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1、Rev.Date Compiled byReview ApprovalWork Instruction for Generator HV Withstand TestDocument NoKTPP-0-SEPS-COM-WI-4009PROJECT4x350 MW Kamalanga Thermal Power ProjectOWNERGMR卡玛朗加能源有限公司GMR KAMALANGA ENERGY LIMITEDOWNERs ENGINEER拉玛雅国际咨询有限公司LAHMEYER INTERNATIONAL (INDIA) PVT. LTD.CONSULTING ENGINEERS,GUR

2、GAONEPC CONTRACTOR山东电力基本建设总公司SEPCO ELECTRIC POWER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATIONSUB CONTRACTOR 1 / 121. 工程概况Brief introduction of the project卡玛朗加火力发电厂由GMR能源有限公司在现场兴建,该位置位于印度奥里萨邦德赫克纳尔区。该项目为新建工程,包括四台机组,每台机组容量为350MW。本工程采用东方电机股份有限公司生产的三相发电机,额定功率350MW,功率因数0.85,端电压20kV,频率50Hz,转速为3000rpm。汽轮发电机采用水-氢-氢冷却方式。The Kam

3、alanga Thermal Power Station would be set up by GMR kamalanga Energy Limited at a site, which falls under the Dhenkanal district of Orissa, India. The project is a Greenfield project consisting of four units each of 350 MW. The generators proposed for the plant are of three phase, manufactured by DF

4、EM, with the rated power of 350MW, power factor of 0.85 lagging, terminal voltage of 20kV, frequency of 50Hz and speed of 3000rpm. The turbine generator adopts the typical water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooling system.2 编制依据References of the compilation下列文件中的条款通过本作业指导书的引用而成为本作业指导书的条款。The prescriptions in t

5、he documents listed below are included in this work instruction by quotation.2.1)GB 50150-2006 电气设备交接试验标准;GB50150-2006 Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment ;2.2)DL5009.1-2002 电力建设安全工作规程DL5009.1-2002 Safety work regulations of electric power construction2.3)QFSN-300-2-20型汽轮发电机安装说明书 QFSN-

6、300-2-20 Turbine generator installation manual3 试验项目及程序Testing items and progress3.1)试验项目 Testing items3.1.1)定子绕组的绝缘电阻、吸收比、极化指数测量。2 / 12 Measurement of IR、Absorptance、Polarization index of stator winding.3.1.2)定子绕组端部现包绝缘施加直流电压测量。DC HV test of generator stator winding overhang handmade insulation.3.1

7、.3)定子绕组直流耐压试验和泄漏电流测量。Stator winding DC HV test and measurement of leakage current.3.1.4)定子绕组交流耐压试验。AC HV test of stator winding.3.2)试验程序 Test program3.2.1)试验开始之前详细记录试品的铭牌参数,检查、了解试品的状态,并进行记录。Record the parameters on nameplate in details before test, inspect the condition of the materials being tested

8、, and make records.3.2.2)按先低压试验后高压试验、先直流后交流的顺序进行试验。在绝缘电阻测量无异常后再进行耐压试验。交流耐压试验后重复测试绝缘电阻,以判断耐压试验前后试品的绝缘有无变化。The LV test shall be carried out prior to HV test, and DC test shall be carried out before AC test. The withstand voltage test shall be carried out after measuring the insulted resistance. Test t

9、he insulted resistance again after AC withstand voltage test, so as to know the difference of insulated status of tested pieces before and after test.4. 施工准备Construction preparation4.1)水内冷发电机专用绝缘电阻测试仪、温度计、湿度计。 Special IR tester for water cooling generator、Thermometer、Hygrometer.4.2)直流高压发生装置。DC high

10、voltage generator.4.3)成套工频交流耐压装置。Power frequency AC withstand voltage device.4.3.1)试验变压器高压侧额定电流 In应大于试品所需电流Ix,其中Ix可按下式估算:3 / 12Ix=2fCxUx2.5A(f试验电源频率50Hz,Cx被试绕组对地等效电容0.225*10-6F,Ux试验电压32800V)The rated currentIn on high-voltage side of the test transformershould be greater than current Ix required by

11、the test product,whereIxcan be estimated as follows:Ix = 2fCxUx 2.5A(f-testpower supply frequency 50Hz, Cx-trialwinding on equivalent capacitance of0.225 * 10-6FUx-testvoltage32800V)4.3.2)试验变压器,容量可按下式计算:S2fCxUx2 80kVA(f试验电源频率50Hz,Cx被试绕组对地等效电容0.225*10-6F,Ux试验电压32800V)Test transformer capacity can be

12、calculated as follows:S2fCxUx280kVA(f-testpower supply frequency of50Hz, Cx-trialwinding to ground the equivalent capacitance of0.225 * 10-6F theUx-testvoltage32800V)4.3.3)调压器,容量与试验变压器匹配。Regulator, capacity match with the test transformer.5施工工艺流程Construction process5.1)定子绕组的绝缘电阻、吸收比、极化指数测量。Measureme

13、nt of IR、Absorptance、Polarization index of stator winding.5.1.1)测量并记录环境温度和湿度。Measure and record the ambient temperature and humidity.5.1.2)将汇水管用导线引至试验场地,把汇水管所有引下线拧在一起,用万用表测量汇水管对地电阻,应大于30k。将汇水管引线接至专用兆欧表的屏蔽端子上。Leading the cooling water pipe by wire to the test site, all of deflectors of cooling water

14、pipe screwed together; measure cooling water pipe resistance to ground with the multimeter, which should be greater than30k.Leading cooling water pipe conductors to the shield terminal on dedicated megger.5.1.3)分相测量,每相绕组必须头尾短接,并将非被试绕组、转子绕组接地。Take sub-phase measurements, each phase winding must be he

15、ad to tail by short joint and ground the winding not to be tested and rotor winding.5.1.4)将地线端子用接地线和发电机外壳连接好,用绝缘把手将测试线接触到被测量绕组的引出端头上,开始测量,记录15s、60s、600s的绝缘电阻值。4 / 12The earth terminal shall be connected with the ground line and the generator casing, use insulating handle to contact the test line to

16、the leading end of the head of the measuring winding, start the measurement, recording15s, 60s, 600s,insulation resistance value.5.1.4)各相绝缘电阻的不平衡系数2(不平衡系数=最大值/最小值)。The unbalance factor of insulation resistance of each phase 2 the(unbalanced coefficient=max/min).5.1.5)吸收比1.6,极化指数2。Absorption ratio1.6

17、,polarization index2.5.2)定子绕组端部现包绝缘施加直流电压测量。 DC HV test of generator stator winding overhang handmade insulation.5.2.1)用铝箔将引线接头现场包绝缘部位包裹严实。Wrap the package insulation parts of the leading wire joints at site by aluminum foil tightly.5.2.2)发电机三相绕组加直流电压至20kV,用100M电阻杆串微安表逐点测试包铝箔的部位,同时记录微安表的读数。Generator

18、 three-phase windings plus the DC voltage to20kV,test parts of aluminum foil point by point with the the100Mresistor rod string microammete, while recording microammeter readings.5.2.3)根据U=IR,计算表面电位(U表面电位,I微安表的读数,R100M)。Calculated according toU =IR,the surface potential(U-surfacepotential,I-microamm

19、eterreadings,theR-100M).5.2.4)要求各点电压1900V。Voltageof each point1900V.5.3)定子绕组直流耐压试验和泄漏电流测量。 Stator winding DC HV test and measurement of leakage current .5.3.1)试验电压为电机额定电压的3倍(60kV)。转子绕组在滑环处接地。发电机出口电流互感器二次绕组短路接地。埋置测温元件在接线端子处电气连接后接地。The test voltage is3times the rated motor voltage(60kV).Rotor winding

20、get grounded at slip rings. Export of generator current transformer secondary winding is shorted to ground.Embedded temperature measurement devices get electrical connected at the terminals before get grounding.5 / 125.3.2)分相测量,每相绕组必须头尾短接,并将非被试绕组、转子绕组接地。Take sub-phase measurements, each phase windin

21、g must be head to tail by short joint and ground the winding not to be tested and rotor winding.5.3.3)试验电压按每级0.5倍额定电压分阶段升高,每阶段停留1min,并记录泄露电流;在规定的试验电压下,泄露电流应符合下列规定:(1)各相泄露电流的差别不应大于最小值的100%,当最大泄露电流在20A以下,根据绝缘电阻值和交流耐压试验结果综合判断为良好时,各相间差值可不考虑;(2)泄露电流不应随时间延长而增大;(3)泄露电流随电压不成比例地显著增长时,应及时分析。Per level of the t

22、est voltage is0.5times the rated voltage in phases elevated, each stage stay1min,and record the leakage current; under specified test voltage, leakage current should meet the following requirements:(1)the leakage current of each phase of the100% of thedifference should not be greater than the minimu

23、m, maximum leakage current of20Aor less, according to the value of insulation resistance and AC voltage test results to determine a good all-white difference may not be considered;(2)leakage current should not be with the time increases;(3)with voltage disproportionately significant increase in leak

24、age current, timely analysis.5.3.4)氢冷电机必须在充氢前或排氢后且含氢量在3%以下时进行试验,严禁在置换氢气过程中进行试验。Hydrogen-cooled motor before hydrogen charging or row of hydrogen and hydrogen content below3%test, to test the process of replacement of hydrogen is strictly prohibited.5.3.5)水内冷电机宜采用低压屏蔽法(见图1)。Water cooled generator sho

25、uld adopt the low-pressure method of shielding(see Figure 1).5.4)定子绕组交流耐压试验。 AC HV test of stator winding.5.4.1)试验电压为 (1000+2Un)*0.8=32.8kV。水内冷电机在通水情况下进行交流耐压试验,水质应合格;氢冷电机必须在充氢前或排氢后且含氢量在3%以下时进行试验,严禁在置换氢气过程中进行试验。Test voltage(1000 +2 Un) * 0.8 =32.8kV.AC voltage test water cooled motor through the wate

26、r, the water quality should be qualified; hydrogen-cooled motor before hydrogen charging or row of hydrogen and hydrogen content ofless than3%test, is strictly prohibited in the process of replacement of hydrogen trials.5.4.2)试验前先进行绝缘电阻和吸收比、直流泄漏等试验,各项试验合格后再进行本项试验。试验后再进行一次绝缘电阻和吸收比测量,比较试验前后的变化。6 / 12B

27、efore test insulation resistance and absorption ratio, DC leakage test, then the test qualified for the trials.The test change in the insulation resistance and absorption measuring, comparing the before and after test.5.4.3)转子绕组在滑环处接地。发电机出口电流互感器二次绕组短路接地。埋置测温元件在接线端子处电气连接后接地。水内冷发电机汇水管接地。检查试验电源、调压器和试验变

28、压器正常。分相测量,每相绕组必须头尾短接,并将非被试绕组接地。按接线图接线,保证所有实验设备、仪器仪表接线正确、指示正确(见图2)。Rotor winding slip rings at ground.Generator the export current transformer secondary winding is shorted to ground.Embedded temperature measurement devices in the wiring terminals electrical connection to ground.Water cooled generator

29、 sink water pipe ground.Check test normal power regulator and test transformer. Take sub-phase measurements, each phase winding must be head to tail by short joint and ground the winding not to be tested.Wiring diagram to ensure that all laboratory equipment, instrumentation wiring is correct, corre

30、ct instructions. (see Figure 2)5.4.4)一切设备仪表接好后,在空载条件下调整保护间隙,其放电电压在试验电压的110%-120%的范围内。All connected equipment, instrumentation, under no-load conditions to adjust the protection gap, the discharge voltage in the range of110% -120%of the test voltage.5.4.5)升压必须从零开始,升压速度在40%试验电压以内可不受限制,其后应均匀升压,速度约每秒3%的

31、试验电压。升至试验电压后维持1min。Boost must start from scratch, boost speed in less than40% of thetest voltage can be unrestricted, subsequently should be uniform boost speed of about3%per second of the test voltage.Rose after the test voltage to maintain1min.5.4.6)将电压降至零,拉开电源,该绕组试验结束。The voltage drops to zero, p

32、ull power supply, the winding end of the trial.6. 施工注意事项Construction notices6.1)试验前,充分了解被试设备的厂家说明书及本措施,严格按照本措施施工。Before testing, to fully understand the manufacturers instructions, and the measures of test equipment, construction in strict accordance with the measures.6.2)试验前对所有参加试验人员进行详细的安全、技术交底。7

33、/ 12All to participate in the trial personnel detailed safety and technical tests before the test.6.3)试验时正确使用仪器、仪表,避免人为损坏仪器、仪表。Test the proper use of instruments, meters, instruments, meters to avoid man-made damage.6.4)试验过程中及时正确地做好记录。During the test in a timely manner the right to make a record.6.5

34、)验设备周围设围栏,并有专人监护,发电机出线侧和中性点侧应派专人把守,防止无关人员误入。The request must set up a fence around the test equipment, and to supervise the generator outlet side and the neutral side should send someone guarded to prevent unrelated personnel strayed.6.6)试验用电源开关要悬挂“试验专用,严禁乱动”警示牌。The warning card which is saying“Spec

35、ial for use, do not fiddle with it”from the power switch used for test 6.6) 发电机试验应有厂方人员现场技术指导。The testing of generator should be guided by the engineer of manufacturer.7安全和环保注意事项Safety and environmental protection notices7.1)为保证人身和设备安全,应严格遵守本作业指导书中的有关规定。In order to ensure the safety of persons and e

36、quipment, should strictly abide by the relevant provisions of the operating instructions in the book.7.2)进行交直流耐压等高电压试验时,试验时试验人员与看守人员通信要通畅,没有试验人员的命令看守人员不能乱动。负责升压的人要随时注意周围的情况,一旦发现电压表指针摆动很大、电流表指示急剧增加、绝缘烧焦气味或冒烟或发生响声等异常现象时,应立刻降低电压,断开电源停止试验,对被试绕组进行放电后再对绕组进行检查,查明原因并排除后方可继续试验。AC and DC voltage and high volt

37、age test.Testing personnel and guards communication open, no testing personnel of the command can not tamper with guardsThe person responsible for the boost to pay attention to the situation around, Once voltmeter pointer swing, the ammeter indicating a sharp increase insulation burning smell, or sm

38、oke, or sound anomalies, it should immediately reduce the voltage, disconnect the power to stop test, discharge and then check the winding of the winding test, to identify the reasons and exclusion continue to test.9 / 127.3)防止试验变压器发生泄漏油,污染地面。To prevent the test transformer leak oil pollution in the ground.7.4)试验过程中使用的塑料带和保险丝要清理干净,试验结束后恢复设备至原样。Clean up the used plastic bags and fuse in the testing process, restore the equipment to the end of the trial.8. 附件 AttachmentsFigure 1Figure 19 / 12Figure 210 / 12 注:合同范本有风险,使用需谨慎,法律是经验性极强的领域,范本无法思考和涵盖全面,最好找专业律师起草或审核后使用,谢谢您的关注! 11 / 12


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