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1、 Unit 6 Do you like banan as? Sectio nB1a-2c 、【教材分析】 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 1. 能听、说、读、写下列词汇和短语。 eat, chicke n, breakfast, l un ch, healthy, fat 2. 能够熟练掌握句型: I/They like oranges. I/They don t like bananas. He/She likes hamburgers. He/She doesn t like chicken. 1. 理解可数名词与不可数名词的概念,并能对所学的词汇进行分辨。 2. 就食物的话题开展听、说、读、

2、写技能的训练,提高学生语言运用能力。 情感 目标 本部分学习内容涉及学生饮食习惯和偏爱,对培养学生健康的饮食习惯有很强的指导 性。同时通过互相询问和谈论,培养对家人、同学和朋友的关怀和友爱之情。 教学重点 1. 继续学习运用有关食物的词汇并能按食品、水果和蔬菜进行分类总结。 2. 就食物的话题开展听、说、读、写技能的训练,提高学生语言运用能力。 教学难点 阅读有关饮食方面的材料,并能获得相关信息,提高综合运用英语的能力。 教学方法 情境教学法;任务型教学法。 、【教学流程】 环节 师生活动 二次备课 I.复习 热身 Warming- up and revisi on. 1. Daily gre

3、et ing to the stude nts. 2. Review the words on food. And list them into coun table nouns, uncoun table nouns, coun table and uncoun table nouns. 3. Pair work Model 1: -Do you like ? -Yes, I do. I like it/them very much/ a little. No, I don t. I don t like it/them at all. Model 2: 2 -Does she/he lik

4、e ? -Yes, he/she does. He/She likes it/them very much. -No, he/she doesn t. He/She doesn t like it/them at all. Model 3: -Do they like ? -Yes, they do . They like .very much/a little. -No, They don t . They don t like at all. n .感知 体验 1. Work on Sectio n B, 1a. (1) T: First practice reading the word

5、s by yourselves and then read after me and correct the pronun ciati on. (2) T: Now, please look at the pictures. T: Can you name them in English? Talk with your partners and give the En glish n ames for them. (3) Ask the students to work. (4) Check the an swers with the stude nts. 2. Work on Sectio

6、n B, 1b. (1) T: Now, please look at the lists in the chart. We can see that pears are fruits while carrot is a kind of vegetable, so can you tell the fruits from the vegetables? (2) S: Yes. A fruit is the part of a pla nt or tree that contains seeds and that is used as food while a vegetable is a pl

7、a nt which you eat as food, e.g. potatoes, carrots, onions. (3) T: Good! Look at the pictures in 1a again and tell mewhat the vegetables are. S: salad and carrots are vegetables. T: Right! Now, Can you add some words to the lists on the right? I ll give you three minutes to work with your partner an

8、d list as many fruits and vegetables as you can. (4) Set a time limit of two minutes. Ask the Ss to discuss the lists 3 in pairs and write their answers on their books , and ask two Ss to write their an swers on the board. 3. Work on Sectio n B, 1c. (1) Ask stude nts to read the words in 1a aga in a

9、nd the n liste n to a con versati on, circle the words from 1a. (2) Check the an swers by ask ing stude nts to read their an swers. 4. Work on Sectio n B, 1d. (1) T: Sally and Tom talk about what food they like and dislike. We know from the chart that Tom likes carrots. But what do they dislike? Nex

10、t listen to the recording again and finish the chart in 1d. (2) After liste ning, Ss check their an swers in pairs like this: A: Tom likes . and . Tom doesn t like or B: Sally likes and .Sally doesn t like 5. Work on 1e. Practice the conversations in pairs like this: A: Does Tom like carrots? B: Yes

11、, he does. He likes/eats carrots for lun ch. (No, he doesn t. He doesn t like/eat for lunch.) 川.强化 巩固 1. Work on 2a. (1) At first, the teacher ask Ss some questi ons: T: -Do you like fruit / eggs/ chicken T: -Does she / he like fruit / eggs/ chicken (2) T: There is much food around us. Some food is

12、healthy, but others are not so healthy. I think fruit like apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges are very healthy. I think hamburgers are not so healthy. Maybe, chicke n, eggs are healthy, too. Which food do you thi nk is healthy? Check ( V) Yes, Maybe or No. 4 (3) Ss Check ( V) Yes, Maybe or No be

13、hind the food. food Yes Maybe No fruit vegetables eggs chicke n hamburgers ce-cream (4) Make a report, the n read the report to their part ners. S1: I thi nk fruit is healthy. S2: I also think fruit is healthy. 2. Prese ntati on (1) T: We have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Let s see what do

14、 you usually eat for breakfast, l un ch, and dinner? T: What do you like for breakfast, S1? S1: I like milk and bread. T: What do you like for lunch? S1: I like chicke n and vegetables. T: What do you like for dinner? S1: I like rice and vegetables. T: Great! You have healthy eat ing habits. (Write

15、“eating habits ” and What do you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? I like ” on the bl ackboard.) (2) T: What does he/she like for breakfast, S1? S1: He/She likes milk and bread. T: What does he/she like for lunch? S1: He/She likes chicke n and vegetables. (3) OK. Nowask your partners questions to see

16、 if they have healthy habits.5 3. Work on 2b. T: Well, Cindy Smith is a volleyball star. What does she like for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Does she eat ice- cream? Nowlet s read the magazine article about Cindy Smith. First, read the article and circle the food words. (Ss read the article and circ

17、le the food words quickly.) (2) Read the article carefully again and answer the questions: Does Ci ndy like banan as? Does Cindy like salad? Does Cindy like hamburgers for dinner , why ? What does Cindy like for dinner? Does Cindy eat ic e-cream after dinner, why? Are Cindy s eating habits healthy?

18、(Ss read the article and an swer the questi ons. Then check the an swers.) follow the tape and try to copy. 4. Role - play. 6 IV .实践 应用 1. Work on 2c. We know Cindy has healthy eating habits. What food does she like? What food doesn t she like? Read the article and write five sentences about Cindy s

19、 eating habits. e.g. Cindy likes fruit for breakfast. (运用句型:Cindy likes for 或 Cindy doesn t like/eat for ) 2. Do some exercises. 按要求改写句子。 Tim and his sister like eggs.( 改为否定句) Tim and his sister eggs. 7 (2) John eats beef noodles ( 牛肉面).( 改为否定句) Joh n beef no odles. (3) My cousin has fruit every wee

20、k.( 改为一般疑冋句) your cous in fruit every week? (4) David doesn t like meat. (改为肯疋句) David meat. (5) They like eating salad.( 用 He 改写句子) V .总结 反馈 1. 结合板书和课件,让学生盘点所学词汇用法。 2. 结合板书和课件,让学生盘点本节课的重点句型。 I/They like oranges. I/They don t like bananas. He/She likes hamburgers. He/She doesn t like chicken. 3. 结合板

21、书和课件,让学生区分可数名词与不可数名词。 W 作业 布置 1. Memorize the new words in the article and retell Cindy s eating habits. 2. Write an article about your eat ing habits. 三、【板书设计】 Un it 6 Do you like banan as? Section B 1a-2c Fruit: pears, apples, oran ges, strawberries, bananas Vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, potatoes

22、, salad Healthy food: fruit, vegetables, eggs What do you like for breakfast/l un ch/di nner ? For breakfast , I like. For breakfast , he/she likes. 四、【教后反思】 本单元主要学习如何表达喜欢什么和不喜欢什么,对于这一话题,学生非常感兴趣,通过教给学生一些 食物名词,并适当补充一些日常用到的名称,进行对话练习,学生热情高涨。 8 通过本课的学习,学生应基本掌握行为动词一般现在时的各种句型结构,特别是能意识到动词第三人称 单数形式的使用场合以及掌握动词第三人称单数形式的变化规律,因此在本部分的教学中我们应对所学 的语法规律进行适当的总结和归类,以帮助学生记忆和巩固。


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