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1、Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Section C,Topic 1 Whats your hobby ?,Listen to 1a and find out the main idea of this passage.Whats the best title of the passage ? Scrapbooking The History of Scrapbooking What is a Scrapbook ? How to Make a Scrapbook,The title should summarize the main idea of a passage. It can h

2、elp you predict what a passage is about.,Read Paragraph1 loudly,then answer the following question.,What did people collect in scrapbooks before ? _,They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember.,他们把想要记住的图片、信件、诗歌以及其他物件保存下来,Read Paragraph2 loudly,then answer the followin

3、g question.,What may people collect in scrapbooks today ? A. _ B. _ C. _,the worlds most stupid ideas,pictures of the worlds most ugly dogs,stories about bad weather,Now,do you know how to make a scrapbook ?,How do you make a scrapbook? First , _ Second, _ _,you should decide what you want to collec

4、t.,you will need a book with background paper, scissors and glue.,What will you collect in your scrapbook?,1. 超过2. 滑稽的收藏品3. 开始4. 以.开始5. 剪下6. 把.粘贴到.7. 需要某物做某事8. 同某人分享某物,1. more than2. funny collections3. get started4. start with sth.5. cut out6. stick.to.7. need sth to do sth.8. share sb. with sth.,K

5、ey sentences,It is + adj. (for sb. ) to do sth.It 做形式主语,动词不定式做真正的主语。,A:It is easy to get started. (做剪贴簿)它很容易着手。,B:Itll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook. 制作剪贴簿将会很有乐趣。,1. They kept pictures, letters, poems and other things they wanted to remember.they wanted to remember是that引导的定语从句(that省略),修饰前面的名

6、词pictures,letters, poems and other things。2. You should decide what you want to collect.what you want to collect 是what 引导的宾语从句(what在从句中充当宾语成分不能省略),Key sentences,2,Look at the pictures. Then follow the example to ask and answer in pairs.,Look and say,in spring,(fly kites/go traveling),A: What do Kangkang and Michael often do in spring ?B: They often fly kites.A: What did they use to do in spring ?B: They used to go traveling.,in summer,(go swimming/ go rowing),in fall,(go climbing/ go cycling),in winter,(go skiing/ make a snow man),Thank you !,Homework,Make a scrapbook in your free time.,


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