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1、代词只有处在从句中时,方能在句首而无前方指代目标,而且后面的主句的主语一定就是代词所指。倒装都不行AAble 2表能力的不能用被动结构,如able/have ability/unable to be doneTo doAbility 3(sbs) ability/capability to do/ of sth of doing错Ability表天生能力。Capability仅仅是一种属性只有be capable of doingAccount 1On account of=because of非常客观的表示原因,适用于任何情况,可作状语、表语,不作定语。Accord 1According t

2、o 介词,通常句首或插入语,接法规具体内容In accordance with 用法同上,接法规名称,adj 1形容词单独出现可以做状语,也可以做同位语(定语)AddAdd in doing 而不是 to doIn addition to 1注意:in addition to并不是并列After前后主从句时态可能不同Again 1和re-do重复Agreement/Laws/directive/compliance 2用doing来表规定Agreement that从句如果约定没失效用一般现在时Along with 2非平行结构不能加完整句子Among 2Among n n或者n among

3、n都是独立主格Include among 冗余Amount 1仅仅能用于不可数名词Number用于可数名词And 5并列To do and to doTo do and doHave do and have doHave do and doThe n and the doingDoing and doneThat并列不光是宾语从句,定语从句也能如此并列一定要注意现在分词和过去分词的并列是合理的并列名词的冠词不一定一致,最好一致And并列做主语,谓语用复数理论上讲并列的n的成分是可以插入n-1个and比如A and B and C and D,但严格的写法是A and, B and, C and

4、 D。也就是说C和D并列,整体又和B并列,再整体和A并列,但是不同级别的并列最好用逗号标明,高级别的并列成分尽量往前放,A级别最高,其次B,其次C和D但不变的是:最后一个并列成分前一定有andAnd also 1举例中出现一定多余Announce 2Announce sth/thatAnnounce to do错Annually 1Each yearannually 冗余Not any 1Not any应该简化为noAllow 3Allow sb to doAllow thatAllow sb doing 错Allow doing 错Alone 1放在强调对象之后。Even/First/onl

5、y 放在强调对象之前(尽量)Although/though/eventhough 5although/even though/while/when/ if/unless/ even if + doing/done/adj 正确 + 介词/n 错误加完整句子不用将来时不用被动式But冗余AreaArea和size是可以并列的As/when 1As可引导原因,引导时间状语(一边一边)As is the case with 2类似于likeAs with the case 介词 sth 错As much/many 1相当于一个数量的概念所以有 倍数 as many的用法but today there

6、 are less than one-quarter as many.As well as 4有主次之分不表并列谓语动词单复数根据前面的名词Alsoas well冗余Andas well不冗余Asas 9倍数+as adj (n) as倍数+as much as+ 不可数倍数+as many as+ 可数倍数+数字/amount/number/increase/decline/quatity/price等倍数+adj(er) than倍数+adj(er) thanThan/as 可以包含主语As adj than 错Asso 错误介词+As和介词+more than连写来表达大于等于 错 应该

7、只用一次介词介词+As least as great as介词+As great as or greater than(两个as必须齐全)对比的为主语:A do than B(主谓结构)A do sth than B do/did(主谓宾结构)A do sth 介短 than B(主谓宾结构) 由于被介短隔开,所以不不足谓语很安全A be sth than B(主系表结构)A can/could/should/would do sth than B can/could/should/wouldA have/has done sth than B have/has对比的为谓语:A do1 sth

8、 than do2对比的为宾语:A do sth1 than sth2对比的为介短A do sth of C1 by D1 than of C2 by D2对比的为介词A do sth in C1 than out of it(代表C1)对比的为状语:也即两个句子主谓宾相同,状语不同。如果主句存在状语,则省略主谓宾,只保留状语,如介词短语,如果主句中没有状语(比如默认为现在,或者已经在动词时态中包含了时间状语的含义,则比较从句要补出主语和情态动词/助动词)。但注意时间状语可能造成谓语的时态不一致,这种情况下主谓不能省略。很多情况下改变的不光是状语,主体可能也发生改变,如不同时代下同类主体的对比

9、,这种情况下,就不能省略的只剩下状语,而是补上主语和助动词/情态动词(如果是主系表结构不用补上be),用代词those,that,the one之类的代替比较的时候不要让任何一方出现“任何”(比如any)这种概念,这样的话对比的时候就不排除自己。修饰名词是:as adj. (a) noun. as = (a) noun. as adj. as,其中第一个as是adv.但是在这个结构前已经出现必须接名词的结构,比如介词,则只能用后者At leastAt least 和 more冗余attempt 4attempt to doattempt sthin attempt to=in attempti

10、ng toattempt try冗余attributesb attribute A to B 某人把A归因于BBBad 2So badAs bad as 必须完整,两个as不可缺少Base 1Based只能修饰物,不能修饰人Be 1主表并列Because/since/for 3能够加完整句子As much becauseas becauseBecause修饰:先前再后,就近动作Because of/Due to/despite/in despite of/ as a result of/owning to 1只能加简单的名词结构,所以某些成分只能放在定语从句中,而定语从句脱离因果链,因此这些词

11、难以很好的描述因果。接doing都危险被动 5一般错不加被动时态的:lead; cause; enable; become; receive; visit; Lack; enter; cost; possess; resemble; last; like; enjoy; notice; watch; look at; listen to; pay attention to; suit; fit; contain; so as to do; be able to do; be likely to doBegin 1Had begun错倍数倍数+as adj (n) as倍数+as much as

12、+ 不可数倍数+as many as+ 可数倍数+数字/amount/number/increase/decline/quatity/price等倍数+adj(er) than倍数+adj(er) thanMore than double(动词)Being 3除了 (with/each/both) n being n,做主语,be being done表被动进行时一般都错独立主格中没有n n这中形式(后来竟然坑爹的证实了独立主格居然真有这个形式,那下面第一句到底对不对),所以必须借助being形成n being n。但是没有n being adj。因为独立主格存在n adj形式。1)Jean

13、Toomers Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by a Black Americanthe others being Richard Wrights Native Son and Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man.2)A new hair-growth drug is being sold3) Simply being genetically engineered does not make a plantBodyBody of sbBoth 2句子+复数名词结尾, each

14、/both +介词短语/形容词短语/-ed形式/-ing形式除了that不能加,什么都能加必须有and与之配套Double/triple/quadruple/quintuple/sextuple 1可以做动词和形容词 不能做名词Doubling仅仅作为double的现在分词形式出现永远错produce double; a doubling of; produce a doublingBut 3Notbut并列But 并列But also的省略形式but后面本来是应该加句子的,但是在主语相同的情况下可以省略主语But also 3不一定有not only与之对应,可能仅仅表转折,notbut a

15、lso也出现过But it also出现于两种情况:1)not only 后面倒装 2)没有not only, but it also 仅表转折Also可以省略By 1Sth by sb 不可以表达成来自sb的sth。要用 sth from/of sb如competition from sb而不是competition by sbBy doing 1表原因,仅次于because,比due to, because of, owning to都强By/though/with 1Though前面加是结果By前面是目的With加具体工具,有冠词with a/an/the tool。By/through

16、加手段,无冠词一定要注意主句的主语就是逻辑主语CCause 2Cause sb to do不能用被动Change 1Change in/of插入语 1插入语/while/定语从句/定语 都不进入因果链Compliance/directive/Laws/agreement 1用doing来表规定Concieve 4Conceive of doingconceive that (不用虚拟语气)conceive of something/somebody as something conceive what/why/how etcConclude 2Conclude by doing/conclud

17、e with sth 以方式结束Conclude to sth 以达成目标而结束Consist 1Consist主动表被动A consist of BA由B构成Consider 1Consider A B 仅此一种Continue 2不用进行时,不用两种以上时态Sb is doing sthcontinuously 冗余Convince/expect/predict 1willCompare 5Compared with=as compared to可放于句中,后面加名词性成分。不能和被修饰对象被两个逗号隔开和like略有不同,大部分情况下修饰主语,但有时也会修饰主句的核心名词in 1910

18、this group made up 35 percent of the population, compared with 20 percent in 2000compared to/contrasted with用法和like相同,也即like A, BCompare是被比,决对不能主动表被动,open也是Comparable to是并列Currently 1Nowcurrently 冗余DDate 5Sth date/is dated toago 表年代 主被动都行Sth be dated atold 表年龄 被动Sth date back XXX yearsSth date from

19、(a time point)The date of + 具体事件(如birth)Demand 1Demand that 后面用动词原形表虚拟语气DescendBe descended fromDesign 3Be designed asBe designed forBe deisigned to doDespite/Due to/ in despite of/because of/as a result of/owning to 1只能加简单的名词结构,所以某些成分只能放在定语从句中,而定语从句脱离因果链,因此这些词难以很好的描述因果。接doing都危险Determine 1determine

20、 that.表示确定/判定己有结果,要用determine whether来表示结果未确定Difference 4Difference(s) between A and BA has difference(s) from BDiffer fromBe different fromdifferent from/Similar to/due to 3加句子错一般错,放句首必错,Different from sth放句尾做同位语就近修饰名词directive/Laws/compliance/agreement 1用doing来表规定Doing 6判断做主语还是作定语4种情况做定语:句中紧跟名词后面

21、主系表后面 完成时态后面 不完整结构后面2种情况做状语:主句前面只能修饰主语 主句后面可修饰主语,也可修饰全句做结果Doing/that定语从句 6两者都是核心修饰,可以跳过介词短语都做定语,前者表多次动作,后者表一次动作Having done不可做限制性定语Doing不用考虑时态有情态动词的从句无法转化成doingDoing可用于表规章法律两个doing状语要用and连接,Doing/,which定语从句 1前者主要做状语,后者主要做定语Doing/and do 1有动作主次之分,不要随意来回改介词+doing 2in addition to/in/by/without/besides+do

22、ing无论句首还是句尾,都是状语,逻辑主语为主句主语。没有了,doing做结果状语的功能放在句中有歧义Done 1放句首是状语放句末是定语,前面的名词无法修饰才做状语,和doing有很大不同Double 1除了数字外,科学发现/增长现象(rise,increase)也能发出double的动作Doubt否定句中doubt加that从句,不怀疑即使确定的事,因此不接whetherdue to/different from/Similar to 5加句子错一般错,放句首必错Sth be due to 表语Sth due to 后置定语只能加简单的名词结构,所以某些成分只能放在定语从句中,而定语从句脱

23、离因果链,因此这些词难以很好的描述因果。接doing都危险Due to/despite/in despite of/because of/as a result of/owning to 1只能加简单的名词结构,所以某些成分只能放在定语从句中,而定语从句脱离因果链,因此这些词难以很好的描述因果接doing都危险Dying 1错逗号 1,who/which/that be错:可用同位语代替,that从句 错During+ the past/recent/last+时间段:完成时EEach 2句子+复数名词结尾, each/both +n/介词短语/形容词短语/-ed形式/-ing形式Each独立

24、主格中注意代词要用单数Economic 1Economical和economic意思不同 节约的/经济上的Either or 1并列Employee单数Enough 1错误搭配:(X) enough + ”that / so as to / so to / so that”。Ensure 1Ensure that不接should/must。要用陈述语气/wouldEspecially和special不能互换Estimate 3estimate (that)estimate + N + to be N(adj)estimate + N + at + 价格等数量词 (估价)(除此概念以外优先用es

25、timated to be表达)exceed 1并列Far exceed 并列Except 5Except是介词,不能加句子=except forExcept thatExcepting只能在not, only, always, without等否定概念后面出现With the exception of错 应该简化为exceptExpect 4后面用Will(不全都是)That(sth) To doBe expected to do/to be对Be expected that/for sth错Expend 1Expend sth in/on doing sthExtend 1延伸 延长 用主

26、动Even 2放在比较级之前,even better不能做连词去连接成分,必须加上and或者but等Event 1In the event that 错 应简化为ifNot ever 1Not ever应该简化为neverFFactThe fact that冗余Fewer/less一定要警醒有可数不可数问题First/only 1放在强调对象之前(尽量),alone放在强调对象之后Fish 1表单数时前面一定有a/an/thetwofold, threefold, fourfold, tenfold 1做形容词用 a twofold nFocus 1只有人才能发出focus动作For/Beca

27、use/since 1能够加完整句子For doing 1表目的尽量用to doThat从句表目的也不如to doFrom 2Fromdown/up to 冗余Tofrom的倒装形式表强调GHHad出现had done一定要想这个动作结束了没有Have done 1描述已经结束的动作错Have to do 1表主观上的必须,而非客观上的必定Having been done 1只出现过一次:Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received inadequate treatme

28、nt, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been taken off a drug too soonHaving done 4只有“,having done”对限制性修饰错做主语错When having done错After having done错Have been doing 1有可能对IIf 3if/although/even though/while/when/unless/even if + doing/done/adj 正确 + 介词/

29、n 错误表示“是否”的含义时不如whether虚拟语气But for N, S + should/would/cold/might + V / (have Vpp.) 若不是N, S应该.= If it were not / (had not been) for N = Were it not for N / (Had it not been for N)= Without N(介词只有without可表虚拟语气)虚拟语气的时态:时间 从句谓语形式 主句谓语形式将来动词过去式(be用were)should + 动词原形were to + 动词原形would / should / might /

30、 could + 动词原形现在动词过去式(be 用 were)would / should / might / could + 动词原形过去had +动词过去分词would / should / might / could have + 动词过去分词In+ the past/recent/last+时间段:完成时Include 2,including可当介词用,选择性修饰前面的名词,而非伴随状语去修饰主语Include among 冗余Indicate 1Indicate that/sthInjury 1Be injuriedInstead 1连词In order to 4In order t

31、o一般错,不如toSoin order to 冗余作名词成分错。To do可以In order to 和 to do都不用考虑逻辑主语Intend 7只有人才能发出intend动作Intend to do/doingIntend that物用be intended to do/for sthWith intent to do(没有the)Intention of doing/be capable of doingIntended修饰手段(A) Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a sp

32、ecial fund intended to sustain the states economy after oil reserves are exhaustedIn that非常正式化和僵硬的语言,不如because/for/sinceIt 6速度往前找指代对象,如果主句在后面可以往后面找(指代对象可以不是主语,但是被并列的代词所指代的对象在并列结构上要遥相对应)。代词指代:代词首先指代上一层句子结构的主语,其次是宾语,如果上层句子结构是被动的,则只能指代主语(代词无法指代介宾结构里的名词成分),如果因为单复数问题连主语也无法指代,则继续往上一层跳跃指代有2个或3个句子并列,第2个或第3个

33、句子中的代词应该优先指代第1句中主句的名词。It/that/this/which都无法指代整句话,只能用,doing/抽象名词/as n。如果找不到单复数相符合的主语,就用连词but/and来创造另一个包含合适主语的分句不能跨越by做虚拟主语不能指代介词短语,只能指代 被后置的名词性从句 和 不定式同一级别的句子中出现多次相同代词,但指代不一致,错It be 1强调句中只有that和whoIt is done that 1不简洁,比如it is expected thatIts速度往前找指代对象,如果主句在后面可以往后面找。代词指代:代词首先指代上一层句子结构的主语,其次是宾语,如果上层句子结

34、构是被动的,则只能指代主语(代词无法指代介宾结构里的名词成分),如果因为单复数问题连主语也无法指代,则继续往上一层跳跃指代有2个或3个句子并列,第2个或第3个句子中的代词应该优先指代第1句中主句的名词。J介词短语in/on/under/above/within等等就近修饰,对象要正确,放在句中时为了避免做定语的嫌疑,要前后用逗号包裹,即使如此也只能减轻嫌疑(PREP08 P67 216)时间状语把谓语和宾语隔开不叫AWKWARD,反而使修饰更准确life insurance in England remained until the end of the seventeenth century

35、 a specialized contract between individual underwriters and their clients, typicallyJust like 1不如likeJust asas/so 1Just as不一定as/so与之配对just as A do, so B do平行比较结构的习惯搭配:意思是:就如同ABJust as , so Just as you sow, so you will reap 主从句要尽量形式对称Just as , as Just as you sow, as you will reap 主从句要尽量形式对称Just as ,

36、so too 主句要部分倒装(so too后是主句) Just as you sow, so too will you reapKKnow 1Be known to doBe known to have done前者表示know和do发生时间相同,后者则know在前,do在后。仅两种LLaws/directive/compliance/agreement 1用doing来表规定Lie-lay-lain不及物,放置;lay-laid-laid及物,下蛋 1Like/unlike 5严格并列不能放于句中,一般放句首Like A, B B前面不能有成分Like不能用于举例Just like=like

37、Likely 1Be likely/unlikely to do sthUnlike/whereas 1Unlike只能接名词,并且严格并列,whereas则比较自由Limit 1Limit on sthLimit to 上限Link 1Link A with/to BMMake 2Make it adj that/to do(更简洁)Make doing sth adjMake A BMake n adjMake adj nMarryMarry bbe married with bMedia 1media是复数Method 2Method for doing 优于 to doMethod/w

38、ay is to doMore 1More连同另一个adj一起修饰 n有歧义,应该用n that be more adjNNamely 1副词。不能直接加句子,要接thatNeed 2Need sth for sthNeed sth to do sthNeither nor 1并列Neither A nor B 谓语动词由B决定Nowhere后面紧邻的往往就是比较的内容,记得要倒装Nowhere in early American literature is the influence of Jane Austen more apparent than in the novels of Jam

39、es Fenimore CooperNo other 2No other后面接的成分往往是比较内容。倒装None 1With none of错 应简化为withoutNor 2可以不与neither配对,单独做连词用当否定句连接时用or,但是被连接的是两个否定概念,而且第一个否定概念中表否定的成分无法被后面并列的否定概念共用(比如前面是does not,而后面是be动词,则not无法被利用),则需要用nor来连接,nor=or not。而且后面要倒装。One report concludes that many schools do not have, nor are they likely

40、to have, enough computers to use them effectively.Not onlybut also 6并列谓语单复数就近决定Not only在句首则倒装,仅仅此时可以把but also拆开不用于否定句一定会出现but/but also出现but also,不一定有not only与之对应。可能仅仅表转折Notbut 1并列Number 4The numbers of必错,但是有As numbers这种说法A number of +复数谓语The number of + 单数谓语只有the number of A. 没有ones numberIn number在

41、数据方面A number of/a variety of +ns+复数谓语a body of/a collection of/an arrary of/a series of/a set of/a portion of/a group of/ a constellation of/a team of + ns + 单数谓语OOf 2Of doing往往错(method for doing/be capable of doing/possibility of/for doing/intention of doing)A of B不能表示B是A的内容,要用that从句One/OnesI. It/t

42、hey 指代同名同物;one/ones/those/that指代同名异物II. one与that虽可用来指代同名异物, 但one为泛指, 相当于aan名词; that为特指, 相当于the 名词。所以one所指代的名词的修饰语一般为 a/an /some /any; that所指代的名词的修饰语往往是the /this /that。III. A chair made of steel is stronger than one made of wood. The water in the cup is hotter than that in the pot.IV. 只有that能指代不可数名词V. That/which不能指代人,one可以,非要特制时,就用the one/ones/those来指代人Ones doing 1错Only/first 1放在强调对象之前(尽量),alone放在强调对象之后None 1用单数Open 1决不能主动表被动Or 2并列否定句中用or如果两者是不可能同时发生的,即使在否定句中也要用or来连接比如:destroy and damage; prevent and inhibitOrder/order/suggest 1doOriginal/originally/first:过去时Over+ the past/recent/last+时间


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