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1、American Colloid Company唯科母公司ACC公司Technical Center 技术中心1350 West Shure DriveArlington Heights, IL 60004Technical ReportMarch 2000Todd DanielczykObjective:目的To determine the effects of salt on a system sand.测定盐分在系统砂中的影响Contents:目录(内容)I. Objective目的II. Procedures程序 a. Equipment used使用设备 b. Method of p

2、reparation准备的方法III. Data数据IV. Further Testing 进一步试验V. Data 数据VI. Conclusion 结论I. Objective: 目的To determine the effects of salt on a system sand. 确定盐分对系统砂的影响IIProcedure: 程序Salt concentration of 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 % of total dry batch weight were added to 做一组型砂和粘土的干混试样,使其含盐量分别为0%,0.05%,0.1%,0.

3、2%,和0.3%,sand and clay mixture to determine if and when the salt would affect the different 目的是测试一下盐分是否/以及何时影响混合物的不同特性。properties of the mixture. Calcium chloride was the salt used in this experiment. The salt was first dissolved into 在这个试验中使用的盐是氯化钙。the temper water and then added to the clay and sa

4、nd during mulling. Samples were 95% 先把盐溶解在软化水中,然后在混制过程中加入到粘土和砂的混合物中。AFS GFN 62 silica sand (dry basis), 5% bond (dry basis) and a temper moisture to get 40样品含95%颗粒细度指数为62的硅砂(干料),5%粘结剂(干料)和能使型砂紧实率达到40的水分。 compactability. The samples were mulled for 8 minutes and tested. 样品要研磨8分钟再进行试验。Equipment 试验设备Th

5、e equipment used for testing included: 试验所使用的设备包括:Simpson Gersosa Laboratory Muller 美国Simpson Gersosa公司实验室用混砂机Simpson Gersosa Wet Tensile Strength Machine 美国Simpson Gersosa公司热湿拉强度实验仪Simpson Gersosa Computerized Sand Strength Machine 美国Simpson Gersosa万能型砂强度实验机Simpson Gersosa Digital Absolute Permmete

6、r Dietert Green Hardness “B” Scale GaugeDietert Friability/Moldabilty TesterDietert Hot Strength MachineOhaus ScaleMethod of Preparation 准备的方法The methods that were used are as follows:使用的方法如下Compactability Number Determination (TP-7008) 紧实率的测定程序(TP-7008)Green Compression Strength Determination (TP-7

7、013 & TP-7014; modified to use Simpson equipment) 湿拉强度的测定程序(TP-7013 和TP-7014;使用辛普照森设备修正过的)Dry Compression Strength Determination (TP-7009 & TP-7010) 干压强度的测定程序(TP-7009和TP-7010)Hot Compression Strength Determination (TP-7018) 热压强度的测定程序(TP-7018) Preparation of AFS Standard 2” X 2” Specimen (TP-7025) 准备

8、AFS 标准2英寸 X 2英寸标样(TP-7025)Preparation of Elevated Temperature 1.125” X 2” Specimen (TP-7026) 准备提高的温度1.125英寸 X 2英寸标样(TP-7026)Green Mold Hardness Determination (TP-7016) 砂模硬度的测定程序(TP-7016)Green Permeability Determination in Molding Sand (TP-7017) 型砂的透气性的测定程序(TP-7017)Bond VS. Temper (TP-7005) 粘结剂与水分(TP

9、-70050)Friability Test in accordance with Dietert Instruction Manual No. 875根据指导手册NO. 875 测试脆性Wet Tensile in accordance with Simpson Gersosa Instruction Manual 根据Simpson Gersosa 指导手册做湿拉强度IIIDataThe data was collected using the standard procedures listed above. The Friability Test was modified in the

10、 following way:这些数据是通过上述所列的标准程序收集到的。脆性试验是按照下面的方法进行修正的:The 2” X 2” core was prepared and placed into the rotating screen. The test states 准备好的2英寸 X 2英寸样品放进旋转筛中。that two cores are placed into the machine side by side, but due to a problem with 在这个试验中两个样品要并排放进机器中,但是由于翻转只有其中的一个被使用。tumbling only one was

11、used. A speed regulator was also used due to a tumbling problem. 而且由于翻转的原因,使用了一个速度校正仪。The sample was run for 60 seconds and the sand passing through the screen was collected and weighed. The equation for the % friability is as follows:样品旋转了60秒钟,把通过筛子的砂子收集起来并称重。得到以下计算公式:Weight of sand passing through

12、 the screen X 100 = %Friability Weight of the test specimen 通过筛子的砂子重量 X 100=%脆性 试验样品的重量Salt (%)盐分Moisture %水分Compactability%紧实率Green Strength湿压强度Dry Strength干压强度Wet tensile热湿拉Permeability透气性Mold Hardness硬度Hot Compression1650F 1850F热压Friability (%)脆性0.001.853911.0432409778230 1458.970.051.45418.93714

13、110170285 759.480.101.45429.2361279868270 609.450.201.45428.14112310167185 905.440.301.45427.9509710364250 1054.85Salt (%)盐分Working Bond (%)有效粘结性Available Bond (%)可用粘结性0.001.813.590.051.492.840.101.562.870.201.382.760.301.342.74Effects of salt additions on wet tensile盐的加入对湿拉的影响IVFurther Testing 进一步测

14、试From the data collected it is shown that salt does indeed affect the wet tensile strengths of 从收集的数据可以看出盐确实对砂子的湿拉强度有影响。the sand. From this conclusion it was decided that another test was needed. The test 根据这个结论决定再做另外一个试验。consisted of a mixture of leonardite and ion exchange beads, 1% by weight and

15、0.5% by 这个试验用1%(重量比)的风化褐煤与0.5%(重量比)的离子交换颗粒,weight respectively, that was added to the clay before it was mulled. The salt 加入到粘土中,再进行混制。concentration was kept constant at 0.05 and the mull time was changed to see the effects of this mixture on the sample. The data is as follows: 保持盐分恒定在0.05不变,改变混制时间观

16、察对混合物产生的影响。数据如下:VDataTime mulled混制时间Compactability紧实率Wet tensile湿拉强度Moisture (%)水分4 mins391192.18 mins401202.016 mins372052.0VIConclusion 结论The data supports the idea that an ion exchange bead as the hydroxyl donor and leonardite as the proton donor can indeed improve the condition of sand when ther

17、e is salt present. The ion exchange beads and leonardite need to have time to interact with the salt in the water; therefore increasing the mulling time past eight minutes is also needed to see improvements. 得到的数据支持这个观点:当有盐分存在的情况下,离子交换颗粒(带负电荷的氢氧根)与风化褐煤(带正电荷的粒子)确实可以提高砂子的性能。离子交换颗粒与风化褐煤需要时间与水中的盐分相互作用;所

18、以要想知道改善情况,延长混制时间超过8分钟也是需要的。Overall the project has proven two things. First, salt is detrimental to a sand system even in small doses. Second, that with a hydroxyl donor and a proton donor, it is possible to remedy the sand system. This project looks promising to foundries that have had problems wit

19、h salt in the past. 整个方案证实了两件事。首先,盐分对砂系统是有害的,即使是小剂量的盐也是如此。其次,使用氢氧基和质子基可以补救砂系统。这个项目使过去为盐而困扰的铸造厂看到了希望。其他说明:Attached is a report on some work we did back in 2000 on the effects of salt additions to greensands. As you can see, wet tensile strengths are affected the most at the lowest levels of salt. The

20、 effect is strongest for the most soluble salts like chlorides. The effect is somewhat less pronounced for sulfates and even less for carbonates. 上面的报告,是我们在2000年所做的盐分的加入对型砂的影响。从报告中可以看出,在盐分含量达到最低的情况下,湿拉强度也会受到很大影响。大部分可溶性盐中氯化物产生的影响都是相当大的。硫酸盐的影响小一些,碳酸盐的影响则更小。In the report you sent, the “Mineralize Level

21、” of 1793.5 mg/L gives a good guide to the total salt for comparison to the attached report. 1793.5 mg/L (1.8 g/1000g) corresponds to a dissolved salt concentration of 0.18%. Assuming a water addition rate of 2.5% of the total greensand and complete sand drying each cycle, the amount of salt added t

22、o the greensand is (0.0018)(0.025)(100) = 0.0045% per cycle. In 10 cycles the salt addition will be somewhat less than 0.045% of the greensand due to sand losses.在你发来的这份报告中,“矿化度”1793.5mg/L(1.8g/1000g)与我所附的报告中盐分总含量对比一下,就是一个很好的指导。1793.5(18g/1000g)相当于溶解的盐的浓度为0.18%。假设在型砂中水分的含量为2.5%,并且每一循环型砂水分都会降到为零,那么每一

23、个循环加入到型砂中的盐分就是(0.0018)*(0.025)*(100)=0.0045%。在10轮以后,由于砂子的损失,加入的总盐分会比0.0045%小一些。As you can see in the attached report, wet tensile strengths and 1850 hot compression strengths are reduced by nearly half at 0.05% salt addition levels. GCS is affected but to a lesser extent.在我们所附的报告中可以看出,当盐分每增加0.05%,湿拉强度和1850度热压强度几乎降低了一半。湿压强度也受到影响但是很小。Based on the data you have provided, I would conclude that this water would certainly adversely affect the bond properties if the sand were not turned over every 5 cycles or less.根据你所提供的数据,可以得出结论:如果每5个循环中(或者更少)砂子不换掉的话,水就会影响到粘结剂的性能。5 / 5文档可自由编辑打印


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