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1、三年级上册英语教案Lesson3HowAreYou?冀教版教学目标:冀教版三年级上册Lesson 3 How Are You?知识与技能目标: 通过本课的学习学生可以听、说、读句型 How are you? Im fine, thanks.词汇 school,desk, chair,book; 可以唱歌曲 How Are You?; 学生能在生活中运用句型How are you? I m fine, thanks. What s this? Its a 学习策略目标: 在教授本课的过程中, 教师通过游戏和歌曲, 使学生感受到学习英语的乐趣,学习兴趣高涨; 通过学生和老师的照片创设场景, 让学生

2、自己积极主动参与, 锻炼、提高学生用英语思维和表达的能力。情感态度目标: 教育学生要懂礼貌, 主动问候他人。教学重难点:教学重点:让学生听、说、读句型 Howare you? I m fine, thanks. 词 汇school, desk, chair, book ; 可以唱歌曲 How Are You?。教学难点:学生能在生活中运用句型 Howare第 2页【设计意图: 由学生身边的外教引入新授,亲切而自然。】T: He goes to Canada to visit his family. Let s greet to Jim. Ss: “ Hi ” “ Hello ” ” How a

3、re you? ” to Jim.Jim: I m fine, thanks.2Provide different situation and let them know what situation they will use these sentences.T: When we meet a teacher at school, we should say: Ss:“ How are you, Miss/Mr.?”T: When we meet our friends on the way to school, we say: Ss:“ How are you dear .”T: When

4、 we meet the old man in the park, we say: Ss:“ How are you Granny?”【设计意图: 提供不同的情境让学生明白在不同的场景中如何运用新句型,并教育学生尊敬他人,礼貌待人,和谐相处。 】1. Use the Book andMulti-mediaBroadcast the multimedia and let themwatch and follow. Ss Watch and follow it.【设计意图:让学生在听 ,说,理解的基础上达到认读的目的。】2. PracticeTeach the song:” How are you

5、?”1Ss look and listen.2Read the difficult words and do the actions. 3Stand up and sing together.【设计意图: 在轻松愉快的歌曲中来巩固练第 9页习新授句型。】New Concetps(二)( 10m)What s this? It s a school/desk/chair/book.1. IntroduceIntroducethe importanceby the guessing game. Ss guess and tryto answer.T: What are they?Ss:some s

6、hapes.【设计意图:三个四边形分别多添一笔 ,教师指着每个图依次来问。 】T: What is this? Ss: It课s a桌.T: No. What is this?.Ss: It s a .【设计意图:直到三个四边形被完全补充完整,露出三个新单词。 】T: Look, this is a desk, please follow me.Ss: Desk 【设计意图:在反复猜图的过程中潜移默化地渗透了新句型。】T: What s this? S1: It s a desk.S2: It s a yellow and gray desk.S3: It s a desk.S4: It s

7、a blue and white desk.【设计意图: 在句中练习新词, 并展示每个新授词汇在生活中不同的表现形式,学生熟知的句型中反复地巩固新词。(chair, book 采用同样的方式来教, school 一词由我校的图片来介绍 )】T: What s this? Ss: It s a school.T: It s our school. Qiao FXoi reign Language Primary School.Ss: Qiao Xi Foreign Language Primary School.Look and answer.Group work: Ask and answer

8、. S1: What s this?S2: It s Wei Ming Road Primary School.S1: What s this?S2: It s Cao Chang Street Primary School.2. Use the Book andMulti-mediaBroadcast the multimedia and let them watch and follow.【设计意图:让学生在听 ,说,理解的基础上达到认读的目的。】Use the cards to play a guessing game.One student comes to the front and

9、 hold a card face to the class, try toguess the card. The other students clap hands and ask:“ What s this?”【设计意图:在有趣的游戏中来实际操练新授句型。】. Class Closing(6m)1. Show some interesting pictures to practice.T: Look, what s this? Ss: It s a clock.T: No, guess?S1: It s a book.T: Yes, they are books.T: Look at th

10、is picture, ask and answer in pairs.S1: What s this?S2: It s a gun. S1: No.S2: Ita dsesk.S1: No.S2: It s a book. S1: Great.【设计意图:在本课即将结束时用非 常有创意的图片和音乐来缓和, 放松一下学生们紧张的学习气氛,同时让学生将所学的句型运用于生活中来。 】2. Use anevaluation form to checkthe students study.How did you do? (这节课你做的怎么样?)No. 1:How are you? Im fine,th

11、anks.Listening(听懂了吗)Speaking(会说吗)Reading(会读吗)Singing(会唱歌了吗)Playing(参与活动了吗)No. 2:What s this? It s a school.desk. chair. book.How many stars?(你得到了几颗星?)stars Level(等级评价)1 4 Come on.57 Good!8 10 Excellent!(加油啊)(好)(你真棒)【设计意图:用一个评价表来让学生进行自我评价,检测本节课每个人的学习效果。 】3. Assign homeworkT: 1. Listen and imitate No.1 and No.3.2. Greet to your parents, and practice the sentences“ What s this? It s a . ” with your partner.


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