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1、初一英语第一学月月考试卷 试卷总分 150 分 第 I 卷(听力部分 共 30 分) I. 听句子,选择最佳应答语。 (共 7.5 分,每小题 1.5 分) ( )1. A. Yes, a pen. B. I mLily. C. It s a pencil. ( ) 2. A. B-I-R-D. B. B-L-U-E. C. B-O-Y. ( )3. A. You re welcome. B. Yes, of course. C. It s G-I-R-L. ( )4. A. It s green. B. It s a good bag. C. It s mybag. ( )5. A. OK.

2、 B. I like football. C. It s Friday. II. 听句子,选择与其相符的图片。 (共 7.5 分,每小题 1.5 分) 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ III. 听长对话,选择最佳答案。 (共 7.5 分,每小题 1.5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。 ( )11. Whose pen is it? A. Bobs B. Ann s C. Miss Wang s ( )12. Is the pen black? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it s blue. C. No, it s orange 听第二段对话,

3、回答第 1315 小题。 ( )13. What s the weather like today? A. It s cold. B. It s hot. C. It s warm. ( )14. What do they do today? A. They play football. B. They play table tennis. C. They go swimming. ( )15. Is it Saturday today? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it s Tuesday C. No, it s Wednesday. IV. 听短文,选择最佳答案。 (共 7

4、.5 分,每小题 1.5 分) ( )16. What colour is Tina s cat? A. It s brown. B. It s black. C. It s white. ( )17. When dose Tina like playing basketball? A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In autumn. ( )18. What s Tina s favaurite sport? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Table tennis. ( )19. Whose birthday is it today

5、? A. Tina s. B. Mimi s C. Kate s ( )20. How many flowers are there? A. Ten. B. Twelve. C. Fourteen. 第 II 卷(笔试部分 120 分) I. 单项选择。(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 21. 下面所给的字母组合中前后顺序正确的是? A. psj B. lmn C. izy 22. This is Mary and _ is my friend, that pen isn t _ A. She, her B. she, hers C. Her, hers 23. See you later.

6、_ . A. You re welcome B. See you C. Nice to meet you 24. It s time _ now. Goodbye, Mary. A. go B. go to C. to go 25. Whats this on the table? It s _ . A. orange B. oranges C. an orange orange 26. _ girls are there in your class? There are 18 girls in my class. A. How much B. How old C. How many 27.

7、Lucy, _ a picture for you. A. draws. B. to draw. C. draw. 28. Whats your favourite _ ? Table tennis. A. music B. sport C. food 29. Whats this is in English? _ . A. It s a pencil B. Yes, it s a pencil C. That s a pencil 30. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is _ . A. Thursday B. Friday C. Tuesday 31. Can

8、you help me, Lingling? _ . A. No, I don t know B. Yes,of course C. Thank you 32. Whats the weather like today? _ . A. It s winter B. It s green C. It s hot 33. Do you have _ English book? Yes, I do. A. a B. / C. an 34. Lets go to the park. _ A. Good idea B. Thank you 35. My PE lesson is _ Friday.C.

9、Goodbye II. 完型填空。(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) (A) A: Good after noon . B: =36_. , Miss zhang . A: Please sit _37 . What s your name ? B: 38 n ame is Jin gji ng . A: _39_ ? B: I m Jingjing . A: Can you 40. it ? B: Yes , J-l-N-G-J-l-N-G , Ji ngji ng . A: Thank you . 36. A. Good morning B. Good ni ght C. Good afte

10、r noon 37. A. up B. dow n C. on 38. A. I B. My C. me 39. A. Sorry B. What C. How 40. A. See B. write C. spell (B) Good morning, 41 and girls! I m Lily. I can _42 my name, L-l-L-Y, Lily. I _43 thirteen years old. I am an English girl. I am 44 Class Two now. I have ( 有)three 45 in my desk. My _46 _ is

11、 seven six eight, nine one seven six. Miss Zhao is myEnglish teacher. 47 is a nice and good teacher. 48 is myfriend Li Lei. His English _49_ is Paul. It s time . 50_ now. Goodbye! 41. A. boys B. girls C. D. frie 42. A. meet B. draw C. spell D. liste n 43. A. am B. is C. are D. be 44. A. for B. at C.

12、 to in 45. A. chairs B. books C. n ames D. stude nts 46. A. bag 47. A. She B. telepho ne nu mber C. desk D. chair B. You C. His D. Her 48. A. It B. That C. This D. His 49. A. class B. book C. boy .n ame A.at B. on C. in 50. A. go III. 阅读理解 B. going (共 40 分,每小题 C. to go 2 分) (A) D. to going S: Good e

13、ve ning, Mr Li. B: Good eve ning, boys and girls. Take your seats( 座位),please. S: Yes, Mr Li. B: Look at this picture. Is it a bag, Daming? C: No, it isn t. B: What s it ? C: It s a map. B:Yes, And What s on the desk ? C: Books. There are seve n books here, oh, no, there are six. ()51. It is in the

14、_ . A. morning B. after noon C. eve ning ()52. Mr Li is Daming s _ . A. frie nd B. father C. teacher ()53. There is a _ in the picture . A. bag B. map C. book ()54. The books are _ . A. on the desk B. in the bag C. on the chair ()55. There are _ books . Name Age(年 龄) Telepho ne Number English Teache

15、r Class Judy 14 816-275 Miss Wu 4 Jim 13 966-158 Mr Wang 3 Lily 12 350-914 Mrs LI 6 Steven 14 418-542 Mr Ya ng 5 ()56. Lily is _ . A. fourtee n B. thirtee n C. twelve ()57. _ are the same( 相同的)age. A. Judy and Jim B. Judy and Steve n Lily and Steve n ()58. Jim s teleph one nu mber is _ . A. 816-275

16、B. 966-158 C. 350-914 ()59. _ En glish teacher is Mr Yang . A. Judy s B. Jim s ()60. _ is in Class Four . A. Judy B. Jim C. Lily C. Jim and Steve n D. 418-542 D. C. Lily D. Steven D. Steven (C) Beijing University.(北京大学) study science( 科学)in the same class. They help each other at work Dami ng and Bi

17、ll are stude nts of They in A. six B. (B) D. eleve the labs( 实验室) and they are friends in their free( 空闲) time. Daming and Bill have different hobbies (爱好) . Demingshobby is reading books and he has a lot of books in his room. Bill likes sports and his favourite sport is basketball. Daming can cook

18、different kinds of Chinese food. Bill can t cook at all but he likes eating Chinese food very much. So he often visits Daming and Daming cooks nice Chinese food for him. Sometimes (有时) Bill asks Daming to the restaurant( 饭 馆) to eat western food. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正(门误(F)。 ( )61. Daming and Bill study in

19、the same university . ( )62. Bill is studying Chinese in Beijing. ( )63. Daming likes sports but Bill doesn t. ( )64. Both( 都 ) Daming and Bill can cook Chinese food . ( )65. Sometimes Bill cooks western food for Daming . ( D) My name is Daming, I m 12. My favourite sport is football. I can ride a b

20、ike. I like swimming. My name is Betty, I m 12, too. I like swimming best. I like music and I can play the piano. I like spring. My name is Lingling, I m 13. My favourite sport is basketball. I can cook, I like summer best. My name is Tony, I m 11. I like football very much. I can speak chinese, but

21、 I can t write it. Winter is my favourite season. ( )66. What can Daming do ? A. play the piano B. ride a bike C. cook D. play basketball ( )67. What s Betty s favourite sport ? A. Football B. Basketball C. Running D. Swimming ( )68. _ can speak chinese . A. Daming can drive a car. B. Lingling is 12

22、 years old. C. Betty likes swimming. D. Tony can write Chinese. IV. 词汇(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) A.根据句意及首字母提示写单词,使句子完整通顺 71. Please write it on the b _ . A. Tony B. Lingling ( )69. What s Lingling A. spring B. Autumn ( )70. Which is TRUE ? C. Daming D. Betty s favourite season ? C. Summer D. Winter 72.1 don t

23、 know how to spell “ pencil ” . Can you say that a _ ? 73. This is my En glish teacher. I k _ his En glish n ame. 74. It s cold in w _ . 75. My favourite day is W _ . B.根据句意及汉语提示写单词,使句子完整通顺。 76. There are thirty-six _ ( 教室)in our school. 77. Betty is a little girl, Let s go and _ (帮助)her. 78. _ (跑步)

24、is my favourite sport. 79. Is it a brow n pen? No, it isn t. It s a _ (黄色的)pen. 80. There are _ ( 十五)chairs here. V. 句子练习(共 20 分) A.根据汉语提示完成句子(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)。 81. 请举起你们的手。Please _ your hand. 82. 北京的春天暖和。 _ in Beijing in spring. 83. 放学后我们去游泳吧! Let s _ after school. 84. 同学们,请起立。 Class, please_ . 85.

25、请打开你的课本。听一听,画一画。Please open your books, _ and B.按要求完成句子(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)。 86. She is in Class one .( 对划线部分提问) _ is she in ? 87. Helen is twelve years old.( 对划线部分提问) _ is Hele n ? 88. What s the weather like today?( 同义句) the weather ? 89. He is Tom .( 同义句) _ Tom. 90. I like playing football.( 改为一般疑问句)

26、 _ like playi ng football ? VI. 补全对话(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) A: Hi, Alice,(91) _ are you ? B: Fin e,(92) _ . And you ? A: I m fine, too. B: what s this (93) _ English ? A: It s (94) _ apple. B: Thank you. A: You re(95) _ . VII. 书面表达(共 15 分) 假如你是 Alice,请根据下表提供的内容写一篇自我介绍。不少于 ?词。 姓名 Alice 性别 girl 年龄 13 电话号码 3237768 班级 7 年级 13 班 班级人数 50 英语老师 Mr Li 最喜欢的颜色 黄色 最喜欢的运动 游泳 60 个单


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