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1、Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came? Step 1 Revision 1. Ask the students to talk about what they were doing at seven last night in groups of four and the n give a report. 2. Tran slate the followi ng phrases. 在图书馆 _in_the_library 在 . 的时候 at_the_time_of 去上班 _go_to_work_ 等公共汽车 _wait_for

2、_the_bus_ 步行回家 _walk_home_ 在街上 _on_the_street _ Step 2 Thinking Ask the stude nts to look at the picture in 3a and think about what has happe ned. Step 3 Reading I .Read the passage and answer the two questions. 1. What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood

3、 like after the storm? n .Read the passage again and tell the following sentences true(T) or false(F). 1. ( )The strong winds could be heard in side Bens home. 2. ( )The n ews on TV reported that a heavy rain storm was in Alabama. 3. ( )Everyone in the neighborhood was free. 4. ( )Bens mom prepared

4、the flashlights, the radio, some candles and matches. 5. ( )After dinner, Bens family had fun playing a card game. 6. ( )Be ns n eighbors helped clea n up the n eighborhood. 答案1 6 TTFTFT 川.Complete the table. 答案 the rainstarm PHragnph 4 9 al aruimd 3:00 衣HL 10. the oeighborfiDod 11. helped 1. Before

5、 2.strong winds 3.black clouds4. putting pieces of wood over the windows 5. making sure the flashlights and radio were work ing; put can dies and matches on the table 6. In 7.helping his mom make dinner 8.After 9. fell aleep 10.in a mess 11. clean up the neighborhood together Step 4 Speaking Discuss

6、 the questi ons with a part ner. “ Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.” What other things can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times of difficulty? Step 5 Language points (详见 P 课堂互动探究) report; beat; aga in st; rise

7、; fall asleep; make sb./sth. + adj. Step 6 Grammar focus 【观察】 Let the stude nts read the follow ing senten ces and see if they could con clude the grammar poin ts. 1. What was he doing whe n the rain storm came? He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came. 2. What was Ben doing when it beg

8、an to rain heavily? When it began to rain heavily, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 3. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework. 【探究】 past progressive tense 1. 结构: was/were(not) + v.- ing 2. 句式 肯定式:l/He/She/lt was worki ng.W

9、e/You/They/were worki ng. 否定式: l/He/She/lt was not work in g.We/You/They/were n ot work ing. 【拓展】过去进行时中的 when 和 while when 和 while 都可表示“当 . 的时候” ,引导时间状语从句。 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的,此时用 when 引导时间状语从句。 while 引导的从句中的动词必须是延续性的 ,从句用进行时态。 Step 7 Exercises Ask the students to make at least five sentences usin

10、g “ was/were( not) + v.- ing ”. 典案二 导学设计(详见光盘) 一、自主学习 汉译英。 1. _ 接电话 _ 2.外面没有灯光 _ 3. _ 感觉像 _ 4.几根木头 5.确保 _ 6.猛烈地击打窗户 _ 7. _ 入睡 _ 8.逐渐减弱 9. 一片狼藉 _ 10. 倒在地上的树、破碎的窗户和垃圾 _ 答案 1. pick up 2.with no light outside 3.feel like 4.pieces of wood 5. make sure 6.beat the window(s) heavily 7.fall asleep 8. die dow

11、n 9.in a mess lO.fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish 二、 合作探究 Task 1: Role-play the con versati on in 2d. Task 2: (1)Warm-up: Greeti ngs T: Whats the weather like today? What kind of weather do you like? Do you like rainy days? What will you do whe n the rain storm comes? (2) Learn the new knowl

12、edge : Lear n in groups to un dersta nd the passage in 3a. Ask the stude nts to con elude the grammar points in the passage. The teacher explains the use of adverbial clause of time directed by when and while. 三、 展示质疑与小结 1. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 外面没有灯光,感觉像午夜。 此句中介词 with 表示一种伴

13、随状况,同时还包含着某种因果关系 ,表示“因某种状况 的存在而导致”,因此可翻译成“由于;因为”等。 With my pare nts away, Im the king of the house. 2. while (1) While you were sleep in g, I called Jenny and she helped me. 此句中的连词 while 的意思是“当的时候” ,引导时间状语从句。它强调主句的动 作在从句动作的过程 中_(前/中/后)发生,此时主句使用的时态为 一般过去时_,从句 使用的时态为_过去进行时_。 (2) Bens dad while his mom

14、 was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 此句中的连词 while 的意思是“和同时”,同样引导时间状语从句。它强调 主句的动作与从句的动作 同时发生,且持续时间一般较长。此时主句使用的时态为 过去进行时 , 从句使用的时态为 _过去进行时. while 还可以表示“而;然而;但” ,用来说明和强调两种事情或情形不同。 make sure 意为“确认,查明,核实;确保;设法保证”,其后可接句子,或介词 of/about 或动词不定式,用来引入需要确认的内容。 Make sure you turn off the TV be

15、fore you leave the house. 在你离开屋子前确认关了电视。 Please make sure of/about your pla n to visit the old peoples home. 请确认一下你去老人之家的计划。 3. 过去进行时中的 when 和 while : when 和 while 都可表示“当 . 的时候” ,均可引导时间状语从句。 (1) 1 was walki ng to school whe n I saw a cat in a tree. (2) Whe n Sally arrived home, her mother was clea n

16、ing the house. 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的,此时用 whe n 引导时间状语从句, 主句用过去进行时态,从句用一般过去时态。 (3) While I was sleep ing in the bedroom, some one kno eked at the door. (4) David fell while he was riding his bike. 主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作是持续性的,此时用_while_引导从句,主句用 一般过去_时态,从句用过去进行时态。 (5) While Andy was wait ing for the bus, he

17、was read ing a n ewspaper. (6) He was elea ning his ear while I was cook ing. 主句和从句的动作在过去的某段时间同时发生 ,而且动作都是持续性的 ,此时用 while 引导从句,而且主句和从句都用 _过去进行时态。 when:可指时间点也可指时间段 ,从句中既可用延续性动词也可以用非延续性动词。 while:只能指时间段,从句中只能用延续性动词。 四、能力检测 (一) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. No one was at home but the TV set was on. He felt it w

18、as s _ . 2. There was no I _ in the room, so it was dark. 3. Lets set out now before the sun r _ . 4. _ It rained so (大)last night that the lake is full of water now. 5. _ David fell (睡着)in class because he stayed up too late last night. 6. The room is very dark. So I want to get _ ( 火柴)to light the

19、 candles. (二) 用 when 或 while 填空。 1. _ We were talking the teacher came into the classroom. 2. I was doing my homework _ my mother was cooking in the kitchen. 3. _ the boy was walking in the street, a UFO Ianded in front of him. 4. _ I saw the boy, he was talking on the phone. (三) 单项选择。 ( )1.Whe n I

20、got there, he _ them to dance. A . is teaching B. teaches C. taught D . was teaching ( )2.We were reading the newspaper _ suddenly the light went out ( 熄灭). A . whe n B . while C . as D . / ( )3.Newt on was play ing un der an apple tree _ an apple fell onto his head. A . after B . before C . whe n D

21、 . while ( )4.What _ when the earthquake happe ned on May 12th? A . are you doing B . were you doing C . do you do D . did you do ( )5.Mary was dancing while Mike _ the pia no. A . played B . was playi ng C . were playi ng D . plays ( )6.While I _ my breakfast, the postma n came and brought me the n

22、 ewspaper. A . is having B . was having C . has had D . had (四) 根据所给提示完成句子。 1 . Bob _ (play) computer games while his sister was doing homework. 2 . What _ your pare nts _ (do) at 8 oclock yesterday evening? 3 . Your watch is nice. May I _ (看一看)? 4 . What were you doing whe n you _ ( hear) the n ews

23、? (五)根据汉语意思完成句子。 1露西和莉莉昨天下午 3 点到 4 点在游泳。 Lucy and Lily _ _ from 3 : 00 to 4:00 yesterday afternoon. 2 当库克先生到家时 ,他儿子正在听收音机。 When Mr. Cook got home, his son _ _ to the radio. 3 当李雷在吃早饭时 ,吉姆进来了。 While Li Lei _ _ _ , Jim came in. 4 他回来时 ,我会给你打电话的。 _ he _ _ , _ give you a call. 答案 (一 )1.strange 2.light 3.rises 4.heavily/hard 5.asleep 6.matches (二 )1.when 2.while 3.While 4.When (三)1 6 DACBBB (四 )1.was playing 2.were; doing 3.have a look 4.heard (五 )1.were swimming 2.was listening 3 was having/eating breakfast 4.When; comes back; Ill


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