四年级上册英语课件-《Unit 9 It’s one hundred》|湘少版.ppt

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《四年级上册英语课件-《Unit 9 It’s one hundred》|湘少版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语课件-《Unit 9 It’s one hundred》|湘少版.ppt(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,湘少版四年级英语上册,Unit 9 Its one hundred,Try to cout the numbers,onetwo threefour fivesix seveneight nineten eleventwelve,3+5=,7+8=,4+14=,9+11=,8,15,18,20,Three and five is eight,Seven and eight is fifteen,Four and fourteen is eighteen,Nine and eleven is twenty,算一算,andis,New word,homework,right,wrong,找规律,

2、two twelve three thirteen four fourteenfive fifteen sevenseventeensix sixteeneight eighteennine ninteen,twentythirty,forty,fifty,sixty,eighty,ninty,表示十几的数字都是以teen结尾,发 /ti:n/ 的音。表示几十的数字都是以ty结尾,发 /ti/ 的音。,seventy,New word,21 twenty-one32 thirty-two43 forty-three54 fifty-four65 sixty-five,76 seventy-si

3、x87 eighty-seven98 ninty-eight99 ninty-nine100 one hundred,数字几十几先写几十再写连字符,再写数字几。,回答问题,1.Miss Li在做什么?2.谁做对了?谁做错了?3.你听到了哪几个数字?,Practice 请用英语表达下列算式,21+11=32,20+23=43,41+13=54,56+9=65,65+33=88,Twenty-one and eleven is thirty-two.,Twenty and twenty-three is forty-three.,Forty-one and thirteen is fifty-four.,Fifty-six and nine is sixty-five.,Sixty-five and thirty-three is eighty-eight.,andis,背一背,基数词,很容易。012词各异,每个都要单独记。1319结尾teen。t-e-e-n teen.几十结尾要加ty。 t-y ty t-y ty.几十几,也容易。先说几十,再说几。中间短杠“”加上去,一百就是 one hundred。,Thank you!,


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