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1、 Unit 4 Reading: Trees in our daily lives 【学习目标】 1. 通过观察标题和图片,预测阅读文本的话题;通过上下文语境,猜测 conveni eHt, imagine 等单词的基本含义;通过略读和找读主阅读篇章,了解篇章大意。 : h 2. 学习短语 for example, millions of, take in ,come from, in fact, look around 禾口 (be)made Of 等。 : 3. 通过了解树木为人类所做的巨大贡献,增强热爱自然,保护资源的意识。 丨 4. 初步接触现在进行时这一语法现象。 【学习过程】 一、

2、自学引导 : I 本单元我们将了解树木在我们日常生活中的作用,请思考 What can we get from trees? 并根据提示完成下表: ; What can we get from trees? Use pen cil, Eat nuts (坚果) Drink coffee (bea ns 豆) Wear shoes(rubber 橡胶) II Strategy 学习策略:借助后缀(suffixes)猜词 : Suffixes 词性 意义 1 Examples 例词-ful adj. 充满,富有的 1 cheerful, -less adj. 不的,没有 jobless, -abl

3、e adj. 能的 suitable,-atio n, -ti on,-i on N . 附在动词后,表 结果,行为,状 态等 i collectio n, ; 1 1 -er, -or, N . 表人,器具 pain ter, -ist 表人,器具 artist, -me nt N . 表过程,状态, moveme nt, : 英语构词的一种重要方法就是在核心词后面加上后缀构成具有基本相同的词义但词性不 : 同的词,女口 cheer (n.)+ ful 宀 cheerful (adj。Cheer 是核心词,-ful 是后缀,常用来构成: 相应的形容词。请学习下表中的后缀及其构成的词性,并根据

4、例词补充不少于三个例词: 1 教学札记 教学札记 性质,结果 -n ess N . 表性质,程度, 状态 dark ness. 、合作探究 1)Why are trees major fighters aga inst air polluti on? 2) What can we get from trees? 3) How many trees do people cut dow n every year? 4) finish D1 on P47 III. Language learning (语言学习)请在文章中找出下面短语并划线,根据上下文写出该短 语的含义: 1. _ k now ab

5、out _ 2.keep the air cool and clea n _ 3. _ make our lives more convenient 4.major fighter 5. _ produce oxyge n for us to breathe e from fact _ 7. get from _ 8. look around _ made of_ 10.millio ns of _ 11.take in _ 12.for example _ 13.i n many ways _ 【课堂检测】单项选择 ( )1. We _ oxygen _ the air

6、and release(释放)CO2 into the air. A. take in; from B. release; into 教学札记 C. take; into D. release; from : I ( )2. We are tryi ng to make our city _ .A. to become more beautiful B. more beautiful C. to be less no isy D. beco ming less no isy ( )3. The medici ne kept the patie nt _ for ano ther mon th.

7、 A. live B. to live C. alive D. lived ( )4. He stopped _ to an swer the pho ne. A. read B. readi ng C. to read D. to readi ng ( )5. We can get many things_ trees. A. out of B. on C. in D. from 【拓展延伸】 I、翻译短语 I. 在许多方面 _ 2.吸收 _ 3.有害气体 _ 4. 空气污染 _ 5. 来自于 _ 6. 例女口 _ 7.事实上 _ 8.环顾 _ 9.由制成 _ 10 砍伐 _ 11.无数的

8、_ II、 单词拼写 (A )根据括号中的汉语提示写单词。 1. The scientists are doing something to _ (拯救)the earth. 2. There are many kinds of _ (松树)in this park. 3. The students _ (讨论)the problem with their teachers yesterday. 4. We all know the _ (重要性)of water. 5. Look, there is a bird on the _ (树枝)of this tree. (B) 根据句意和首字母

9、提示写单词。 6. Trees take in h _ gases from air. 7. En glish is also a m _ subject in our school. 8. We can t live without o _ . 9. Electricity (电力)makes our lives more c _ . 10. Can you i _ the life in 2050? (C) 根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 11. It s _ to stay here. ( save) 12. It s _ for you to read English in

10、the morning. ( importanee) 教学札记 13. we ll _ it at the next meeting. ( discussion ) I A. to become more beautiful B. more beautiful 14. The twins ofte n _ with each other whe n they were young. (fight) 15. This tree has green _ all year round. ( leaf) 16. Smoking can be _ to your health.( harm) 17. T

11、rees are the biggest and oldest _ things on the earth. ( live) 18. The furniture in my house is _ of wood. ( make) 19. I think volleyball is _ popular than basketball in our school. ( much ) 20. We should do some exercise to keep us _ . ( health ) III 、单项选择 ( ) 1. Which of the following is not part

12、of a tree? A. Fruit. B. Egg. C. Branch. D. Root ( ) 2. _ do you know about flowers? A.How many B. How much C. How D. Which ( ) 3. She often _ clean the classroom. A. wants B. makes C. plans D. helps ( ) 4. Trees can fight _ pollution. A. w ith B. for C. against D. at ( ) 5. We _ the students in that

13、 place with school things. A. gave B. take C. bring D. provide IV 、 根据所给的汉语完成句子翻译。 1. 在许多方面我们都有相同的想法。 We have the same ideas _ . 2. 妈妈每天进行清扫以保持房间干净整洁。 Mum does the cleaning every day to _ and tidy. 3. 我们周围许多有用的东西都来自于树木。 Many useful things around us _ . 4. 事实上,他不喜欢待在这里。 _ , he doesn t like to stay here. 5. 电脑在我们日常生活中真是很重要的。 Computers are _ . 【教学反思】 _ _


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