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1、Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 We will have a class fashion show. Section B a class fashion show 教学设计 南阳市二十二中英语教研组 岳 强 教学设计思路: 本课主要是继续学习有关服装的词汇和结果状语从句。 首先通过检查学生的家庭作业来复习 so. that. 的用法 ,在复习已学词汇时引出本课的新词汇。 扫除了词汇障碍后, 直接让学生听 1a完成1b。接着让学生阅读 1a,通过找出对话中的结果状语从句来引出 so that和such. that.。然后教师加以解释让学生造句,操练新语法。待学生有了足够的输

2、入以后, 就进行 2 的操练。在核对学生的句子时, 顺便处理学生出现的错误,进行纠错练习, 进一步巩固结果 状语从句,完成本课时。 I . Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims : (1 )学习并掌握新词汇 pocket, windbreaker , size ,pretty, handsome (2)继续学习由“ so that ”和“ such. that. ”引导的结果状语从句 2. Skill aims: (1) 能够运用“ so that ”和“ such . that ” 引导的结果状语从句。 (2 ) 能够听懂 / 说出常见的购物的用语。 n . The

3、 key points and difficult points 1. Key points: ( 1 )学习更多服饰名称。 (2) 学习“ so that ”和“ such . that. ”引导的结果状语从句。 (3) 学习“ so that ”引导的目的状语从句。 2. Difficult points : (1) 区别并转换“ so. that. ”、“such.that. ”引导的结果状语从句。 (2) 理解 so that 既可以引导结果状语从句,也可以引导目的状语从句。 川.Learning strategies 1. 运用比较法来学习“ so. that. ”、“such.th

4、at. ”引导的结果状语从句。 2. 大胆开口多操练,不怕出错,把教材所给例句作为模仿的依据。 IV. Teaching aids 多媒体课件/图片 V. Teaching procedures Stage 1( 8 mins): Revision Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose (Class activity) Greet the Ss and ask them to revise the words and grammar they lear ned last period. T: Good morning

5、,boys and girls ! Nice to see you aga in . T: Have you made your sentences with so. that.” ? T: Fine . Xxx, please speak out one of your senten ces . T: Good sentence ! More volun teers ! T:. T:l am very pleased with your sentences . Now ,let turn to words . Look, here Revise the words and grammar .

6、 Ss: Good morning , Mr. . Nice to see you ,too. Ss: Yes. S1: It is so hot that I have to wear my T-shirt. S2: The river is so deep that I can swim in it . S3: . S4:. 复习Section A的 语法和词汇,引 出Section B的新 词汇。 the n ames . (Shows pictures) Ss: Jea ns T: Yes . This one ? Ss: Blouse T: This ? Ss: Sweater T:

7、 How about this ? Ss:. T:It a windbreaker . It has two big pockets . T: Is it a cott on jacket ? Ss: NO, it isn T: Is it a silk one ? Ss: No, it isn T: Mmm . it is a leather jacket. What do you usually pay attention to whe n you buy clothes ? S1: Color , price , how much T: Right . What else ? S2: H

8、ow big T: You mea n the size you want ? We say what size ,not now big Remark :首先通过检查学生造的句子,迅速复习 so.that 的用法。然后在复习前一课时的词 汇引出本课的新词汇。 Stage 2( 10mins): Listening to 1a and finishingib Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose Let the Ss listen to 1a and Liste n to 1a and finish 1b. 培养学生听

9、一听 fin ish 1b. 选一选的能力, (Class activity) T: From Section A, we know there will be a fashion show in Janes class. Now the kids are 完成1b。 buying some clothes in a clothing store. You will liste n to a long conversation and choose what they want to buy. But, first, you should write down the names of the

10、 clothes under the pictures in 1b. Do it quickly. T: Can we check the an swers now? Ss: Yes. Picture A, xxx. S1: Hat T:Xxx, Picture B. S2: Dress T:. S3:. T: Now, please liste n to the conversation, and choose the correct pictures for the kids. T: Have you got the an swers? Ss: Yes . T: So what Kan g

11、ka ng would like to buy ?Xxx, can S7: D and E. you try? S8:. T:. Remark : 1a的对话比较长,老师要提醒学生对话中的人名,如有必要,可以听两遍 0 Stage3( 10 mins) Reading 1a Designing Step Teacher activity Student activity purpose S9:lt such a cool1(Pair work) Let the Ss read 1a and find out the sentences about shopp ing and the adver

12、bial clauses of result. T:Wo nderful. Yohave listened to 1a anc 1 know what the kids want to buy. Now, read 1a and find out the sentences about shopp ing and the adverbial clauses of result. T: Hi, class! Have you fini shed read ing ? T:First, who can tell me the sentences about shopp ing? T: Perfec

13、t! Then how about the adverbial clauses of result? Read 1a and find out the sentences about shopping and the adverbial clauses of result. Ss: Yes . S1: What would you like to buy? S2: What do you think of them? S3: They look very nice. S4: What size do you take? S5:. S8: I want to buy a windbreaker

14、so that I will look great. 让学生阅读1a, 找出本课的功能 句和语法项目。 继续学习由so that和 such.that. 引导的结果状语 从句。 T: Great! You have got them. Can we use Such” in so that or so in such .that. ” ? T: The an swer is No . For so.that. ” We use so +adj./ adv. + that+. ”, but for such.that. ”, we use “ such a/an +adj.+ noun+that

15、+. ”. Look, here are some examples. win dbreaker that you should buy it at once . Ss: Sorry. We don k now. Remark : 1a的篇幅虽然较长,但并不难理解,只要让学生理解 so that 和such.that 引导 的结果状语从句。学生在学习 Section A 时已经看过教材附录部分的相关语法知识,找出结果 状语从句并不难。作为补充知识教师可以讲解衣服尺码的基本知识。 如口: XS,S ,M,L,XL ,XXL等。 Stage 4( 12 mins): Finishing 2 Ste

16、p Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1 (In dividual work) Let the Ss practice such .that. and so that”. T : You have learned o that and such.that ”. Now, please make your own senten ces quickly . T: Time is up. Who would like us to share ? Practice such .that.” and so that. S1: I wa

17、lk to school everyday so that I can keep healthy. S2: It such a small 操练“ so that和 “ such.that.的 用法。完成2。 T: Well done, good senten ces! Now, turn to page 84. Look at the handsome boy in Picture One, who is he? T: Yes, you are right. He wants to buy the cool windbreaker so that he will look great. Wh

18、o is the pretty girl in Picture Three ? T: Yes. It is such a nice dress that she wants to buy it at once. Everybody loves beauty. T: Next, you should make sentences with such.that.” and so that”.The examples and the words in 2 may help you . You have 2minu tes . T: Can we check now? T: Who is the fi

19、rst volu nteer? shirt that I can wear it at all. S3: The bike is too expensive so that I can afford it . S4:. S7: He is Michael . Ss: She is Jane. Ss: Yes. S1: Maria wants to buy the cool jacket so that she will look bright. Maria is weari ng T: Have you found any mistakes in the senten ces? such a

20、cool jacket that she looks bright. S2:. S3:. S5 Yes. Xxx made a mistake. He should use . Remark : so that既可以引导结果状语从句,也可以引导目的状语从句,这一点学生会在句子 中体现出来,教师要加以引导。另外提醒学生注意 pretty beautiful, ha ndsome 的用法。在 学生读出自己的句子时,其他学生要注意聆听并记下错误之处。 Stage5( 5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMK Step Teacher activity Student

21、 activity Designing purpose 1 ( Class activity) Let the Ss summarize what they lear ned his period . T: Up to now , how many ways can you use to introduce the adverbial clause of result ? T: What are they? T: Are there any differences betwee n them? T: Look, here are some senten ces, each of them ha

22、s one mistake, try to find it out. Let begi n with No. 1. Senten ces: 1. It is so an interesting book Summarize what they lear ned this period. Ss: Three. Ss: so. that., .so that. , such . That. Ss: . S1: Change o” into such . S2:. 回顾、总结本课 的相关知识有利 于加深学生的记 忆。通过纠错练 习也可以让学生 加强对新语法的 理解和运用。 that I want t

23、o buy it at once. 2. I got up every early this morning such that I could catch the early bus . Assig n the HMK. Fi nish the HMK. 让学生进行 T: For todays HMK, Id like so.that . 和 you to use both so.that. and such.that.的转 2 (Class activity) such.that. to tran slate 换练习,有利于 these sentences into En glish .

24、更好的理解这两 个结构。 Remark :本课的主要任务就是让学生运用 so that , such.that . 。所以布置的作业也要 与之相关联。 VI. Blackboard design 第二课时(Section B 1a,1b,2) Words and expressi ons Grammar win dbreaker 结果状语从句 pocket so. that. leather . So that. size such. that. What size 目的状语从句 han dsome . So that. pretty 购物用语: What do you think of them What size do you take


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