第10课时 八年级(下)Units1~2.pptx

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1、英语英语第10课时八年级(下)Units 12人教版词汇拓展1.kindness(友善的;和蔼的)_2train(名词:训练;培训)_3blind(名词:失明)_4sick(同义词)_5satisfaction(满足的;满意的)_(使满意;使满足)_6decision(动词:决定)_kindtrainingblindnessillsatisfiedsatisfydecide7owner(自己的;本人的)_(拥有;有)_8knife(复数)_9importance(重要的)_10ourselves(主格)_(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)_11.death(死亡)_(死的;失去

2、生命的)_12cheer(快乐的;高兴的;兴高采烈的)_13foot(复数)_ownownknivesimportantweusouroursdiedeadcheerfulfeet14toothache(牙齿)_15lie(躺)(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)_16open(反义词:关;关闭)_(反义词:关闭的;关着的)_17difficulty(困难的)_18understand(过去式)_(善解人意的)_toothlaylainlyingclosecloseddifficultunderstoodunderstanding重点短语1.用尽;耗尽_ _ (of)2切除_ _3掌管;管理

3、be _ _ _4放弃_ _5推迟 _ _6(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来_ _7分发;散发_ _run outcut offin control ofgive upput offcheer upgive out8曾经;过去_ _ 9赠送;捐赠_ _10建起;设立_ _11影响;有作用make a _12.感冒_ a cold13躺下_ _14量体温_ ones _15发烧have a _used togive awayset updifferencehavelie downtaketemperaturefever16下车_ _17习惯于;适应于_ _ _18使惊讶的是;出乎的意料to ones

4、_19想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)_ _ _20照顾;非常喜欢_ _get offbe used tosurprisecome up withcare for重点句型1._ the _ _ Ben?本怎么了?He_ _He has a_ _.他弄伤了自己,他背痛。2_ _ she do?她该怎么办?She should _ her _她应该量体温。Whats matter withhurt himself sore backWhat shouldtaketemperature3She talked _ _yesterday and didnt _ _water.昨天她说话太多,并且没有喝足

5、够的水。4You could _ _ _ _ the city parks.你可以帮助打扫城市公园。5._ _ Mr. Wang and the _,the man was saved by the doctors _ _多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了那个人。too much drink enoughhelp to clean upThanks to passengersin time6We cant _ _ _ a plan.我们不能推迟制订计划。7Or_ you cant _ or use your hands_.或者想象一下你不能走路或自如地使用你的双手。8Im only _to

6、have a “doghelper” _ _ your_!因为你的仁慈,我才能有一只“导盲犬”!put off makingimagine walk easilyablebecause ofkindness核心语法1.情态动词should和could的用法2反身代词3.动词不定式4动词短语考点一:Whats the matter?怎么了?I have a cold.我感冒了。 Whats the matter?【考点抢测】1(2017宜昌)You dont look well._with you?I have a fever and cant stop coughing.AWhats happ

7、ening BWhat is itCWhats on DWhats the matterD2_?My back hurts.AHows it goingBHow do you doCWhats the matter with youDWhere is the hospital3Hi,John._?Its Lucy,my dog.Her leg is hurt.AHow are you BWhats the matterCWhos that DWhats Lucy likeCB(1)“Whats the matter?”常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。例如当你看到某人心情沮丧、闷闷不

8、乐或是身体不太舒服时,可使用本句询问对方,以表达关怀之意。意为“哪儿不舒服?”或“出什么事了?”“为何不高兴?”等。如果表示某人出了什么事,后接介词with,即“Whats the matter with?”。【拓展】表示这一意义的其他常用口语表达还有:Whats wrong?怎么了?Whats up?出什么事了?Whats the trouble?有什么麻烦事吗?What happened?发生了什么事?Is there anything wrong?有什么不对劲吗?(2)“have表示疾病的名词”意为“患病”。考点二:Because they dont want any trouble.因

9、为他们不想惹麻烦。trouble【考点抢测】4If you have any trouble _(use) the website,just click on this icon (图标) for help.5(2018呼和浩特改编)Do you have trouble _ (understand) the meaning of this poem? No,I have learnt it already.usingunderstanding如:I have trouble in making new friends.我不太会交新朋友。He has trouble with his teet

10、h.他的牙有问题。考点三:used to do sth./ be used to doing sth./be used to do sth.【考点抢测】6(2017泰州)Diana used to _ to work, but now she is used to _ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.Adrive; walking Bdrive; walkCdriving; walk Ddriving; walkingA7(2018齐齐哈尔)Her father _ a taxi driver.Now he works

11、 for a charity.Aused to be Bis used to being Cis8(2018定西)Our city is cleaner than it _ be.Ais used to Bused to Cuses to Dis usedAB考点词义及用法used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,to是动词不定式符号,后面接动词原形。其否定形式为didnt use to do sth. 或usednt to do sth.;一般疑问句形式为“Used sb. to do sth.?”或“Did sb. use to do sth.?”附加疑问句式为“usednt

12、 sb.?”或“didnt sb.?”。be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,意义同be used for (doing) sth. 。考点四:But when his water ran out,he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life.当他的水用完,他知道要做一些事情来挽救他自己的生命。run out/run out of【考点抢测】9The energy from the sun an

13、d wind is very cheap and it will never _Acome out Bput outCcarry out Drun outD10Lets buy a new camera.Oh,no! We have almost _ the money.Ataken down Btaken care ofCrun out of Drun afterC考点用法例句run out动副短语,作不及物动词,表示“被用完了(be used up)”的被动含义,其主语通常是表示时间、金钱、食物等无生命的名词Our food soon ran out.我们的食物很快用完了。run out

14、of作及物动词用,后接宾语,表示“用完(use up)”的主动含义,主语只能是人We have run out of our food.我们的食物已经用完了。use up意为“用完,耗尽”,主语既可以是人也可以是物,既可以用主动语态也可以用被动语态We have used up our food.Our food has been used up.我们的食物已经(被)用完了。考点五:alone/lonely【考点抢测】11(2017南充)I know Old Joe lives _We are supposed to visit him from time to time.Then, he w

15、ont feel _Aalone; alone Blonely; lonelyClonely; alone Dalone; lonely12(2017广安)Sometimes we feel _(孤独的) even though there are lots of people around.Dlonely考点用法例句alone既可作表语形容词,又可作副词,表示“单独”。通常只是表示客观上的一个人或没有外人,而不表示“寂寞”或“孤独”等感情色彩。He doesnt feel scared when he is alone.他单独一个人时不感到害怕。He lives alone.他独自居住。lo

16、nely只能作形容词,不能作副词。表示“寂寞的;荒凉的;偏僻的;孤寂的”,带有较强的感情色彩,可用作表语或定语。He has been very lonely since his wife left him.自从他妻子离开他后,他一直感到很寂寞。He was taken to a lonely island.他被带到了一个孤岛上。考点六:Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily.或者想象一下你不能走路或自如地使用你的双手。imagine和or【考点抢测】13(2018宜昌)你能想象人工智能将在很多领域取代人类吗?(imagine)_th

17、at AI will take the place of human beings in many fields?Can you imagine/Are you able to imagine14(2018滨州改编)Through watching Amazing China,we cant stop _(imagine) what our country will be like in 50 years.15(2018梧州)Hurry up,_ youll miss the early bus.Aor Band Cso DbutimaginingA(1)imagine作动词,意为“想象,设想

18、”,后接名词、动名词或从句作宾语。如:You cant imagine how I missed my parents.你无法想象我有多想念我的父母。(2)imagine后可以接现在分词复合结构,即“imagine宾语doing”。【拓展】当主语是第一人称时,如果imagine后接的宾语从句含有否定意义,通常把否定词转移到主句。(3)or为连词,意为“或;否则”。一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1他长得像他父亲。He _ _ his father.2.她花光了钱,还向我借了一些。She _ _ _her money and borrowed some from me.3你的帮助使我们按时完

19、成工作成为可能。Your help _ _ _for us _ _ the work on time.takes afterran out ofmade it possible to finish4老师能影响学生的一生。The teacher can _ _ _ _ the life of the students.5他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业了。He _ _ most of his money to charity.make a difference togave away二、短文填空。用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。Bus Driver and

20、Passengers Save an Old ManAt 9:00 am.yesterday,bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man 6._ on the side of the road.A woman was next to him,shouting for help.without,decide,trouble,save,seat,he,go,lie,passenger,get,take,tolyingThe bus driver,24yearold Wang Ping,stopped

21、the bus 7._ thinking twice.He 8._ off and asked the woman what happened.She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital.Mr.Wang made a 9._ that he must take the man to the hospital.He expected most or all of the 10._ to get off and wait for the next bus.But to his surprise,th

22、ey all agreed 11._ with him.Some passengers helped Mr.Wang to move the man onto the bus.withoutgotdecisionpassengersto goThanks 12._Mr.Wang and the passengers,the doctors saved the man in time.“Its sad that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any 13._,”says one passenger.“But

23、 the driver didnt think about 14._He only thought about 15._ a life.”totroublehimselfsaving一、单项选择。1(2018呼和浩特)_ my surprise, the twins have nothing _ common.AWith; in BTo; in CIn; in DTo; of2(2018无锡)I dont have much money, but Id like to buy my dad something really special, if you know what I _Awant

24、Bcare Cmean DpreferBC3What do you want to do in the future, Allen?I want to _ a Hope School to help students who are unable to go to school.Aset out Bset off Cset up Dset down4Sara is new here, so she has trouble _ Chinese culture but she is curious about everything.Aunderstand BunderstandingCto und

25、erstand DunderstandsCB5We should do many things by _ since we have grown up.Ahimself BmyselfCourselves Dthemselves6(2018泰州)To keep children away from danger during the coming summer holiday, parents _ give them some safety tips.Ashould Bmay Ccould DmightCA7How _ the boy is! He can work out such a di

26、fficult problem.Aclever Bdisabled Cangry Dbrave8(2018河池)The boy ran_out_of his money to buy the book because he loved it very much.Atook up Bgave up Cpicked up Dused upAD9(2017泸州)It gets cold at night. _ you dont wear your coat, youll catch a cold.AIf BHow CWhile DUnless10(2017曲靖)Kate cut her finger

27、 by accident. What should she do?She should _Asee a dentist Bput some medicine on itClie down and rest Dtake her temperatureAB二、完形填空。(2018达州)If anyone can be called a scientific giant after Albert Einstein, that person must be Stephen Hawking. He was born in Oxford, England on Jan.8th, 1942. What a

28、pity! On March 14th, 2018, the worldfamous British scientist _11_ in Cambridge, UK.After leaving high school,Hawking went first to Oxford University _12_ he studied physics and then went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology(宇宙学). As he himself admited, he didnt work hard. And he did _1

29、3_ work. However, he always enjoyed thinking everything around him, especially the universe. Today, he is called the King of the Universe.It was at the age of 21 that Hawking first _14_ something was wrong with him. He started to bump into some things. When he visited his family at Christmas time, h

30、is mother was so worried that she _15_ him see a doctor. Hawking was sent to hospital for tests.Finally, the result came back. He _16_ to have motor neuron disease(运动神经元病), an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak, breathe or move _17_ the help of a machine. Doctors said they had no

31、 ways to help him. He might die before 23._18_,Hawking became very depressed. After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way. As he later wrote, “After my illness was diagnosed(诊断),I was very _19_ with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I cam

32、e out of hospital, I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile(值得做的) things I could do.” Then Hawking got married and found a job at Cambridge University as a professor. We strongly believe that his story shows that _20_, how bad their situation is, should lose hope. “Life is not fair.”

33、He once said, “You just have to do the best you can in your own situation.”11A.has been dead Bdied Chas died Dwas died12A.which Bwhen Cthat Dwhere13A.much Blots of Clittle Dfew14A.noticed Bsaw Cfeels Dwatches15A.advised Bmade Ctold Dwanted16A.found Bwas foundedCwas found Dfounded17A.without Bwith Cu

34、nder Dby18A.At last BAt firstCHowever DFirstly of all19A.boring Bexcited Cinterested Dbored20A.nobody Bsomebody Canybody DeverybodyBDCABCABDA三、阅读理解。(2018河北)“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a persons life for the better, which makes everyone

35、a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity(机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to ta

36、ke the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organizations expectations(期望). Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.The following tips can help if you ha

37、ve some of these worries:Start out slowly,dont add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someones life.Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.Work with a veteran v

38、olunteer. He volunteered a lot,he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organizations expectations.Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them.Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember th

39、at not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesnt work, dont give up and youll surely find the right opportunity.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in peoples lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience, “little things can change a pe

40、rsons life.”21Volunteering can help _Amake a decisionBsee the world clearlyCthank other peopleDmake a persons life better22What could be the reason to stop people taking the first step?AThey dont have enough time.BThey are prevented by their families.CThey fear that their abilities are shared.DThey

41、dont expect to become volunteers.DA23Which of the following can help people take the first step?AStart out quickly.BOrganize a training meeting.CInvite a friend to be with them.DJoin in a group with different values.24The underlined word “veteran” in the passage means “_”Apolite Bhumorous Cyoung Dex

42、periencedCD25What is the main idea of the passage?ATo tell people to make changes in their lives.BTo encourage people to start their volunteering.CHow to make great achievements in volunteering.DHow to keep on volunteering whatever happened.B四、短文填空。(2018陕西)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。

43、)he, happy, baby, save, arm, volunteer,clean, quick, work, turnWang Ping is a cleaner. He has 26._ in a park for 5 years. He is also a good father. Nothing can make him 27._ than playing with his little daughter in his free time.workedhappierLast Tuesday afternoon, while he was 28._ the park, sudden

44、ly, he heard a woman crying for help. He ran up 29._ to see what happened. The womans 15monthold baby girl choked(窒息) on a small piece of pear and her face 30._ purple. The baby was too young to save herself, and the mother was so nervous that she didnt know how to save her daughter properly. Luckil

45、y, Wang Ping knew what to do. He took the baby in his 31._ without thinking twice. cleaningquicklyturnedarm/armsWith the mothers help, Wang Ping held the baby upside down and gave her a few pats (轻拍) on the back. After a short while, he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth and the

46、 baby began to cry. Her mom was so thankful because her daughter was 32._Wang Ping tried his best and saved the 33._ life. In his mind, helping others is just helping 34._. He hoped more people could 35._ to help the people in need if possible.savedbabyshimselfvolunteer五、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。36Betty, I ca

47、nt finish the work a_ in such a short time. Could you give me a hand?With pleasure.37My grandparents cut up the apples with the two k_ and then ate them together happily.38Its reported that two men were killed in a car a_ early this morning.39The villagers tried to feed lots of chickens on the hill,

48、 but they got into t_ after a month.aloneknivesaccidenttrouble六、书面表达。(2018乐山)现在,戴眼镜的学生越来越多;为此,国家把每年6月6日定为爱眼日。请你结合自己的体会,就如何爱护眼睛,给校报英语栏目写一篇短文。内容包括:1吃有益于眼睛的食物,如:胡萝卜、鸡蛋等;2多做眼保健操,长时间用眼后可看看远方;3养成良好的用眼习惯,如:不躺着玩手机或看书等。注意:1.词数80词左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头已给出,不计入总词数。Nowadays, more and more students are getting ne

49、arsighted, so National Eye Care Day is set on June 6 every year. _As we all know, eyes are the windows to the soul. We should try our best to protect them. Here are some suggestions for good eye health._First, eat some foods that are good for eyes, such as carrots and eggs. Second, do more eye exercises to make them relax. Also, its helpful to look far away from time to time after studying long. Finally, make sure to have a good eye habit. Dont read books or use a cell phone in bed.In a word, eyes are so important that all of us should do what we can to keep them healthy.


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