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1、拟试题山东省2009年高考化学模山东省2009年高考化学模拟试题 注:(1)本试卷分第?卷(选择题)和第?卷(非选择题)两部分,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 (2)请将第?卷选择题答案填涂在答案卡上。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 O:16 Na:23 A1:27 S:32 Mg:24 Ba:137 第?卷(选择题 共46分) 一、选择题(本题包括8个小题,每小题2分,共16分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1(下列说法正确的是 A(由同一种元素形成的物质一定是纯净物 B(元素由游离态转化合态,一定被氧化 C(较活泼金属一定可以把较不活泼的金属从盐溶液中置换出来 D(金属氧化物不一定是碱

2、性氧化物,但碱性氧化物一定是金属氧化物 2(将过量的气体通入到一种溶液中,一定能产生沉淀的是 ?二氧化硫通入到硝酸钡溶液中 ?二氧化碳通入偏铝酸钠溶液中 ?二氧化碳通入到氯化钙溶液中 ?氨气通入到AgNO溶液中 3A(只有? B(只有? C(只有? D(只有? 3(设N为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是 AA(1molCl参加的任何反应,反应过程中转移电子数都是2N 2AB(常温常压下的33(6L氯气与27g铝充分反应,转移电子数为3N Athree significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to ob

3、tain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (P

4、G) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ? 60

5、 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in wa

6、ter. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solutio

7、n (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with waterNAC(标准状况

8、下,1L乙醇完全燃烧产生CO分子的数目为2 222.4D(将10mL质量分数为98,的浓HSO,用水稀释至100mL,HSO的质量分数大于24249(8, 4(在一定条件下,下列物质与硅、二氧化硅均不反应的是 A(氢氟酸 B(浓HSO C(烧碱 D(氟气 245(下列仪器:?漏斗;?容量瓶;?蒸馏烧瓶;?托盘天平;?分液漏斗;?滴定管;?燃烧匙,其中常用于物质分离的是 A(? B(? C(? D(? 6(下列现象或应用中,不涉及胶体知识的是 A(清晨,在茂密的树林中,常常可以看到从枝叶间透过的道道光柱 B(用半透膜分离淀粉和食盐的混合液 C(肾功能衰竭等疾病引起的血液中毒,可利用血液透析进行治

9、疗 D(在饱和氯化铁溶液中逐滴加入NaOH溶液,产生红褐色沉淀 (下列关于氧化物的叙述正确的是 7?酸性氧化物肯定是非金属氧化物 ?非金属氧化物肯定是酸性氧化物 ?碱性氧化物肯定是金属氧化物 ?金属氧化物都是碱性氧化物 ?酸性氧化物可与HO反应生成相应的酸 2?与HO反应生成酸的氧化物不一定是酸性氧化物 2?不能与酸反应的氧化物一定能与碱反应 A(? B(? C(? D(? 8(在给定的四种溶液中,同时加入以下各种离子,可能在该溶液中大量共存的是 2,2,,A(pH为1的溶液:Ca、Na、Mg、NO 33,,B(滴加石蕊试液显红色的溶液:Fe、NH、Cl、SCN 4,,2,C(与铝反应放出氢气

10、的溶液:K、HCO、Br、Ba 3,2,,D(所含溶质为FeCl的溶液:K、SO、NO、H 243二、选择题(本题包括10个小题,每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) (three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gall

11、ic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard si

12、zing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ? 60 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of pota

13、ssium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer

14、. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers dow

15、n) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water考宝网 面对面的考试辅导专家,19(vmL密度为g?mL的某溶液中,含有相对分子质量为M的溶质mg,该溶液中溶质,1的质量分数为W,,物质的量浓度为cmol?L,那么下列关系式正确的是 VW1000m1000,W,CMA(C= B(C= C(W,=, D(m= 1000p1000

16、VMM10(下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是 A(烧碱溶液和过量Ca(HCO)溶液反应: 322,2,2OH+Ca+2HCO=CaCO?+CO+2HO 3332B(碳酸钙与醋酸溶液反应: ,2,CaCO+2H=Ca+CO?+HO 322C(硫酸亚铁溶液中加入用硫酸酸化的过氧化氢溶液: 2,3,2Fe+2H+HO=Fe+2HO 2222,D(向硫酸铜溶液中滴加氢氧化钡溶液至SO恰好沉淀完全: 42,2,2,Cu+SO+2OH+Ba=Cu(OH)?+BaSO? 42411(在体积相同的两个密闭容器中分别充满O、O气体,当这两个容器内温度和气体密度23相等时,下列说法正确的是 A(两种气体的压强相等

17、 B(两种气体的氧原子数相等 C(O比O的质量小 D(两种气体的分子数相等 2312(下列各项操作中不发生先沉淀后溶解现象的是 ?向饱和NaCO溶液中通入过量CO 232?向Fe(OH)胶体中逐滴滴入过量的HSO 324?向AgI胶体中逐滴加入过量稀盐酸 ?向石灰水中通入过量CO 2?向NaSiO溶液中滴入过量的盐酸 23A(? B(? C(? D(? 13(在反应CuS+4HSO(浓)=2CuSO+2SO?+S?+4HO中,氧化产物与还原产物的224422物质的量之比为 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability c

18、onditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Pr

19、opyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boilin

20、g range 30 ? 60 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG i

21、s soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium

22、acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake wit

23、h A(1:2 B(2:1 C(2:3 D(3:2 14(有Al、CuO、FeO组成的混合物共10(0g,放入500mL某浓度的盐酸中,混合物完23,1成溶解,当再加入250mL 2(00mol?L的NaOH溶液时,得到沉淀最多。上述盐酸的浓度为 ,1,1,1,1A(1(00mol?L B(0(500mol?L C(2(00mol?L D(3(00mol?L 1,15(在100mL含等物质的量的HBr和HSO的溶液里通入0(1molCl,有的Br变为2324Br(已知Br能氧化HSO)。原溶液中HBr和HSO的浓度都等于 222323,1,1,1,1A(8(0 mol?L B(1(6 mol

24、?L C(0(8 mol?L D(16(0 mol?L 16(把7(2铁粉投入到某HNO溶液中,充分反应后剩余固体1(6g,产生NO和NO的32混合气体0(08mol。若不考虑NO的存在,则原HNO溶液中HNO的物质的量为 2433A(0(34mol B(0(38mol C(0(28moi D(0(2mol 17(下列说法正确的是 A(用乙醇从碘水中萃取单质碘 B(合金的熔点大于它的成分金属 C(电解质溶液在通电的情况下发生电离,产生了自由移动的离子,从而能够导电 D(“84”消毒液在日常生活中使用广泛,有漂白作用,它的有效成分为NaClO 18(由NaO、NaCO、NaHCO、NaCl中某几

25、种组成的混合物,向其中加入足量的盐酸有22233气体放出。将气体通过足量的NaOH溶液,气体体积减少一部分。将上述混合物在空气中加热,有气体放出,下列判断正确的是 A(混合物中一定不含有NaCO、NaCl B(混合物中一定有NaO、NaHCO 23223C(无法确定混合物中是否含有NaHCOD(混合物中一定不含NaO、NaCl 3 22第?卷(非选择题 共54分) 三、(本题包括3小题,共27分) 19(4分) 化学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,进行化学实验时要采取正确的实验操作,注意实验安全: (1)在盛放浓硫酸的试剂瓶的标签上印有如右图所示警示标志,说明浓硫酸是一种 。 three sig

26、nificant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extr

27、action with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentra

28、tion of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ? 60 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use.

29、 PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved i

30、nto a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicat

31、e twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with water考宝网 面对面的考试辅导专家(2)下列有关实验操作和安全事故处理错误的有 。 a(使用水银温度计测量烧杯中水浴温度时,不慎打破水银球,用滴管将水银吸出放入水封的瓶中,残破的温度计插入装有硫粉的广口瓶中 1b(用试管夹从试管底由下往上夹住距管口约处,手持试管夹长柄进行加热 3c(把用氯酸钾制氧气后的残渣倒入垃圾桶 d(给盛有液体的烧瓶加热时,需加碎瓷片或沸石 e(配制硫酸溶液时,在量筒中加入一定体积的水,再边搅拌边慢慢加入浓硫酸 f(用右图所示装置吸收氨气 20(5分)按要求填空

32、: ,1(1)用已经称量好的10(0g NaOH固体配制1(0 mol?L氢氧化钠溶液250mL,所。(2分) 需要的仪器为量筒和2,(2)除去KCl溶液中的SO,依次加入的试剂为(填化学式) 。 421(18分) 长期存放的NaSO会被空气中的氧气部分氧化:某化学兴趣小组通过实验测定某无水23NaSO被氧化的程度。 23(?)甲同学设计了下图实验 请回答: three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference o

33、f two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric ac

34、id colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, petroleum ether: boiling range 30 ? 60 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and

35、16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh accurately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask a

36、nd dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel, add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, l

37、ayer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petroleum ether shake with (1)若将虚线框内的分液漏斗换成长颈漏斗,则应如何检查虚线框内装置的气密性, (2)写出B装置中的离子方程式

38、。 写出D装置中反应的化学方程式 。 3)称量agNaSO样品放入锥形瓶中,向B装置反应后的溶液中加入足量BaCl溶液(232充分反应,过滤、洗涤、干燥、称量得白色沉淀bg,则样品中NaSO的质量分数为 。 23(4)深入研究发现,上述实验方案存在缺陷,致使测得的NaSO质量分数偏小,试分23析其中的原因(列出一条即可) 。 (?)乙同学设计了另一套实验装置如下图: (5)实验中待锥形瓶中不再产生气体后,打开活塞P从导管左端缓缓鼓入一定量的空气,这样做的目的是 。 (6)除已称量的a g NaSO样品外,实验中还应测定的数据是 处,(填图中23字母)装置实验前后的质量差。 (?)现有以下试剂:

39、蒸馏水、盐酸、稀硝酸、BaCl溶液、Ba(NO)溶液。 232丙同学欲从中选择合适试剂,来测定已知质量为a g的NaSO样品中NaSO的质量分2323数。 下述实验方案理论上可行的有 。 A(将样品溶解,加足量盐酸,再加足量BaCl溶液,过滤、洗涤、干燥、称量得沉淀2mg lB(将样品溶解,加足量硝酸,再加足量BaCl溶液、过滤、洗涤、干燥、称量得沉淀2mg 2C(将样品溶解,加过量BaCl溶液,过滤后将溶液蒸干,称量得固体mg 23D(将样品溶解,加过量Ba(NO)溶液,过滤、洗涤,在沉淀中加入足量盐酸,再32three significant figures. 7, precision u

40、nder repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium ace

41、tate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentration of 25 mg/kg. Reagent 2, pet

42、roleum ether: boiling range 30 ? 60 ?. Ammonium acetate solution (100 g/l and 16.g/L). Color reagent: weighing 0.100 g ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 7H20) and 0.500 g of potassium sodium tartrate NaKC4H4O6 4H20; adding water dissolves. diluted to 100 mL, prepared before use. PG standard solution: weigh acc

43、urately 0.0100g PG is soluble in water. Moved into a 200 mL volumetric flask and dilute to scale. 50.0 g per ml of this solution g PG. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. 4, treated the steps analyzed: weigh 10.00 g sample dissolved in 100 mL of petroleum ether, moved into a 250 mL separatory funnel,

44、add 20 mL, ammonium acetate solution (16.7g/L). Shake 2min, static layering, layer into 125 mL. separatory funnel (such as emulsion, along with the emulsion layers down) and then 20 mL of petroleum ether, ammonium acetate solution (16.7 g/l) were extracted in duplicate twice, and merge layers. Petro

45、leum ether shake with water考宝网 面对面的考试辅导专家过滤,洗涤、干燥,称量得固体mg。 4四、(本题包括2小题,共9分) 22(5分) 用电弧法合成的储氢纳米碳管常伴有大量的碳纳米颗粒(杂质),这种颗粒可用氧化法提纯。其反应式为:3C+2KCrO+8HSO=3CO?+2KSO+2Cr(SO)+8HO 227242242432(1)此反应的氧化剂是 ;lmol氧化产物中所含有的共价单键数目为 (阿伏加德罗常数用N表示)。 A(2)HSO在上述反应中表现出来的性质是 (填选项编号)。 24A(酸性 B(氧化性 C(吸水性 D(脱水性 (3)上述反应中若产生0(2mol

46、 CO气体,则转移电子的个数是 (结2果保留2位有效数字)。 23(4分) ,2,2,2,2,3,3,某一无色溶液,可能含有Na、Cu、NH、Fe、Al、Mg、CO、SO、434,K等离子中的一种或几种,为确定其组成,做如下实验: ?取少量待测溶液,向其中滴入盐酸酸化的氯化钡溶液,生成白色沉淀; ?另取少量待测溶液,向其中加入过氧化钠,产生无色无味气体,并生成白色沉淀;加入过量过氧化钠时,沉淀部分溶解。 试判断:溶液中一定存在的离子有 ;一定不存在的离子有 。不确定的是 为验证此离子的存在,还应进行 实验。 五、(本题包括1小题,共8分) 24(8分) A、B、C、D、E、F六种物质的相互转化

47、关系如图所示(反应条件未标出),其中反应?是置换反应。 (1)若A、D、F都是非金属单质,且A、D所含元素同主族,A、F所含元素同周期,则反应?的化学方程式是 ;其中的B和D在电子工业上有着举足轻重的作用,试分别说出它们的一项重要用途,B ,D 。 three significant figures. 7, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arit

48、hmetical average of the 10%. Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) detection principle 1, the sample of petroleum ether dissolves after extraction with aqueous ammonium acetate, Gallic acid Propyl gallate (PG) reacts with ferrous salts of tartaric acid colors, determination of absorbance at 540 nm in wavelength, compared with standard sizing. When the determination of the equivalent of 2 g of the sample, the minimum detectable concentratio


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