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1、Unit 5 What does she do?,Part B Lets read,湖南永州市九中,授课教师:唐宝珠,Sharp eyes,teacher,doctor,nurse,policeman,driver,farmer,actor,actress,writer,engineer,accountant,salesperson,cleaner,artist,TV reporter,football player,Guess: What does he do?,Tip 1:,Tip 2:,Tip 3:,How does he go to work?,What does he often d

2、o?,What is his hobby?,He goes to work by motor cycle.,He helps the tourists find their way.,He likes helping people.,If you like helping people,you can be a policeman.,Guess: What does she do?,Tip 1:,Tip 2:,Tip 3:,How does she go to work?,What does she often do?,What is his hobby?,She goes to work b

3、y car.,She helps the bank use their money well.,He likes working with numbers.,If you like working with numbers,you can be an accountant.,Some tips for you,1, If you like teaching lessons, you can be a _.2, If you like cleaning streets, you can be a _.3, If you like singing songs, you can be a _.4,

4、If you like dancing, you can be a _.5, If you like writing , you can be a _.6, If you like driving cars, you can be a _. 7, If you like drawing pictures, you can be an _.,teacher,cleaner,singer,dancer,writer,driver,artist,Wang Li,Li Xiaobin,Yuan Yuan,Talk about the pictures,job:,how:,an accountant,a

5、n engineer,a policewoman,by car,by bus,by motor cycle,1, Wang Li drives to work. ( ) 2, Li Xiaobin can use the banks money. ( )3, Yuan Yuan goes to work by motor bike. ( )4, Li Xiaobin goes home by bus. ( )5, Yuan Yuan can speak English. ( )6, Li Xiaobin likes math. ( ),Tick or cross(仔细阅读判断对错,注意划出新单

6、词),Retell(课文复述),Retell(课文复述),Retell(课文复述),Writing(写一篇关于熊二的文章,不少于10句话),manager,熊二新闻发布会,See you!,They are tourists,Can you help me find my way to the park?,Mom give A and B 30 yuan for breakfast a week.,Which one can use the money well?,Pair work,What does your father do?He is _.Where does he work?He works in _.How does he go to workHe goes to work_.,P64,


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