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1、Unit four Do you like pears? 云南省玉溪市聂耳小学蒋冀一、概述本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书三年级英语下册Unit Four Do you like pears?中的内容,新单词有watermelon peach pear orange strawberry banana apple grape,主要句型是Do you like pears? Yes, I do./ No, I don t. What do you like? I like,要求学生能听、说、认读三会,并能灵活运用该句型表达自己喜欢的食物。本课的难点是:apple strawberry的发音及八个

2、单词的认读,最难的是语言知识点在实际中的运用。由于本单元的内容十分贴近生活,而且水果单词许多学生之前也或多或少知道一点,因此我在安排本课内容时,将原本两课时的单词在本堂课全部给呈现出来,让学生在大量的知识输入过程中习得英语知识,在教学中尽量体现教材的科学性、思想性、趣味性和灵活开放性,遵循语言学习规律“听说读(三年级英语还没有涉及单词的书写)用” 。放手让学生在练习过程中自己去感悟、探究, 这样使学生学会用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语的能力。二、教学目标1、 知识与技能(1)认读 8 个新单词和2 组新句型,做到发音准确、清晰;(2)熟练运用新句型与小组同学进行相互问答;(3)培


4、解他人的喜好,学会礼貌待人接物,增进友谊。三、学习者特征分析1学生是聂耳小学三年级的学生;2学生已经学习了apple ,banana, 等关于水果的单词;3学生对I like.?Yes, I do.等句型非常熟悉;4学生思维活跃,善于和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望得到同学和教师的赞许;5学生对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,但是英语的听读能力还有待加强;6学生对于PPT talking和 picture talking的呈现形式感到很好奇。四、教学策略1. 歌曲激趣策略:让学生在“唱唱,做做的热身活动中进入学习状态,激发他们的学习英语兴趣, 迅速进入学习英语的良好状态,同时借助chant 和歌曲来巩固

5、学过的句型和单词,在语言运用中学习英语。2师生示范策略:教师通过和12 个学生的口语交际,给全班同学的说话训练作示范,让学生清楚两两说话的内容和方式;3自主听读策略:学生通过自主听读拓展材料,在完成课标要求的基础上训练听说能力,积累和丰富英语词汇和句式。五、教学资源1本课教材;2拓展资源:如何用英语表达出热情的小主人和礼貌得体的客人;3教学环境:多媒体、卡片、贴图,实物、小奖品、录音机等,尽量创设一个实际交际氛围。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动阶段目标一、热身1、Greetings. 2、Sing and act. “Walking, walking, eating, eating, e

6、ating, drinking, drinking, drinking, now we stop. Running , ”1、Greetings. 2、Listen to the teacher once carefully ,the second time follow the teacher together to sing the song and do the action. 一开始让学生来一个边唱边做的游戏, 这样主要是让学生有一个热身运动,让学生对英语课堂是充满兴趣的学习, 而在此过程中也渗透了将要学习 的 内 容 “ eating, drinking” 。二、新知呈现1、 “To

7、day I bring a big bag, its the gift for youGuess Whats in my bag?”Show a big bag and let the children touch and guess what s in it. 2、 Teach the children to say the words the first time by showing the real objects. 3 、 Use CAI, let the children watch and listen, focus their attention to the pronunci

8、ation of the words. The second time to say the words by using the CAI with pictures, words and sound put together. 4、Show fruit pictures with English words at the bottom. Teach the children to learn the words the third time. This time focus their attention to the English words. 1、Look, 1isten, touch

9、 and guess out the objects from the bag one by one. (some may say out in English, some way not.) 2、Listen to the teacher carefully and learn to say the fruit words in English. 3 、 Watch and 1isten carefullyPay attention to the pronunciation of the words. Repeating the words is allowed. “apple banana

10、 orange peach pear strawberry watermelon grapes”4、 This time is to learn to read the words. 通过一个鲜艳的bag 来引入我们将要学习的内容,引起孩子的好奇心和求知欲, 创设情景, 让学生听的看的做的饶有兴趣,了解本课将学习的内容。用大屏幕出示水果的剖面及整体图像, 让孩子在视觉感知的同时也感知到这些水果单词的标准英语读音。集中精力学习说读单词,培养小学生学习的责任心。三、小组Give a set of cards to each group , Let them Use the cards to lea

11、rn to read the eight 培养孩子合作学习,互帮互学的习惯和能力, 生四、检查小组学习效果1、The teacher shows the eight fruit pictures one by one. 2、The teacher shows the eight word cards one by one 1、The children say out the word as quickly as they can. 2、 The children read the words all together, some of them come to the front and st

12、ick the word cards to the fruit pictures on the board. 锻炼孩子英语思维能力和快速反应能力。检查学生是否能认读本课单词游戏巩固加深学生对图和词之间的联系的印象,为下一步书写单词打下基础。五、新知呈现1 、 Use the words and pictures on the board to present the sentences “I like apples. What do you like? Do you like pears? Yes I do./No, I dont. ”First things first is to let

13、the Ss understand the meaning of the sentences by using gestures. Then teach them to say the sentences. a、The teacher ask. b、 Lead the Ss ask and answer by themselves. c、Count the gifts, see which group has the most. 2、 Use CAI to show the scene of the teacher s home. “Welcome to my home!” Tell the

14、Ss which group has the chance to come to 1、Look at and listen to the teacher carefully, try the best to get the meaning of the sentences. Also they can follow the teacher to say: -What do you like? -I like ,. -Do you like pears? -Yes I do. / No, I dont. a 、 One of the Ss answers. b、The whole class a

15、sk and some Ss answer. c、Count with the teacher. 2、 Watch the screen, get what the teacher says. “巧 妙 利 用 黑 板 上 的 物体,自然的引出本课三会句型,让孩子在不觉中习得语言知识。创设良好的语言环境和语用环境,使学生在愉快和自信的情绪中,保持积极的学习态度。利用班上英语能力强的孩子 帮 助 教 师 一 起 做 示范,既满足了这些孩子的表现欲望,又激发了其他孩子的求知欲望。通过怎样招待客人这样一个任务的设置活动,慢慢的把前边学习的语言一点点运用于对话表演中,让语言的交际功能得到体现。合作学习

16、单词learn to read the words from each other, of course every group has a leaderThe teacher walks around the class ready to give help at any time words again,help each other, and prepare to respond 生合作, 发挥学生的主体作用。“my home”3、 Invite one group to the “teacher s home ” , make the others listen carefully.

17、The following sentences maybe used: Welcome to my home! Come in and sit down. What do you like? Do you like,? Have some, please. Here you are. ,ect 4、Ask the Ss what they have heard? 3、One group come to the front to act a dialogue with the teacher. The others must listen carefully, no one is allowed

18、 to have nothing to do in class. 4、Tell the class what they have heard. 让每一个层次的学生都有不同的收获。六、小组合作学习句型1 、 Give each group a basket of fruit(objects, pictures, and cards ). 2 Go around the class to help Practice the dialogue by using the basket of things.把日常生活中经常接触的实物带进课堂, 让他们在情景交流中品尝水果,果汁,孩子们会一直处于兴奋状态,

19、并渴望交流,从而达到语言学习的交际目标。七、检查小组学习效果Ask some groups to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Ask the others to listen carefully. Get ready to tell “What did you hear? ”Look with anxious to have a try Listen carefully to prepare to answer the teacher s question. 关注每一个孩子, 没有机会表演的孩子有听力任务,比一比谁可以复述的句子多,

20、让学生真真成为课堂的主人。八、歌曲1、 Show the word “ APPLE”formed by apples , tell the Ss “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”2 、 Use CAI to show a song. Sing the song“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”1、Look and listen. 2 、Sing the song together with the teacher and the CAI. 评价的方式一直贯穿整堂课, 学习的成功, 教师的积极表扬, 都能推动

21、小学低年级学生进一步提高和保持兴趣。 通过孩子的努力将苹果摘玩,最后显现出的是本课的一个重点单词 “apple ” 。让学生了解饮食建康知识,达到本课情感目标。九、End the class by singing Sing and dance. 在歌声中结束, 孩子意犹结束语a song. 未尽,将课堂学习自然延续到课后。板书设计Unit Four Do you like pears? pear peach orange watermelon banana apple strawberry grape 教学反思基础教育阶段英语课的重要任务之一是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心。

22、在教学中,我始终做到尊重每一位学生,多给学生提供习得的机会,并非让他们有意识地学习,而是创造一种无意识、无压力、无包袱的学习氛围,让学生在不知不觉中受益,这节课打破了课堂常规,不限于传统课堂上的知识传授,在课堂创造真实情景,让学生在真实环境中习得语言。在实际教学中,灵活地有创造地使用教材,对教材的内容编排顺序教学方法等方面进行适当的调整,可操作性强,适合我们玉溪的英语环境。创造条件让学生相互讨论,合作、 交流使学生对本课所学的知识得到进一步巩固。当然,这仅是我个人对本堂课的设计思路,不足之处必然还有,敬请各位专家、评委、同仁赐教。七、总结与评价本课英语教学的评价主要通过课堂表现和语言知识技能两个方面来进行。课堂表现的评价主要包括学习态度、学习兴趣、学习策略和合作精神;语言知识技能的评价主要包括说、听、唱、练和游戏。


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