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1、今天第七城市更新一篇利用ps中的字体,笔刷,纹理图等多种元素打造出欧美怀旧的汽车宣传广告.素材资源包下载:点击下载In this tutorial, I will show you the processes involved in making an old-looking, vintage car poster with grunge texture, font and brushset in Photoshop.Along the way, we will be using a series of Photoshop techniques such as layer blending o

2、ptions, image adjustments, filter effects and masking. Some of the techniques can be a bit tricky (especially with the Pen Tool), but why not just have a try :)在这个教程里,我将教各位运用Photoshop字体、笔刷制作一个怀旧的,老式汽车海报。学习的过程中,我们将使用一系列的Photoshop技术,如混合层选择,图像调整,滤镜效果和掩蔽。有些技术可有点麻烦(尤其是钢笔工具 ,但为什么不尝试一下 )Here is preview of

3、the final image result for this tutorial:下图是效果图:NextPage Step 1Load it into Photoshop. We will be using it as our background for the car poster.第一步Photoshop 打开污迹纹理图片,我们将用它作为汽车广告的背景Now duplicate the background layer and set the duplicated layers blending mode to “Multiply” and opacity to 80%. You wil

4、l see the texture darken a little bit:复制背景层,图层模式为正片叠底,透明度:80%,你将看到图片有些变暗:Step 2To further add Duplicate the “Background Copy” layer once and hit Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B to bring the Black and White image adjustment tool, apply the following settings:第二步再复制一个复制背景层,按下键盘上的Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B,调出图像的黑白调整窗口。参数

5、设置如下图所示:Keep the blending mode of the duplicated layer to “Multiply” and adjust the layer opacity to 90%, you will see the following effect:保持图层模式为正片叠底,调整图层的不透明度为90%,效果如下图所示:Add a vector mask for this layer by click on the following button on the layer palette:如下图所示,添加矢量蒙板: Click on the Mask icon an

6、d grab the Eraser Tool with a big soft brush, erase a portion of the duplicated layer by following the direction as shown below: You will see by doing so it created some colour variation and we now have a light source coming from the top right.点击蒙板图标,选择一个大号柔角笔刷,在下图所示的地方涂抹你会看到这样做带来了一些颜色的变化,现在我们有一个光源来

7、自右上角。笔刷大小与涂抹方向见下图: Optional: you can add a gradient fill layer on top of this and apply the following settings:或者:也在图片上部可以添加一个渐变填充层,参数设置如下图所示:Set the blending mode of this gradient fill layer to “soft light” and opacity to 80%, you will see the following effect:设置渐变图层模式为柔光,不透明度80%,效果如下图所示:NextPage S

8、tep 3Now we can add the car image onto our texture. Use the Pen Tool (or any other selection tool you prefer, but its good to practice Pen Tool cos you will feel the benefit later on) to make a working path as show below:添加汽车图片使用钢笔工具(或任何其他你喜欢的工具,但用钢笔工具会让你在之后的制作得益) ,画一个工作路径,如下图所示 Then Right-click and

9、 choose “Make selection” and set the feather radius to 0 pixel, press Ctrl + C and copy the selection, then go to our document and press Ctrl + V to paste the car onto the canvas, resize it as shown below:然后点击鼠标右键,选择建立选区,羽化半径为0像素,按Ctrl+C复制选区,按Ctrl+V将汽车复制到画布上,调整大小如下图所示: Use the Eraser Tool to clean u

10、p the edges of the car: (if you did not make a perfect selection)用橡皮擦清理汽车边缘:(如果你抠的汽车不太理想),见下图: Name this layer as “Car” and set its blending mode to “multiply” and you will have the following effect:命名图层为汽车层,图层模式为正片叠底,效果如下图所示:NextPage Step 4Dupliate the “Car” layer twice. On the “Car Copy” layer, ap

11、ply the following Gaussian Blur settings:复制汽车图层两次。在汽车1副本图层里:滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,半径:2.5像素,见下图: Set its blending mode to “overlay”.图层模式:叠加Then on the “Car Copy 2 layer, go to Filter Artistic Watercolor and apply the following settings:然后选择汽车2副本图层:滤镜-艺术效果-水彩:画笔细节:14阴影强度:3纹理:2 Set its blending mode to “Screen” w

12、ith 70% opacity. You will have the following effect:图层模式为滤色,不透明度70%,效果见下图: Make a duplicate of the previous Gradient Fill layer, drag it to the top and right-click on the layer, choose “create clipping mask” and set its blending option to “overlay”.This will highlight the car according the light sou

13、rce:复制渐变背景图层,并拖到顶层,点击右键-创建剪贴蒙板,图层模式为叠加。这将突出汽车的光源:NextPage Step 5Create a new layer called “grunge brush” on top the “Background Copy” layer, below the “Car” layer.On “Grunge Brush” layer, use the brush we just download, randomly paint around the car (alter the flow and opacity of the brush for dynam

14、ic effect):第五步在背景副本图层和汽车图层之间,新建一个层,命名为污迹笔刷层在污迹笔刷图层,用下好的笔刷在汽车周围随意涂抹(改变笔刷的不透明度和流量制作出动感效果): Create a new layer on top of the “grunge brush” layer, call it “grunge stream”. Grab the Pen Tool to make a work path, right-click and stroke it using a grunge brush we just downloaded (Make sure “Simulate Press

15、ure” is selected) as shown below:在污迹笔刷图层上方,新建一个图层,命名为水流图层。用钢笔画一个工作路径,点击鼠标右键,描边路径(确认点选模拟压力),效果如下图所示: Hit Esc Key to cancel the path, use the Free Transform Tool to distort it until similar as shown below:按Esc键取消路径,选择自由变换工具调整水流形状,直至效果如下图所示: Duplicate the “grunge stream” layer twice, on each duplicated

16、 layer, use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl + T) to alter the size, angle of the stream, and position them as shown below:复制水流图层两次。在每个副本图层上,用自由变换工具调整水流的角度、位置,效果如下图所示: Merge all the duplicted layers and the original “grunge stream” layer together. Duplicate the merged layer once, rotate and position it

17、 as shown below:合并所有水流图层后,再复制一个水流图层,旋转水流副本图层,放置位置如下图所示:NextPage Step 6Now we can add some text effect on the poster. Type some text onto our document as shown below:第六步现在给广告添加文字:打字并摆好位置,如下图所示: On the text layer, apply the following layer blending options:在字体图层,添加如下图层模式:Blending option模式选项Drop Shadow

18、投影 Inner Shadow内投影Outer Glow外发光 Inner Glow:内发光 Color Overlay颜色叠加 And you will have the following effect:你将看到如下图效果:NextPageStep 7For the final touch-up, we can add some cloud texture on it. Load it into Photoshop.Press Ctrl + A to select the whole image, copy and paste the selection onto our poster,

19、put the newly created layer just above the “Background” copy layer, below the “grunge brush” layer.Resize and fit it to the canvas as shown below:作为最后的修饰,我们添加些云彩。打开云层图按Ctrl+A全选云彩图,复制到广告图里,放在背景副本图层和污迹笔刷图层之间,调整云彩图片的大小,如下图所示: Go to Image Adjustment Channel Mixer and apply the following setting on the c

20、loud layer:在云彩图层上,选择图像-调整-通道混合器,参数设置如下图所示: Change the blending mode of this layer to “soft light” and you will have the following effect:图层模式为柔光,你将看到如下图所示效果:NextPageOptional: if you feel the colour of the car look a bit distracting, you can simply go to “Car” layer and desaturate the layer:选择:如果你对汽车

21、的颜色不满意,只需到汽车图层给图层去色:图像-调整-去色 Ok thats it for this tutorial! You can of course add some of your own texture or filter effect and see what the end results are!好了,教程到此结束!你当然也可以再添加一些纹理图或滤镜效果,看看有什么样的效果!Here is my final result for this tutorial: (sightly adjusted Hue, and add a bit of radial blur to it)这是我的最后效果:(稍微调整色相和添加一点径向模糊) Alternative version with old Newspaper Texture overlay.另一版本用旧报纸纹理制作的效果图。 素材资源包下载:点击下载


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