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1、Unit 12,What did you do last weekend?,Section B 1a-2c,fly v.(flew) 飞kite n. 风筝fly a kite 放风筝high adj.& adv 高的(地)high school 中学ago adv. 以前India n. 印度tent n. 帐篷,ut up 搭起;举起moon n. 月亮surprise n. 惊奇;惊讶 v.使惊讶 get a surprise 吃惊snake n. 蛇scared adj. 惊慌的;吓坏了的move v. 移动shout to 对.大声喊叫,start v. 开始了;着手jump v.

2、跳;跃up and down 上上下下;起伏wake v. 弄醒;醒wakeup 把弄醒into prep. 到里面;进入forest n. 森林ear n. 耳朵,NEXT,fly v. 飞(过去式为flew)fly表示“飞”,除用于鸟、飞机等在空中飞之外,还可指人乘飞机飞行,人驾驶飞机、飞机飞越某地等。e.g. Look! The birds are flying in the sky. 瞧,鸟在天空中飞翔呢。,Im flying to Hong Kong tomorrow. 明天我要乘飞机去香港。He flew the plane over to France. 他驾飞机去了法国。,BA

3、CK,ago adv. 以前放在时间词后面,表示“之前”,常用于一般过去时。e.g. He went to Beijing two days ago. 他两天前去北京了。,BACK,surprise n. 惊奇;惊讶 v. 使惊讶常见的名词搭配:in surprise(惊讶地), to ones surprise(令人惊讶地)。作动词时,宾语只用“人”来担任。e.g. The news surprised me a lot. 这个消息令我非常吃惊。,【拓展】surprise有两个形容词,即:surprised和surprising,如:be surprised at “对感到惊奇”。e.g.

4、We were surprised at his arrival. 他的到来令我很惊讶。,be surprised to do sth. “做某事感到惊讶”。e.g. She was surprised to find her handbag missing. 她惊讶地发现手提包丢了。试比较:a surprising look 一个令人吃惊的表情a surprised look一个吃惊的表情,BACK,Here are some things that Sally and Jim did yesterday. Match the activities with the pictures.,1a

5、,sang and played the guitar _ studied for a test _ had dinner with friends _ went to the library _flew a kite _ swam in a swimming pool _,a,b,c,d,e,f,Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture.,What did he/she do yesterday?,had dinner with frie

6、nds,studied for a test,went to the library,sang and played the guitar,swam in a swimming pool,flew a kite,Listen. What did Sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart.,Listening,1c,sang and played the guitar,flew a kite,had dinner with friends,studied for a test,went to the library,Make a conv

7、ersation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend.,Pairwork,Who went to the library?,Sally did.,1d,Hello, Bob. Did you go out last weekend?,Yes, I did. I camped by the lake with my uncle.,What kinds of animals are people sometimes afraid of? Why? Make a list.,I think people are

8、 afraid of tigers, lions and snakes because theyre scary.,2a,I think spiders are scary_ some of them are poisonous(有毒的).2. Well, I think sharks are scary_ they can bite and kill people.3. I think spiders are scary_ they look horrible(可怕的).,because,because,because,spider,mouse,wolf,snakes,tigers,Care

9、ful Reading,Read the article again and answer the questions below.,1. How was Lisas weekend?2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend?3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?4. What did Lisa and her sister do?5. What did their parents do? Why did they do that?6. What lesson did Lisa learn

10、 from the weekend?,How was Lisas last weekend? _Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend? _How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake? _,She felt very scared and she couldnt move.,It was interesting but scary.,They went to a small village in India.,Check the answers,4. What did Lisa and her siste

11、r do? _ _5. What did their parents do? Why did they do that? _ 6. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend? _,Her father jumped up and down in their tent to scare the snake.,They shouted to their parents to let them know the danger.,Dont go near snakes./ Snakes cant hear but they can feel movemen

12、ts.,认真阅读八个句子,了解句子意思,掌握它们所指代的八个事件:蛇进入森林中;撑起帐篷,做饭;学到一条有用的教训;看到一条蛇向父母求助;蛇听不到声音但能感觉到事物的移动;我的爸爸在帐篷里跳上跳下;乘公共汽车去印度的一个小村庄;在月光下讲故事,然后睡觉。2 带着这八个小事件,再去反复读短文,分析这个八个事件发生的时间先后,然后将它们排成正确的顺序。最后,再按所排列的顺序读一遍这八句话,确保顺序正确。,阅读指导,A Weekend to Remember,My sister finished high school two weeks ago. As a special gift,our par

13、ents took us to India. Lastweekend was interesting but scary. We went camping in a small villagein India. First, we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. Onthe first night, we just sat under the moon and toldeac

14、h other stories. But I was so tired that I went,to sleep early.The next morning, my sister and I got a terriblesurprise. When we looked out of our tent, we sawa big snake sleeping near the fire. I was so scaredthat I couldnt move. We shouted to our parentsto let them know about the danger. My dad st

15、artedto jump up and down in their tent. This woke the snake up and it moved into the forest near the lake.My dad told me later that snakes dont have ears but can feel things moving. He also told me it wasimportant not to go near a snake. This was a veryuseful lesson for me.,_ snake went into the for

16、est_ put up our tents and cooked food_ learned a useful lesson_ saw a snake and shouted to parents for help_ snakes cant hear but they can feel things moving,2,4,Check the answers,6,7,8,_ my dad jumped up and down in his tent_ took a bus to a small village in India_ told stories under the moon, then

17、 went to sleep,1,3,5,2c,There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. 我们在那里搭帐篷,生火取暖,然后做饭。,动词keep的主要用法是:keep sb./sth/adj./doing.意为“使某人/某物一直处于某种状态或做某事”,如:,Dont keep him waiting. 别让他等。,BACK,But I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 可是,我很累,就早早地睡觉了。本句中so.that.表示“如此以至于”,

18、其中so为程度副词,意为“如此地”,修饰形容词或副词,that为连词,引导结果状语从句。如:,The box is so heavy that I cant move it.这个箱子太重,我移不动。,BACK,.We saw a big snake sleeping near the fire. 我们看见一条大蛇正在火堆旁睡觉。.snakes dont have ears but can feel things moving. 蛇没有耳朵,但能感觉到东西在移动。,感官动词see,hear,feel等动词后都可接动词的ing形式,see/hear/feel sb./sth. doing sth.

19、表示“看到/听到/感觉到某人/物正在做某事”。如:I saw them playing chess in their room when I walked past. 当我经过时,我看见他们正在房间里下象棋。,I can hear someone shouting for help. 我能听见某人正在呼救。We begin to feel the summer coming these days. 这些天我们开始感觉到夏天正在来临。,_ out with friends _ for a walk_ apples_ photos,go,take,pick,go,1. Complete the p

20、hrases. Then use some of them in the past forms to write a story.,Self check,5. fly a _6. milk a _7. camp _ the lake8. study _ a test,kite,for,by,cow,2. Complete the conversation.,A: I had a school trip last week. B: Really. _ (go)?A: I visited the fire station. B: _ (go with)?A: I went with my clas

21、smates.,B: _ (do)?A: We watched the firefighters worked. What an interesting job they have!B: _ (learn anything)?A: Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.,1. 通读这段对话,可以看出,试题要求我们根据空格中单词的提示来完成五个问句。2. 问句的内容除了根据括号内的提示词之外,还应根据答语的内容进行确定。比如:由第三句“我参观了消防站”,,可知上文所问为“

22、Where did you go?”; 由第四句“我和同学们一起去的。”,可知上文问句为“Who did you go with?”; 由最后一句答语“当然了,我们学到了”,可知上文应是一般疑问句,“Did you learn anything?”。,A: I had a school trip last week. B: Really. _ (go)?A: I visited the fire station. B: _ (go with)?A: I went with my classmates.B: _ (do)?,Check the answer,Where did you go,Who did you go with,What did you do,A: We watched the firefighters worked. What an interesting job they have!B: _ (learn anything)?A: Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.,Did you learn anything,


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