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1、O2O Business Patterns and Developing Strategies O2O商业模式及策略Casillas J C.AbstractTo most of people, O2O (Offline to Online) it is not difficult to understand. More than a decade ago, that is, a Brick and Click formulation, actually that is the prototype of the O2O.With the further development of elect

2、ricity, and in recent years, mobile Internet is beyond ordinary people imagine the pace of development, make O2O business model more rich, let more O2O mentioned. However, the majority of O2O discussion often too shallow layers. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the O2O business model, and th

3、ink about effective O2O strategy.Key words: O2O business pattern; Electronic commerce; Development strategy摘要对于许多人而言,O2O(Offline to Online)并不难理解。十几年前,即有Brick and Click的提法,其实那就是O2O的原型。随着电商的深入发展,以及近年来移动互联网超出常人想象的发展速度,让O2O的商业模式变得更丰富,让O2O更多被提及。然而,目前多数的O2O讨论常流于浅层次。为此,有必要深入理解当今O2O商业模式,并思考有效的O2O策略。关键词:O2O

4、商业模式;电子商务;发展策略1 IntroductionO2O mainly depending on the degree of active network goods to complete the construction of the actual goods store, carry, people can choose their own goods at home at any time and complete the related transactions, then can enjoy the activities of the entity stores offer

5、directly. The basic existing way is to use a discount, sales information and service standard of complete online business structure transformation. This is like is the center of the network as offline trading platform, the shop which can be realized using this channel, assures the consumer also disp

6、ense with the trouble that the entity shop and the goods directly to screening, this convenient service process started by most Internet users, and promote its has been towards larger scale expansion and development.1 引言O2O 主要是根据网络商品的活跃程度完成实际商品店的建设、搬运,人们随时可以在家挑选自己喜欢的商品并完成相关交易,之后便可直接享受到实体商店提供的活动优惠。其基

7、本存在方式就是利用打折、销售情况信息和服务标准等完成商务结构线上改造。这就好比是将网络作为线下交易的中心平台,商店既可以利用这种渠道实现揽客,消费者也免去了到实体店的麻烦并能直接进行商品筛选,这种方便的服务流程开始受到大多数网民的追捧,并促进其一直朝着更大的规模扩建和发展。2 The background and objectives of O2OIs the background of the O2O business model, in addition to pure Offline business or community, other business or community m

8、ay have Offline (Offline) and Online (Online) two pieces, need to get through. Current situation is that many businesses online and offline business/community contact closely, even fragmented, online and offline business or community to enterprises development is adverse, it also clearly against the

9、 idea of integrated marketing communications. In fact, online and offline play a different role respectively, through each other can make offline and online resources play to their respective characteristics, respectively, the two sides form partnerships, so more conducive to the comprehensive devel

10、opment of the enterprise, to produce more benefits. In the end of the O2O fundamental goal is to get through offline and online. From the concrete situation, O2O is divided into the development of new customers and retaining old customers two stage, two stages have different goals. For the new custo

11、mer development stage, the main target of the O2O has two kinds: one kind is drainage to offline, another kind is the drainage to online. For retaining old customers stage, O2Os main goal is to let the offline and online through each other, and form can continue to a virtuous cycle of the closed loo

12、p, let the customer constantly shuttling between online and offline.O2O combination of four different business model for the application of the O2O, one thing must first clear train of thought, namely the O2O are contain both online and offline business or community enterprise, its have four kinds o

13、f offline online portfolio model.2 O2O商业模式的背景与目标O2O商业模式的背景是,除纯线下业务或社区外,其他业务或社区都可能有线下(Offline)及线上(Online)两块,需要将二者打通。目前情况是许多企业的线上及线下业务/社区联系不紧密,甚至是割裂的,这对企业的线上及线下业务或社区发展都不利,这显然也违背了整合营销传播的思路。实际上,线上与线下分别发挥着不同的作用,相互打通可使线下与线上资源分别发挥各自的特点,双方形成协作关系,这样更有利于企业的全面发展,进而产生更多的效益。说到底O2O的根本目标是为了打通线下与线上。从具体情况看,O2O分为发展新客

14、户及留住老客户两大阶段,两个阶段有不同的目标。对于发展新客户阶段而言,O2O的主要目标有两类:一类是引流到线下,另一类是引流到线上。对于留住老客户阶段而言,O2O的主要目标是为了让线下与线上相互打通,并形成能持续良性循环的闭环,让客户不断地乐于往返于线上与线下。O2O的四种不同商业组合模式对于O2O的应用,有一点必须首先理清思路,即O2O面向的是同时包含线上与线下业务或社区的企业,其有四种线下线上组合模式。First, there is online + offline consumption/community.This is a must to offline consumption O2

15、O mode, online mainly online interactions, and conduct some discount or promotional activities. This model adapted to the consumption must personally to the scene of hotel, catering and other fields.第一类为“线上社区+线下消费/社区”。这是一种必须到线下进行消费的O2O模式,线上主要是在线交流互动,并开展一定的优惠或促销活动。这种模式适应于必须亲自到现场消费的宾馆、餐饮及其他领域。The seco

16、nd category is + offline/online consumer community”. This is a kind of online sales only O2O mode, online and online communication or promotion effect, offline mainly face-to-face interaction or live show. Under this model adapted to the wireless stores only online store of pure online electricity f

17、ield.第二类为“线上消费/社区+线下社区”。这是一种只在线上销售的O2O模式,线上还有在线交流或开展促销作用,线下主要是面对面的交流互动或现场展示。这种模式适应于无线下门店仅有线上网店的纯线上电商领域。The third kind is consumption/community + offline/online communities”. This is a kind of online and offline sales O2O mode at the same time, the demand of online and offline interactions, online an

18、d offline can discount or promotional activities, respectively. This model adapted to the online store and offline store area.第三类为“线上消费/社区+线下消费/社区”。这是一种线上与线下同时进行销售的O2O模式,线上、线下都有交流互动的需求,线上与线下还可以分别开展优惠或促销活动。这种模式适应于线上有网店且线下有门店的领域。The fourth class for online + offline community”. This is a no sales O2O

19、mode, suitable for offline and offline communication interactive social platform.第四类为“线上社区+线下社区”。这是一种无销售业务的O2O模式,适用于同时需要线下及线下交流互动的社交平台。If the careful analysis of online consumer/community, its may be divided into multiple positions, such as official website/online store, mobile APP/mobile online sto

20、re and the official account of all kinds of social networking sites, and the drainage problem between them. Whether the above what combination of O2O business model, are need to drainage of new customers and retain old customers. Just, drainage could be launched in online or offline. From a new cust

21、omer online by drainage could lead to the offline or online, the drainage from offline launch will new customers to online (from offline drainage to offline does not belong to the scope of this article).When a new customer is led to the offline or online platform, there needs to be optimized registr

22、ation and service process, and force them into your real customers, and start spending or integrated into the community. Then, the focus of the target is to let the person has become a customer willing to long-term consumption or use your community, and make them willing to online and offline in the

23、 closed loop back and forth.如果仔细分析线上消费/社区这块,其可能还分为多个阵地,如官方网站/网店、移动APP/移动网店及各类社交网站上的官方账号,它们之间还有引流问题。不论是以上哪种组合的O2O商业模式,都需要将新客户引流过来及留住老客户。只不过,引流可能发起于线上或线下。从线上发起的引流可能将新客户引至线下或线上,从线下发起的引流则将新客户引至线上(从线下引流至线下不属于本文讨论范围)。当新客户被引至线下或线上平台后,需要有优化过的注册及服务流程,促使他们转化为你真正的客户,并开始消费或融入社区。然后,目标的重点则转到让已经成为客户的人愿意长期消费或使用你的社区

24、,并让他们愿意在线上与线下的闭环中往返。3 Analysis of the actual effect of O2O business modelIn electronic commerce management structure, the user accounts actual position is more important, the specific influence of preferential treatment and services of different businesses have a more comprehensive and scientific in

25、formation, at the same time able to quickly complete a commodity consulting and reservation process, and use the price lower than entity shop to complete the scene; Involved to provide a specific service businesses, for their own marketing products provide an opportunity for you to show more often,

26、to absorb more number of customers, the actual transaction records can query at any time, and improve the advice given by the user requirements, the number of the old customer maintenance and marketing meaning added a significant support effect. Through the effective function of online booking, at t

27、he same time can be done to the reasonable arrangement of business activities, as far as possible to reduce the cost of waste, to ensure that the actual economic benefits rise. For own O2O system platform, user everyday to achieve a certain understanding of the standard of living, etc, it can be mor

28、e reasonable to provide preferential, consumer protection, such as information, to promote the strength of complement and validation are presented, can attract a large number of merchants to join, virtually development power for their own ads.3 O2O 商业模式的实际影响效果分析在电子商务管理结构中,用户占据的实际地位比较重要,其具体影响表现为对不同商家

29、的优惠和服务信息掌握地更加全面和科学,同时能够迅速地完成相关商品咨询和预定流程,并且使用低于实体店消费的价格完成现场交易; 而涉及到提供具体服务的商家来说,能够为自己营销的产品提供更多向外展示的机会,有利于吸纳更多数量的顾客,实际交易记录都可随时查询,并且完善用户提出的建议要求, 这对整个老客户的数量维护和营销意义的补充产生重大的支持效果。 同时通过在线预定的有效功能,可以做到对经营活动的合理安排,尽量减少成本的浪费现象,保证实际经济收益的上升。 对于 O2O 系统平台自身来说,用户日常的生活标准等都做到一定的了解,这便能更加合理地为他们提供优惠、消费保障等信息,对推广实力的补充和验证都有所展

30、示,可以吸引大量的商家来加入,无形中也给自己发展实力打了广告。4 The development strategy of the O2O business modelO2O drainage priority is initiated by the offline, drew customers to online official website/online store, mobile APP/mobile site, or the official account of all kinds of social networking sites. If it is normal by on

31、line and offline drainage to main approach usually has three types: one is online advertising stimulus, which can provide or corresponding code, at the same time for the customer to enter or take pictures, obviously the latter is more popular at present, because the former input more trouble;2 it is

32、 offline word-of-mouth, drive potential customers own way Internet search to find the corresponding online store or community; Three is to provide can use coupons in the online offline. If it is a consumer business by online and offline drainage to also need move customer eventually led to the offic

33、ial online store or online store.4 O2O商业模式的发展策略由线下发起的O2O引流的首要任务是,将客户引至线上的官方网站/网店、移动APP/移动网店或各类社交网站上的官方账号。如果是普通的由线下引流至线上,则主要的手段通常有三类:一是线上广告刺激,其中可以同时提供网址或对应的二维码,供客户输入或拍照,显然后者目前更受欢迎,因为前者输入较为麻烦;二是线下口碑传播,驱动潜在客户自己上网通过搜索等方式找到相应的线上网店或社区;三是线下提供可以在线上使用的优惠券。如果是消费型业务由线下引流至线上,则还需将客户最终引至官方网店或移动网店。Consumer drainag

34、e, in addition to the above strategy, can also have other two kinds of method: one is through in the subway station or bus station and other public space to establish a virtual supermarket, potential customers to purchase through or code into the corresponding page; The second is through direct or c

35、ode provide payment type, complete consumption directly.消费型引流,除了上述策略外,还可以有另外两类办法:一是通过在地铁车站或公交车站等公共空间设立虚拟超市,潜在客户通过二维码进入相应的购买页面;二是通过直接提供支付型二维码,直接完成消费。Initiated by online drainage is usually divided into two categories: one is online drainage to online, online drainage to offline. If it is from online

36、drainage to online, the latter may be the same official website/online store, mobile APP/mobile site, or the official account of all kinds of social networking sites, while the former may come from other online platform. The method and the above from offline drainage to online, just advertising, web

37、site, or codes and coupons can directly provide online, operation more convenient. If it is from online drainage to offline, mainly means usually has three types: one is posted online coupons can be used for offline; The second is to pay attention to consumption or online offline can give you a disc

38、ount after an account given gifts; Three is to design sweepstakes, ask some of the links need to be done offline. Have to remind again that drainage is just the first step of O2O, the corresponding web site or community, must constantly optimize service process, to attract potential customers to reg

39、ister and real consumption. Obviously, simple, practical or affordable, plus the aforementioned advertising, word of mouth or coupons, is to attract potential customers to register and consumption power.O2O operation strategy of retaining old customers, retaining old customers O2O operation strategy

40、 in many things like above drainage strategy, but the main goal is to let customers to become your loyal customers for a long time, can long-term consumption or use community, best can have higher single for a long time consumption and consumption frequency, or can become active community customers

41、for a long time, and on the premise of necessary and reasonable, voluntary to wander in offline and online platform. Here let customer voluntary, reasonably necessary to offline or online, you will need to understand the following business logic.由线上发起的引流通常分为两类:一是线上引流至线上,二是线上引流至线下。如果是由线上引流至线上,则后者同样可能


43、客户的O2O运营策略,留住老客户的O2O运营策略中不少东西与上面引流策略类似,但其目标主要是让客户能长期成为自己的忠实客户,能长期消费或使用社区,最好能长期有较高的单笔消费额及消费频率,或者能长期成为活跃的社区客户,并且在必要合理的前提下,自觉自愿地游走于线下与线上平台。这里强调让客户自觉自愿地、必要合理地去到线下或线上,则需要深入理解其后面的商业逻辑。To the above the first online and offline consumption/community O2O business portfolio model, for example, to think seriou

44、sly about, why and how to let the customer from online to offline? Why and how to let the customer from offline to online? In the first kind of O2O mode, because of your service must be offline to consumption, and faithful old customer, finally must also from online to offline, otherwise unable to r

45、ealize the real consumption, even cannot be called a loyal customers. So how to make old customer from online to offline? This question is really a problem how to make the old customer repeated consumption. Mainly classic a few action: it is a new product or service, the second is integral offers or

46、 promotions, three is timed to use coupons. But, these things can be online is widely spread, and often have a virus or word of mouth effect, to stimulate customers to offline repeated consumption. On the other hand, the model of why let customer back online? Interaction between main purpose may be

47、to let the customer, provide after-sales or additional services to the customers, allow customers to share the good experience, and thus word-of-mouth effect. So how to let the customer to return to the online, some is the online service value or more than the imagination, stimulate customer share o

48、nline outside surprised; Others are organized by merchants draw or game, make customer help expand enterprise brand communication range.以上述第一类“线上社区+线下消费/社区”O2O商业组合模式为例,要认真思考,为什么要及如何让客户从线上到线下?为什么要及如何让客户从线下到线上?在第一类O2O模式中,因为你的服务必须到线下消费,再忠实的老客户,最终也必须从线上到线下,否则无法实现真正的消费,甚至不能称为忠实客户。那么怎样让老客户从线上到线下?这个问题实际上就是

49、如何让老客户重复消费的问题。主要还是经典的几招:一是新产品或服务的吸引力,二是积分优惠或促销活动,三是限时使用的优惠券。只不过,这些东西可以在线上被广泛传播,且常常有病毒或口碑效应,进而刺激客户到线下反复消费。反之,这种模式中为什么让客户再回到线上?主要目的可能是让客户间交流互动,为客户提供售后或额外服务,让客户分享良好体验进而产生口碑效应。那么怎么让客户回到线上,有些是线上服务的超值或超出客户想象,刺激客户惊讶之余在网上分享;有些则由商家组织抽奖或比赛,促使客户帮助扩大企业的品牌传播范围5 ConclusionsNetwork consumer market space is more and more broad, visible O2O service activity is how has the existence value, in attracting customers and merchants main premise, complete the internal economic strength, the comprehensive function is


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