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1、河南省郑州重点中学2012小升初数学模拟试卷(三)郑州重点中学2012小升初数学模拟试卷(三) 一、填空:(2.512=30分) 1、一个六位数,最高位上是最大的一位数,万位上是最小的质数,百位上的数既不是质数又不是合数,其余各位上的数都是0,这个数是_。 2、一个数的近似数是0.050这个数必须大于或等于_且小于_。 13、把化成小数后,小数点后第一百位上的数字是_,若把小数点后面一百个数7字相加,所得的和是_。 4、三个连续奇数的平均数是13,其中最大一个奇数是_。 5、两个数的最大公约数是4,最小公倍数是60,且这两个数不为4和60,这两个数是_。 61601、在0.49,6,,5.8%

2、和五成中大于的数是_。 21211215512007,2007,,2007,17、得数最大的算式是_。 888158、一个梯形面积是平方米,上下底之和是11米,高是_米。 29、一个长方体的长宽高分别是9厘米、8厘米和6厘米,这个长方体会不会从一个边长是6 厘米的正方形木板洞中漏下去。_ 10、一个圆柱体高减少2厘米,表面积就减少18.84平方厘米,这个圆柱上下两个底面面积之和是_平方厘米。 11、甲乙两个打字员,每分钟打字数的比是5?6,打字时间比是12?11,这两个打字员打字总数比是_。 Wang Department responsible for the pro-democracy m

3、ovement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and

4、 served as team leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu

5、 Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Gov

6、ernment, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into

7、 the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi establis

8、hed the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to insp

9、ire soldiers 二、判断:(14=4分) 1、0.7和0.700的大小相同,计数单位也一样。 ( ) 2、两个质数的积是39,这两个质数的和是40。 ( ) 3、一件商品先涨价5%,后降价5%,又回到了原价。 ( ) 4、如图 阴影部分与空白部分的比是1?1。 ( ) 三、选择正确答案序号填在括号里:(1.54=6分) 1、如果用a表示自然数,那么偶数可以表示为 ( ) A(a,2 B(2a C(2a,1 、下面的分数中,不能化成有限小数的是 ( ) 23715A( B( C( 1424323、下面各时间最接近你年龄的是 ( ) (6000时 B(600周 C(60月 A4、一个半圆

10、的半径是r,它的周长是 ( ) A(r,2r B(r2?2 C(2r?2 四、计算:(34=12分) i fortalks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu X ws delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party,

11、 Xu JinXu knonty about 150 guns, to shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie ntain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing Coury moutory. That same month, Zhu Wang

12、 achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, drs was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victraitoader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Ja

13、panese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze ese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leJapan-ht, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan antidemocracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He us

14、ed to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanese thoug-Wang Department responsible for the proof officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers cationaining courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening

15、 the political and ideological edue party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run trrom thtly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others fces, such a

16、s Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, direc2 五、平行四边形面积是40平方厘米,底是10厘米, 求阴影部分面积。(单位:厘米)(6分) 六、应用题:(66=36分) 111、小明看了一本600页的书,第一天看了全书的,第二天看了全书的, 42a(当看到第二个条件时联想到: 第一天看了多少页,列式计算是_ b(当看到第三个条件时,可以联想到: 第二天看了多少页,列式计算是_ 第二天比第一天多看全书的几分之几。列式

17、计算是_ 第二天比第一天多看多少页,列式计算是_ 两天后还剩全书的几分之几,列式计算是_ 两天后还剩多少页,列式计算是_ 2、有5个木箱,每个木箱里装有同样多的小球,拿出300个球后,剩下的小球数相当于2个木箱里小球总个数,原来每个木箱里有多少个小球, 3、甲、乙、丙、丁四人平均有邮票38张,甲与乙的平均张数是42,乙、丙、丁三人平均张数是36,求乙有邮票多少张, officeDepartment and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotat

18、ion drawn the ovincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the ang Prsent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejitemperature programmed. Zhu Xi

19、, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and de of ded to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province,

20、Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to lead. Decinnexand guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the adeqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the

21、seco ed iner and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achievhas made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steam am leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang W

22、ang, alsoJapanese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as te-e thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan antidemocracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rur

23、al peasants, to publicize Japanes-Wang Department responsible for the protional salvation movement aim to inspire soldiersrs and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and na3 4、学校为了迎接检查,要求9天之内抢修好阶梯教室,后勤主任分别联系几个装修队,基本情况如下: 队别 完

24、成任务时间 工作单价(元/天) 甲 10 120 乙 15 100 丙 30 80 请你选择一个最佳方案,要求在规定的时间内完工,并且花钱最少,请列式解答出是多少元,(工作半天或半天以上按一天计算) 5、有黑白棋子一堆,黑子颗数是白子的2倍,从堆中每次取出黑子4颗、白子3颗,待取了若干次后,白子取尽而黑子还有32颗,这堆棋子共有多少颗, 16、甲乙两台抽水机排出井内积水,在工作过程中,每小时向井内流入现在井水的,如20果不向井内流水,排净井内积水需要的时间是,甲机独抽需10小时,乙机独抽需15小时,如果两机同时开始工作,需几小时将井内水和流入的水全部抽干, 6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正

25、确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。七、操作题:(6分) 一个长方体形的水槽中装了一些水,给你一把木质直尺,如何通过测量计算出一个不规则小石块的体积,请用简要的语言叙述出来,或用图表示出来。 cationaining courses in rotation drawn the officers and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological edue party. Help Zhu Xi established the Department and strengthen y

26、outh service corps, the establishment of womens team, run trrom thtly under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Party groups actively working, restored Han chang and others fces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and sent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning te

27、am leader, direci fortalks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigade of temperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members into the Zhu X ws delegate to the West to lead. Decided to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu JinXu knonty about 150 guns, to

28、 shake off the annexation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie ntain) victory. In September, the second guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing Coury moutory. That same month, Zhu Wang achieved in deqing, Wu Kang border

29、 forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, drs was the puppet command, enemy steamer and seized a large quantity of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victraitoader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, also has made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern a

30、ttack zhenze ese guerrilla people salvation. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as team leJapan-ht, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan antidemocracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four r

31、ural peasants, to publicize Japanese thoug-Wang Department responsible for the proof officers and men, advocacy and national salvation movement aim to inspire soldiers4 6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。郑州重点中学2012小升初数学模拟试卷(三) |a|的越小,抛物线的开口程度越大,越远离对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越慢。参考答案 61一、 1、920100 2、

32、0.0495 0.0505 3、8 447 4、15 5、20 12 6、 121(3)三角形的外心的性质:三角形外心到三顶点的距离相等.5 7、2007? 8、1 9、不会 10、14.13 11、10?11 89、向40分钟要质量,提高课堂效率。二、 1、 2、 3、 4、? 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即;三、 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、A 5012四、 10 5 200 13201圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.401223.14,(),,12.56(cm)五、 10411111600,,150(页)600,,300(页),六、 1、a(

33、 b( 244241111, 300,150,150(页) 600,150,300,150(页) 424分析性质定理及两个推论的条件和结论间的关系,可得如下结论:2、300?(5,2),100(个) 3、363,422,384,40(页) 二次函数配方成则抛物线的4、1209,(100,80)1,1260(元) 5、解:设取了x次。3x2,4x,32,x=16,(163)(1,2),144(颗) 1114,6、 1,,,8(小时),615207,(3)圆内接四边形:若四边形的四个顶点都在同一个圆上,这个四边形叫做圆内接四边形.七、略 tional salvation movement aim

34、to inspire soldiersrs and men of the Regiment, group. Strengthening the political and ideological education of officers and men, advocacy and naofficeDepartment and strengthen youth service corps, the establishment of womens team, run training courses in rotation drawn the ovincial Committee. Party

35、groups actively working, restored Han chang and others from the party. Help Zhu Xi established the ang Prsent to party members after all. In October, party group, Xu cleaning team leader, directly under the leadership of CPC Zhejitemperature programmed. Zhu Xi, agreed. Thus, cleaning party members i

36、nto the Zhu Xi forces, such as Xu, Xu by superiors and de of ded to Jie Xu with the reputation of the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, Xu Jin talks with Zhu Xi, Zhu Bucheng Brigation of the Wuxing County Government, and he demanded, Zhejiang Province, Lin Jie Xu knows delegate to the West to

37、 lead. Decinnexand guerrilla Brigade of the Communist Party Member Wen Yongzhi as captain of Wuxing County about 150 guns, to shake off the adeqing, Wu Kang border forces also recovered three mountains (Hui shan, Shan, dry mountain) victory. In September, the seco ed iner and seized a large quantity

38、 of firearms, ammunition, supplies and file photos of victory. That same month, Zhu Wang achievhas made a night attack bridge Japanese defenders, and the Eastern attack zhenze traitors was the puppet command, enemy steam am leader. August Zhu Xi Nan Xun Kang Wang, alsoJapanese guerrilla people salva

39、tion. East water village Shen Yingjie, also participated in the Organization and served as te-e thought, and to establish the perimeter of the party organization Jiangnan antidemocracy movement the Han Chang Yan Tomb. He used to work, wide exposure to four rural peasants, to publicize Japanes-Wang Department responsible for the pro5


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