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1、Module 3 UNIT 5 Canada - “ TheTrue North ” Period1 Warming up 【 Text Analysis :教材分析】 本单元的 Leading in 和 Warming Up 部分通过听加拿大国歌引课,介绍 真北方是来自加拿大的国歌指的就是加拿大,是今天学习的内容。头脑风暴协 助学生唤起对加拿大原有知识的重现,再用图片以及地图协助学生唤起更多对 加拿大的已知的信息并介绍一些新的知识。本单元阅读是“在旅途中看加拿 大”,所以,Warmi ng Up 通过对加拿大相关知识的介绍,以及 13 个关于加拿 大的问题的小测验, 目的是激活学生已有的知识

2、, 为介绍本单元阅读做好准备。 【 Student Analysis :学情分析】 本课时教学的对象是高一 班的全体同学。虽然学生对旅游方面的知识 有一定的了解和兴趣,并且也养成了良好的学习习惯,但对我们的身边的城市 了解还比较有限;因为信息渠道很有限,多数学生对本节课所涉及的知识也了 解不多;而且他们的英语基础相对较为薄弱,在英语口语表达往往出现难以张 口的现状,并且在英语听力方面也出现听不懂且懒于听英语的现状。 【 Teaching Aims :教学目标】 a. knowledge aims 知识目标) To Let students know about the basic inform

3、ation about Canad:a Human culture,customs and cultural diversity. b. ability aims(水平目标) Learn how to use maps to find: the capital city ,location, main cities,Lakes,Rocky mountains,The Pacific Ocean,The Atlantic Ocean and so forth. c. emotional aims (情感 目标) 1.Stimulate students intersinesletarning E

4、nglish. 2. Develop students spoifritcooperation and teamwork. 【Teaching important points :教学重点 】 1. The words and expressions related to Canada. 2. The basic information about Canada. 3. How to make out a plan(route) of travelling across Canada. 【Teaching difficult points :教学难点 】 1 How to expressone

5、ospinion correctly in English. 2How to stimulate students spoifritcooperation and teamwork,and then to finish the task effectively. 【Teaching methods :教学方法】 1. TBLT( 任务型教学模式 ) 2. Cooperative Learning 合作学习) 3. Discussi on 讨论) 4. Ask in g-a nd-a nsweri ng activities (问答活动) 【 Teaching Aids :教学用具】 White

6、board, Multimedia courseware, and other normal teaching materials 一、 自主预习 Activityl:本单元共 76 个词汇,熟练掌握 48 个,重点掌握 16 个。 rather than, distance, scenery, eastward, confirm, surround, pleased, measure, aboard, have a gift for, within, manage to do, catch sight of, mix,impress,terrify Activity2: 自主学习,合作探究,

7、熟记课标词汇。 Activity3: 学习词汇,阅读课文,了解加拿大的相关信息。 二、 预习成果展示(略) 三、 认知学习目标 1. 学生自读学习目标 2. 导入新课 四、 课堂研讨助学 Activity1:Lead in Let student listen to a song(OCanada).and then ask students one question. Q1: what do you think of the music we listened? (Is it beautiful?) You can find a line which has the true north, h

8、ave you found i?t whatsthe true north? Activity2:Presentation.(New lesson) Show the title on the screen - unit 5 Canada-“- TheTrue North ” Task1. Learning Objectives 1. Talk about the basic information about Canada . 2. Master the related words of canada. 3. Learn to expressoneospinion in English. T

9、ask2.The basic information about Canada. Show some pictures and the maps to students,mainly introduc:esThe national flag of Canada, The national emblem of Canada, position, capital, size, population languages ,resources of Canada, fresh water and so forth. Task3 .Have a quiz 1. Describe Canada by us

10、ing the following numbers Second second largest country in the world 30 has a population of 30 million 5500 the distance from east to west is 5,500 km Four four Great Lakes in Canada Two two official languages one third has one third of theworld ssupply of fresh water 2. choose the correct answers t

11、o fill in each of these blanks. 1. What tshe capital of Canada ? A. Vancouver B. Toronto C. Calgary D. Ottawa 2. _ Canada lies in . A. southern North America B. northern North America C. southern South America D. northern South America 3. Which is the national flower of Canada? A. maple B. rose C. c

12、herry D.daffodil 4. What language(s) do Canadians speak ? A. English B. English and German C.English and French D. English and Spanish 5. What is the national animal of Canada? A.Beaver B.Grizzly bear C.Polar bear D.Penguin Task 4.Discussion 小组活动) ) Group work: If you take a trip to Canada, What pla

13、ces do you want to go to? Why? What three words would you use to describe Canada? Activity 3. summary Show some beautiful pictures to students again. Remember it! The scenery belongs to the man who looks at it! 风景属于那些懂得欣赏风 景的人! Activity 4.Homework 1.Preiew the reading“Atrip on “ thetrue north ” 2.Recite the first part words 附:板书 Unit5 Canada -“The True North ” - Maple country 枫叶之国) Canada 厂1. flag 2 emblem 3 positi on 4 capital 5 size & area 6 populati on 7 Ian guage 8 an imal 9 leader 10. resources 11. fresh water 12. mai n cities


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