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1、Unit 5,Section BPeriod 2 ( 2a3b ),剪纸 paper cutting2. 总体介绍 general introduction3. 部分的 part .of4. .的形式 forms of5. 例如 such as6. 把.变成. turninto 7. 根据,依据 according to8. 孔明灯 sky lanterns9. 发出,发送 send out10.被.覆盖 be covered with,11. 升入 rise into12. 作为.的象征 as symbols of13.张贴 put on14. 陶器艺术 clay art15. 童话故事 f

2、airy tale16. 风干 air-dry17. 高温 at a very high heat18. 被用于 be used for,Chinese traditional art,中国传统艺术,shadow figures皮影,Beijing Opera,sky lantern,Face-Changing in Sichuan Opera,Chinese martial arts m()l 中国武术,Clay Figurines Zhang 泥人张,paper cutting,cloisonne klzne景泰蓝瓷器,new year paintings,embroidery mbrdr

3、i 刺绣,Dunhuang Murals mjrl 壁画,lion dance,Read the passage and complete the chart.,Traditional art form,Materials used,1.,2.,3.,Sky lanterns,bamboo, paper,Paper cutting,paper,Chinese clay art,clay,2d Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box.,The keys,send out,rise into,turns,into,put,into,such as,covered with,


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