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1、Unit2 Lesson 4 Superhero Christopher Reeve,龙门中学:林明月,Step1 Warm-up,What do you know about Christopher Reeve?,in the movie,in real life,Guess: What has happened in his real life?,Step 2 Fast reading Task1. Read the passage and choose the best answers.1.What kind of disaster happened to Christopher? (

2、) A. He fell from his horse and broke his back B. He had a car accident C. He fell from a tree while acting in a film2.Why did Christopher involve himself with charity work? ( ) A .To improve the quality of life for all disabled people. B .To show his love to children C .To help cure heart disease.3

3、.What do you think of Christopher? ( ) A .He was a superhero in films but not in reality. B .He was a superhero both in films and in his life . C .He was no more than an actor.,A,A,B,Task2. Read the text and then match the topics with the parts of the article.a) the riding accident b) his marriage c

4、) his feelings after the accident d) his death e) his parents f) his belief g) how he get involved with charity work h) his work I ) before the accident,2,5,4,9,6,8,7,3,1,Step 3 Careful reading,Task3 Work out the meaning of these words from the text and use them to replace the underlined words in th

5、e sentences.,disaster, on his own, promote, injury, confident, get involved, divorced,1. A really bad thing happened in 2003. Our school burnt down.2.We are trying hard to help in the development of world peace3. Dont just sit there! Take part and help disabled people!,disaster,promote,Get involved,

6、4. He wont be able to walk by himself ever again.5. Shes sure that her mothers hurt will heal.6.Some people are no longer married these days.,on his own,confident,injury,divorced,1. come to (4) a) to visit b) to reach a state2. pull through (4) a) to survive b) to walk3. think of (4) a) to carefully

7、 consider b) to have an idea4. give up (4) a) to be afraid b) to stop fighting5. get on (5) a) to have a friendly relationship b) to escape,Task4 Choose the correct meaning for the phrasal verbs,Use the following phrasal verbs to complete these sentences.,1. Understanding his wife helps Christopher

8、well with her.2. After the accident, doctors warned Christopher that he wasnt going to and live.,get on,pull through,come to pull through think of give up get on,3. Talking with his family and friends helped Christopher terms with his disabilities.4. Christopher says there is so much happening in hi

9、s life right now that he is too busy to giving up and dying.,come to,think of,come to pull through think of give up get on,5. After Dana told Christopher that he had her support and love, Christopher decided not to .,give up,come to pull through think of give up get on,Step 4 Summary Christopher lik

10、ed acting very much .Although he acted in many films and TV shows ,he is most 1._ for his Superman films. However, 2._came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and received serious back 3._. The doctors didnt expect him to pull 4._.But because of his wifes encouragement, he has never thought of 5._up

11、 or committing 6._. He was busy with 7._work.Its clear that they 8._on really well.Although hisparents 9._when he was young ,theyve got closer since the accident.Christopher died in 2004 but he will be remembered as a 10._.,famous,disaster,injuries,through,giving,suicide,charity,got,divorced,superhe

12、ro,Step 5 Voice your opinion What do you think of Christopher Reeve?,courageous,brave,warm-hearted,determined,hardworking,optimistic,strong-minded,Step 6 HomeworkChoose one of the topics and write a short passage.Topic 1 If a disaster happened, how should we start a new life and search for happiness?Topic 2 If you were a superman, what would you like to do to change the world?,Thank You,


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