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1、Linking verbs(系动词),1. She was always cheerful.(7B, unit 1)2. His painting are very famous. (8A, unit 1)3. They hid behind some bushes and kept quiet.(8B, unit 7)4. Who looks foolish now, Benny?(7B, unit 6)5. In spring the weather starts to get warm.(7A, unit 4)6. Einstein turned pale.(9A, unit 2)7.

2、After the fair, they felt very excited.(7A, unit 6)8. This problem seems difficult to solve.(9A, unit 1),Read loudly & memorize the words in red,Leading in,原文再现,1. She was always cheerful.(7B, unit 1)2. His painting are very famous. (8A, unit 1)3. They hid behind some bushes and kept quiet.(8B, unit

3、 7)4. Who looks foolish now, Benny?(7B, unit 6)5. In spring the weather starts to get warm.(7A, unit 4)6. Einstein turned pale.(9A, unit 2)7. After the fair, they felt very excited.(7A, unit 6)8. This problem seems difficult to solve.(9A, unit 1),保持系动词,Be动词,感官系动词,变化系动词,表象系动词,Leading in,Do you rememb

4、er?,Work out the rule:一共有_类系动词。,5,The flower _good.,smells,Learning,Task 1: Look and say 感官类的系动词,The baby _ surprised.,looks,Learning,The watermelon _sweet.,tastes,Learning,The music _enjoyable.,sounds,Learning,The fur of the dog_soft.,feels,Learning,Task 2: Look and say 变化类的系动词,The woman _older and

5、 older.,gets/becomes/grows,Learning,Leaves _ yellow in autumn.,turn,Learning,The bread _ bad.,goes,Learning,Will their dream _ true?,come,Learning,Task 3: Look and say 保持类的系动词,The woman runs to _ fit.,keep/stay,Learning,You have the right(权利) to _ slient, anything you say will be used in the court.,

6、Learning,main,r,e,Task 4: Look and say 表象类的系动词,The patient _ angry.,seems,Learning,The blue diamond _ real.,appears,Learning,seem, appear,look, smell, taste, sound, feel,keep, remain, stay,get, become, grow, turn, go,come,am, is, are, was, were,Be,感官,变化,保持,表象,summarize,Work out the rules,Be动词否定形式:_感

7、官动词,变化系动词,保持系动词,表象系动词的否定形式:_,They dont taste delicious and they dont look beautiful.They are not lovely and they dont seem funny.It doesnt get too hot always and my skin doesnt turn black every summer.The tempreture isnt pleasant. And it doesnt stay cool all the time.,Be + not,do的适当形式 + not + 感官动词,变

8、化系动词,保持系动词,表象系动词原型,以“spring”为题,使用连系动词使以下成为一篇短文。,Task 5: complete the writing,Spring is coming and the weather is _(get) warmer and warmer. Trees _(turn)green and some kinds of the flowers come out, therefore our school is _(become) more and more beautiful. In addition, students in our school _(look)

9、 very energetic(有活力的). We are studying hard to make our dreams _(come) true. Although we _(feel) a little tired sometimes, we are quite delighted(高兴的). And we are _(feel) better and better day by day.,getting,turn,becoming,look,come,feel,feeling,Work out the rules:当_表示“渐渐”的意思时,用进行时表示。,get, become, f

10、eel,Learning,改错:、The material is felt nice. 这料子摸起来不错。(is felt 应改为_) 、The soup is tasted delicious. 这汤味道不错。(is tasted应改为_),Work out the rule:小结1:系动词虽有被动词味,但_被动语态。,feels,tastes,Task 6: correcting,没有,Learning,Work out the rule:所有的系动词都可以接_作表语。,Task 7: observe(观察) and sum up,形容词,Learning,She was always c

11、heerfulThe flower smells good.The bread goes bad.The woman runs to keep fit.The problem seems difficult to solve.,系动词四个要注意的地方,Group Work:oral practice,Using,1. each group choose one envelope from your teacher and see which season you choose.2. use linking verbs to talk about the season you choose.3.

12、 each person makes at least 1 sentence. 4. each group makes totally 4 sentences at least(至少) to make it a complete article.5. 1 linking verb gets 1 score. The more the better.there are some tips on the paper to help you.,Follow the instructions below:,在春天,天气开始变暖,草儿变绿,树木长高了。用手摸一摸它们,感觉十分柔软。花儿开( bloom)

13、了,闻起来真香 fragrant fregrnt!小鸟开心地唱歌,听起来好极了!细细的雨飘过来,让人觉得格外舒适。我们的城市正在变得更加漂亮。,Using 1,深圳的夏天一般从六月开始,天气变得越来越热。人们喜欢去海边,似乎海边更凉爽:有的游泳,有的吃冰淇淋,哪怕坐着,保持沉默,都觉得很舒服。在这里夏天有荔枝,它的皮(peel)是红的,品尝起来非常甘甜。在公园里,你可以看到通过人们跑步来保持健康。,Using 1,在秋天,天气开始变凉。树叶变成棕色、黄色或者红色。深圳的秋天渐渐多雨(is becoming more and more rainy. ),食物容易变质。虽然秋天显得那么没有生气(e

14、nergetic),但是秋天是农民伯伯喜爱的日子。有人一到秋天就感到寂寞凄凉,反正我喜欢秋天。秋天有中秋节(Mid-autumn)。中秋节的时候,一家人一起,吃月饼。它们尝起来美味极了。,Using 1,在冬天,天气变得寒冷和多雪的。湖面上的水结成了冰。寒风似乎很调皮(naughty),打在我的脸蛋上,使得它变得泛红。双手很容易变得僵硬( stiff ),但是在冬天堆雪人还是很有趣的。还有,春节期间,人们通常和亲戚朋友一起品尝美食。多么惬意的(comfortable)时光!,Using 1,I.根据句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The soup _ (taste) terrible.

15、 I dont want to have it.2. When she saw the bad news, she _ (turn) pale.3. That book looks _ (interest). I want to read it.,课堂小测,tastes,turned,interesting,4. My grandma is 80 years old, but she still _ (remain) active.5. She is very shy. She always keeps _ (silence) in public.,remains,silent,II.根据短文

16、内容,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Yesterday was Sunday. I wanted to go out because staying outdoors would make me feel (6) _ (relax). Then I went to the zoo with my parents. As we arrived at the gate of the zoo, it started raining. I (7) _ (get) very sad. We had to stay in the car. My father began to tell me someth

17、ing about our future life. I got very (8) _ (excite) after hearing that. After about half an hour, it stopped raining. The air (9) _ (smell) fresher.,relaxed,got,excited,smelt,Everything (10) _ (look) more beautiful than before. My parents and I saw many animals. The animals seemed (11) _ (friend) t

18、o us. At night, I watched TV with my parents. The programmes were (12) _ (education).,looked,friendly,educational,seem, appear,look, smell, taste, sound, feel,keep, remain, stay,get, become, grow, turn, go,come,am, is, are, was, were,Be,感官,变化,保持,表象,Summary,系动词四个要注意的地方,Using 2,Writing: Composition,快要放国庆假期了,深圳正是秋天季节,请你写一封信给你外国朋友Jerry,介绍深圳的秋天,并邀请他来深圳玩。 要求: 1. 字数80词以上。开头已给出。 2.卷面整洁,书写工整。 3.尽量多用系动词。Dear Jerry, I am writing to tell you something about the autumn of Shenzhen.,Homework,Draw a mindmap about Linking Verbs.Finish grammar exercise in the newspaper.,


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