与程序设计能力;3. 了解主要国家和地区的经济发展状况及电子商务研究与应用的发展动态;4. 具有综合运用所学知识进行电子商务系统分析设计和运作管理的能力;5. 具有基本的管理沟通、协同合作和组织实施的工

5、作能力;6. 能熟练掌握一门外语,具有听、说、读、写、译的基本能力,能顺利阅读本专业外文文献。1. Predominates the theory of information technology, economics, finance, trade, management, laws which is related to electronic business.2. Be able to build the network and develop the information system program.3. Understand the economic developing st

6、atus of the major nations and districts and the dynamic tendency of electronic business research and application.4. Be capable of analyzing, designing the electronic business system and monitoring its running.5. Be good at the managerial communication, synergy & cooperation, organizing & execution.6

7、. Good command at English, in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially the professional foreign literature.三、主干学科与主要课程 Major Disciplines & Major Courses主干学科:计算机科学与技术,经济学,管理学Major Disciplines: Computer Science and Technology, Economics, Management.主要课程:计算机网络技术、电子商务算法结构、经济学原理、

8、企业管理学、电子商务概论、XML与电子商务应用、电子商务网站设计原理、电子商务应用开发技术、电子支付与网络金融、电子商务安全技术、电子商务物流与供应链管理、电子商务解决方案、电子商务项目管理、客户关系管理、网络营销、电子政务等。 Main Courses: Computer Network Technology, Electronic Commerce Algorithm Structure, Economics, Enterprise Management, Electronic Commerce, XML and Application in EB, EB sites Design, EB

9、 Application Developing Technology, EB Security, EB Logistics and SCM, EB Solutions, EB Project Management, CRM, Network Marketing, Electronic Government四、特色课程 Characteristic Courses电子商务物流与供应链管理、电子支付与网络金融、电子商务项目管理、商务智能、电子政务Industrial EB Logistics and SCM, Electronic Payment and Network Finance, EB P

10、roject Management, Business Intelligence, Electronic Government五、学制与学位 Length of School and Degree修业年限:四年Duration: 4 years 授予学位:管理学学士(或工学学士)Degrees Granted: Bachelor of Management(or Bachelor of Engineer)六、最低毕业学分规定 Graduation Credit CriteriaCredit Criteria of Different Kinds of CoursesTotal总学分Requir

11、ed Courses必修课学分Selective Courses选修课学分Practice Courses集中性实践课学分Study Credit after Class课外学分18711338.525.510七、课程修读指导建议 Recommendations on Course Studies学生在学完本专业的必修课程后,可以根据自己的兴趣和爱好,在经济学院内的四个专业的选修课中任意选学课程。学生可以根据自己的时间安排,决定选修课的修读学期。学生只要学完了本专业的必修课程、完成了实践环节,并达到了本专业规定的总学分数,即可毕业。其他专业的学生在辅修第二专业时,学完了第二专业规定的课程并完成

12、了毕业论文后,即可获得第二学士学位。After finish the majors required courses, the student can study any selective course in the course list of the school according to his interests and decide which term to study the course.Student can graduate after he finishes the majors required courses and meet the credit requirem

13、ent.Students in other majors who want to get the second degree must finish all required courses with star(*) on the right of the list of theory course schedule and submit graduation thesis.Students who want to get the second degree must finish 50 credits.八、理论教学进程表 8、Theory Course Schedule课程类别课程性质课程编

14、号课 程 名 称学分Crs学时分配Including建议修读学期第二专业总学时Tot hrs.实验Exp.上机Opera-tion实践Prac-tice课外Extra-cur.通 识 课 程 Public Basic CoursesGeneral Education Elective Coures必 修 课 Required Courses思想道德修养与法律基础Morals, Ethics and Fundamentals of Law34881中国近现代史纲要Outline of Chinese Contemporary and Modern History2322毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主

15、义理论体系概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics496323马克思主义基本原理Marxism Philosophy34886军事理论Military Theory232164-体育Physical Education4128641-4-大学英语ACollege EnglishA12256641-4大学计算机基础Foundation of Computer 232 121计算机程序设计基础(C语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design

16、(C Language)348122专业导论Introduction to Specialty1161小 计 Subtotal367362412864文化素质教育选修课Cultural Quality of Education Elective Courses核心类课程Core Courses大学生学习与生涯指导课程Students Learning and Career Guidance Courses全校学生要求至少取得9个学分,其中要求在核心类课程的四个类别中分别选修至少一门课程。All students are required to obtain at least nine cred

17、its. Everyone select at least one course in four categories of core courses respectively.人文文化课程Humanities and Cultural Courses科技文化课程Science Technology and Culture Courses艺术课程CourseofArt拓展类课程Extension Courses选修要求 Elective Demand要求至少选修144学时,9学分Subtotal class hours/credits at least: 144/9学 科 大 类 课 程 Ba

18、sic Disciplinary Courses必 修 课Required Courses改为A请提供新编号高等数学AAdvanced Mathematics A101601-2电子商务数据库技术Data-base Technology of Electronic Busines34881线性代数Linear Algebra2.5402概率论与数理统计BProbability and Statistics B3483 经济学原理Principle of Economics 3.5561会计学AAccounting A3482企业管理学Enterprise Management 3482电子商务

19、概论Introduction to E-commerce348102*电子商务算法结构Electronic Commerce Algorithm Structure3.556163*计算机网络BComputer Network TechnologyB2.54083运筹学Operations Research3483电子商务程序设计EB Programming Design348163*XML与电子商务应用XML & Electronic Business Application348163货币银行学AMoney and Banking A3485电子商务应用开发技术EB Application

20、 Developing Technology3.556165*国际贸易理论与实务International Trade: Theory and Practice3486小 计 Subtotal55.58889013选 修 课 Elective Courses财务管理AFinancial Cost Management A3484经济法BEconomics Law B2325网络经济学Economics of Network23246小 计 Subtotal71124修读说明:要求至少选修32学时,2学分NOTE: Minimum subtotal class hours/credits 32/

21、2专 业 课 程 Specialized Courses必 修 课Required Courses电子商务安全技术Electronic Business Security Technology34884*电子商务网站设计原理Electronic Business Web Site Design3.556244*电子商务物流与供应链管理EB Logistics and SCM34884*电子支付与网络金融Electronic Payment and Network Finance34885*企业资源计划Enterprise Resource Plan2.54085*电子商务解决方案Electro

22、nic Business Solutions23266*商务智能Business Intelligence2.54087*电子商务法Electronic Business Law 2327*小 计 Subtotal21.53447021.5选 修 课 Elective Courses改为A请提供新编号管理信息系统AManagement Information System A3.554244服务科学与电子商务管理Service Science and E-Business Management2325*计算机网络设计Computer Network Design 2.54085商业银行经营与管

23、理Commercial Bank Management2.54045软件工程ASoftware Engineering A348165电子商务项目管理E-Business Project Management23246*电子商务前沿与进展E-Business forefront and Development2326客户关系管理ACustomer Relationship Management A2.54086*企业经营与模拟Enterprise operation simulation2326证券投资学Securities Investment 2.54067网络营销ANetwork Mar

24、ketingA2.54067电子政务Electronic Government2.54067创业学Entrepreneurship2327小 计 Subtotal31496586.5修读说明:要求至少选修440学时,27.5学分NOTE: Minimum subtotal class hours/credits: 440 /27.5九、集中性实践教学进程表9、Practice Training Table课程编号实践环节名称Practice Courses Name周数Weeks学分Crs建议修读学期Suggested Term军事训练Military Training31.51基础强化训练(

25、上机30学时)Foundation Strengthening Training11暑1电子商务设计与开发(集中进行,上机120学时)Course design337专业实习 Practical Training in Major446能力拓展训练(上机30学时)Ability Development Training 11暑3毕业实习Practical Training for Graduation558毕业论文(上机120学时)Graduation Thesis10(6*)10(6*)8小 计 Subtotal2725.5十、其它要求10、Other Demands 形势与政策课程,平均每

26、学期16学时,一般按专题进行,在第七学期末考核,计 2个课外学分,具体由学校学生发展指导中心负责组织落实。Situation&Policy, a 16 hours/term with 2 credits course, is taught according to topics and tested at the end of the 7th term . The course will be arranged by the University Students Affairs Department in each school.在高压缸排汽的总管上装有动力控制止回阀,以便在事故情况下切断,

27、防止蒸汽返回到汽轮机,引起汽轮机超速。在高压缸排汽总管的端头有蒸汽冲洗接口,以供在管道安装完毕后进行冲洗,在管道冲洗完成后用堵头堵死。center pin checks and anchoring the inner cylinder. According to While coupling alignment should keep oil out of cavity and locate the rotor axis neck raised are within the prescribed limits, there should be no gaps, Horn, Horn and H

28、orn 0.05mm feeler gauges fit into. Center coupling, condenser water filling and water-filled according to factory requirement. For coupling three supported rotor Center, the mouth under the coupling between the value should be as stipulated in the manufacturer, usually 0.150.25mm. In the case of cou

29、pling connection, if possible, lifting only one bearing end of the support bearing of the rotor, remove the bearing, fitted with special tiles and special lifting tools, disc rotors, check the journal flutter tile, should generally be less than 0.10MM. When the couplings and rotor comes when there i

30、s a conflict, the coupling Centre shall prevail. shaft looking for: . Provisional bolt confirmed the positioning of the rotor size, as well as the coupling between the adjustment shim thickness accuracy, drawings to meet the technical requirements. Plane, cylindrical and clean the

31、 coupling bolt holes should be clean and without burrs, scrap iron and grease-free, relative position of the coupling according to the drawing requirements are. Coupling top screws, round distance apart, indicators to monitor movement of the aircraft, its value is allowed to pass the value axis movi

32、ng, mounted adjustment pads, note pads installation direction guide pin coupling with process end closed. The back wheels slowly tightened, when 2mm or so, with standard white bars where two back wheel bolt hole measurement above and below, confirm two back wheel bolt hole concentricity. Then, the s

33、ymmetrical horizontal mount two temporary bolts tightened, attention to monitor dial indicator, then install the symmetrical temporary bolts, this time sites slowly moving rotor, in the measured circumference of 8 equal parts back wheel rim rock, each measuring relative changes in value should be less than 0.02mm. coupling reamed and paired bolt reaming die reamer, adjustable reamers, boring mill, in several ways. General requirements before reaming or boring,15


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