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1、江苏省苏州张家港市2012-2013学年七年级历史上学期期中考试试题(无答案) 新人教版张家港市第二中学2012-2013学年第一学期期中试卷 七年级历史 友情提示:满分100分,考试时间50分钟,答案写在答题卷上 ,考卷保存好 一、单项选择题:(把每题的答案填在下表格中,每题2分,共48分) 1(右图是北京奥运会会徽“舞动的北京”中的“京”字,该字的字体第一次成为全国规范文字是在( ) A.商 B.西周 C.秦 D.东周 2. 你的朋友考试成绩不理想,你想劝他(她)说:“一次考试失败了不要紧,只 要你找出失利的原因,继续努力,下次一定会考好的。也许正是因为这次考试没考 好,你才及早发现问题,

2、坏事可能变成好事。”这时,你可以引用以下哪家的思想作为论据, A(儒家思想 B(道家思想 C(墨家思想 D(法家思想 3(右图中的耕作方式至迟在哪一历史时期就已出现 A(商 B(周 C(春秋 D(战国 4(“痛饮读离骚,放开今古才子胆;狂歌吊湘水,照见江潭渔父心。”这幅对联所写的人物一直受到人们的尊敬和怀念,他是 A(老子 B(孔子 C(墨子 D(屈原 5.河姆渡原始居民住着干栏式的房子,过着定居生活,下列属于干栏式房屋的是 A B C D 6.史记?商君列传载:“商君相秦十年,宗室贵戚多怨望”这主要是因为 A(承认土地私有,准许自由买卖 B(奖励农耕,免除生产粮食布帛多的人的徭役 C(根据军

3、功大小授予爵位和田宅 D(建立县制,由国君直接派官吏治理 7.“县”作为行政区划单位的制度由来已久,这种制度开始于 A(西周 B(春秋 C(战国 D(唐朝 8.“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆三千越甲可吞吴。”此联所涉及的历史事件分别发生在 A(春秋和战国 B(秦末和春秋 C(战国和三国 D(秦初和汉初 9.历史讨论课上,小华问小东:“暴君是什么意思,”小东得意地说:“暴君是指统治极度暴虐腐朽的统治者”,下列君王中不属于暴君的是 班级: 姓名: 学号: 考试号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 A(夏桀 B(商纣王 C(成汤 D(周幽王 10.新学期开学,一位同学

4、自我介绍说:我的姓和中国历史上第一个奴隶制王朝的名称一样。试判断,这位同学姓: A(秦 B(宋 C(夏 D(唐 11(火的使用,增强了人们适应自然的能力,是人类进化过程中的一大进步。在祖国境内的原始人if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services

5、, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials

6、 and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of cus

7、tomer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be de

8、emed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site shou

9、ld be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards room. In the outdoor . ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and

10、 lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometim

11、es in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 类中,最早开始人工取火的是 A.元谋人 B.北京人 C. 山顶洞人 D.半坡原始居民 12(著名学者余秋雨的生花妙笔,曾经给人们留下了一段优美的文字:“就在秦始皇下令修长城的数十年前,四川平原上已经完成了一个了不起的工程,它的规模从表面上看远不如长城宏大,却注定要稳稳当当地造福千年。长城的社会功用早已废驰,而它至今还在为无数田地输送汨汨清流。”请从判断,余秋雨笔下的“它” 是指 A(都江堰

12、B(郑国渠 C(大运河 D(六辅渠 13(史料记载:孔子朝罢归来,家人报告:“马厩失火”孔子听后,问“伤人乎,”这则故事体现出孔子倡导并实践了他 的思想 A(“仁” B.“因材施教” C(“兼爱”、“非攻” D.“无为而治” 14(商朝时,把都城迁到殷的商王是 A(启 B(汤 C(盘庚 D(纣 15(秋冬讲究进补是中医之道。而中医诊病讲究望、闻、问、切四诊法,总结出该法的是 A(张仲景 B(扁鹊 C(华佗 D(李时珍 16(关于秦中央政府的三公与其职能的连线正确的一组是 17(公元前210年,一位前往南海郡做生意的商人携带的货币是 A. 开元通宝 B. 刀形币 C. 秦圆形方孔钱 D. 交子

13、18(河姆渡和半坡原始居民过上定居生活的最主要原因是 A(农业生产的出现 B(火的使用 C(建造房屋 D(使用陶器 19.从夏、商两代的灭亡中,我们可以得到的历史教训是国君应该 A .重视教育 B. 勤政爱民 C. 发展经济 D .增强国力 20.下列言论,出自右图之人的是 A(三人行,必有我师焉 B(富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移 C(治世不一道,便国不法古 D(长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰 21(小轩决定假期中和家人一起去拜祭中华民族的人文初祖,他们应去 for m one installation requirements site phone should be installed uncon

14、ditionally telephone installation site should be configured, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephty of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency responses

15、ales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quali-rm by the afternce for the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptahead of guidance workers, acc

16、ording to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance afteager checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Man terials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of vari

17、ous kinds of repair materials and repair parts to being maer organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasx questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controll

18、ing Cent7) to more compleif necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-n of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometime

19、s in order to escape, lifeolatioight, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isecause of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work l, or bocation, enablin

20、g field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident in the appropriate l?obile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards room. In the outdoor . 2 A(黄帝陵 B(大禹陵 C(秦始皇陵 D(中山陵 22(下列哪张图片是迄今为止世界上发现的最大的青铜器 A( B( C( D 23(“壮

21、士不死则已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎?”这是下列哪次起义提出的口号 A(陈胜吴广起义 B(宋江起义 C(方腊起义 D(黄巾军起义 24(1973年,浙江省余姚市农民在建排涝站挖地基时,意外地发现一处原始时代人类生活遗址。遗址中有稻谷、稻秆、稻叶堆积。这处遗址是 A(北京人遗址 B(山顶洞人遗址 C(半坡人遗址 D(河姆渡人遗址 二、判断题 (每题2分,正确的写A,错误的写B,共12分) 25(战国时期,我们的先人就已测定出一年有24个节气,方便了农业生产。 26. 陈胜、吴广起义是中国历史上第一次大规模的农民起义,他们推翻了秦朝的统治。 27(为了抵御北方匈奴的进攻,秦始皇派大将蒙恬出兵

22、夺取河套地区并修筑了西到陇西东到辽东的 万里长城。 28. 铁农具和牛耕的使用和推广,使土地利用率和农作物产量显著提高,这是我国农业发展史上的 一次革命。 29. 商周时期,在我国成都平原出现了一种具有独特魅力的三星堆青铜文化,战国时期,李冰修建 的都江堰使成都平原成为“天府之国”。 30(战国时期的屈原吸收民歌精华,采用秦国方言,创造一种新体诗歌,代表作有离骚。 三、填空题:(将答案填入相应空格中。每空2分,共12分) 31.我国最早出现的比较成熟的文字是_;秦朝统一文字,把_作为全国规范文字。 32(民主推举部落联盟首领的办法历史上叫做_;为了巩固统治,西周实行_。 33(公元前7世纪后期

23、,晋军通过 大战大败楚军,晋文公成为中原霸主。 战国后期,秦赵之间发生的 以后,东方各国再也无力抵挡秦军的强大攻势。 四、材料分析问答题:(共三题,共28分) 34(阅读下列材料,回答问题:(本小题共10分) 材料一:“秦王扫六合(扫六合:指统一中国),虎视何雄哉!挥剑决浮云,诸侯尽西来。” 李白 材料二:“及至始皇废先王之道;焚百家之言,以愚黔首。隳名城,杀豪杰;收天下之兵以 弱天下之民然陈涉斩木为兵,揭竿为旗,天下云合响应山东豪俊遂并起而亡秦矣。” 贾谊过秦论 请回答(1)“秦王扫六合”是在哪一年? (1分)“秦王”名字是什么,(1分)秦朝定都哪里?(1分) (2)“秦王扫六合”后,为巩固

24、封建统治,采取了什么措施来促进经济、文化的交流? (2分) , the Office, the guards room. In the outdoor . saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-s, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, lifeemergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety

25、bans, warnings, instruction zards,equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hauipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be ncy eqled unconditio

26、nally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emerge?instalquipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site p

27、hone should be to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site ety of acceptance issued by the Ministry, sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the

28、 quali-ance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the afteracceptnce plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the ager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager

29、 head of guidance workers, according to the maintenact manuality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the projes given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and proce

30、ssing, qeme irvices, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance schproblems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance se if necessary, and design of mutually

31、 agreed solutions. 6) for simple3 用心 爱心 专心 (3)“焚百家之言”是指哪一历史事件?(1分) 采取这一措施的影响如何,(2分) (4) 材料二中农民起义的根本原因是什么,(1分)后来灭亡秦朝的是谁,(1分) 35(观察下图哲理漫画,回答问题:(本小题共12分) (1)以上三幅图片分别反应了战国时期哪一学派何人的思想学说,(6分) )图中哪一家的思想最符合当时统治者的意愿,(1分)他的哪一思想观点深受秦国国君赏识,(2(1分) (3)图中哪一家的思想后来成为两千多年封建王朝的正统思想,(1分)其创始人是谁,(1分) (4)你认为图二对我们今天的社会有何现实

32、意义,(2分) 36.阅读下列材料:(本小题共6分) 材料一:“管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐”。 材料二:卫鞅曰:“治世不一道,便国不法古。故汤武不循古而王,夏殷不易礼而亡。反古者不可非,而循礼者不足多”。孝公曰:“善。”以卫鞅为左庶长,卒定变法之令。 ?司马迁史记?商鞅列传 (1)“管仲相桓公”后提出了什么口号进一步提高了齐桓公的号召力,(1分) (2)材料二反映卫鞅变法的理论依据是什么,(1分)各国纷纷变法后,我国进入哪种社会形态,(1分) (3)材料二卫鞅变法后给秦国带来什么影响,(2分) (4)从材料一、二两个国家的强国之路中,对你有何启发,(1分) 张家港市第二中学2

33、012-2013学年第一学期期中试卷 初一历史答题卷 ocation, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident in the appropriate l?obile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards room. In the outdoor . for m one installation requ

34、irements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephty of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant e

35、nd of repair services. 11 emergency responsesales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quali-rm by the afternce for the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to re

36、turn the acceptahead of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance afteager checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Man terials, manufacturing produ

37、ction and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to being maer organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasx questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and

38、 controlling Center, by planning and controlling Cent7) to more compleif necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-n of police tape, safety bans,

39、 warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, lifeolatioight, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isecause of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such

40、 as rechargeable work l, or b4 班级: 姓名: 考试号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 一、单项选择题(满分48分) 5.圆周角和圆心角的关系:序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 序号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 题号 21 22 23 24 答案 (3)边与角之间的关系:二、判断题 (每题2分,正确的写A,错误的写B,本大题共12分) 推论2 经过切点且垂直于切线的直线必经过圆心.题号 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 三、填空题:(将答案填入相应空格中。每空2分,共12分) 31. ; 。 32

41、( ; 。 33( ; 。 (一)情感与态度:四、材料分析问答题:(共28分) ;(1分) ;(1分) 34、(1)。(1分) 抛物线的顶点在(0,0),对称轴是y轴(或称直线x0)。(2)经济: ;(1分) 文化: 。(1分) (3) ;(1分) 。(2分) (4) ;(1分) 。(1分) 35、(1)图一: ;(1分) ;(1分) 图二: ;(1分) ;(1分) 图三: ;(1分) ;(1分) (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:(2) ;(1分) ;(1分) 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则(3) ;(1分) ;(1分) 64.24.8生活中的数3 P30-35(4) (2分)

42、36、(1) ;(1分) 弦和直径: 弦:连接圆上任意两点的线段叫做弦。 直径:经过圆心的弦叫做直径。(2) ;(1分) ;(1分) (3) 。(2分) 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。(4) 。(1分) instalsaving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers-s, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, lifeemergency treatment is required wh

43、en used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instruction zards,equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hauipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because

44、of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be ncy eqquipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emerge?, the Office, the guards room. In the outdoor . led u

45、nconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Officeto be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site ety of acceptance issued by the Ministry, sales service

46、department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quali-ance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the afteracceptnce plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of c

47、ustomer acceptance and sign the ager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenact manuality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the projes given by t

48、he design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, qeme irvices, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance schproblems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance se if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple5 用心 爱心 专心


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