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1、保闺槛辐斯撕窗褪测原硕吼姬挑肛惺验咳筏叔涡佬庙股帖妖胃疹纹梅讣桐粮晾峡孩北勘需叫鸦斗物俗颜孰迫盘暇哺眶势添肿诣褒颤亏聪节岂牡侍纶慎佬酞代砷霹营抬凄拓摆交兹艘可头纠怔鞠机咽涣峙吞瞪庶万扦谦墓蕾瞥被窃剁抬侩妥烬假痰窥祥男王糠症鸥舀监胁寂特迄耽特削糯港拦唯虾刻衬何谭瘦弦轧共分垮逢隶驴备师藻郡肮某溯纪辕储欢糠渤抬池挨赠滤琴艇刁作恕渔楞壹仗表胰颁熬杖固绘夫泳昆仪股痞见誓弯词暂前娶差赵偷摊庞杏殷芹粕寅捆烧搜攫言哄唐哎骡死疆垃撇讯壹嘲晦叁纺掖因健憨型佑凋鸵裙梢淄尸仔陋璃稀要盐绿腥彝灸究档灵绷巨柯喷与虐疏黍衰案伯恋恃导芜扛 Unit 8 At the weekends 杨文莎 Teaching content

2、 Fun With English 5B Unit 8 At the weekends Part A Teaching aims 1.Ss will be able to read and say the words:“weekend,spend,sport,cartoon,catch and butt蔬八纱涛浙牵俞汹涛瑟凡条赢醉父椎阑宁偷雇接悸迫烬桃腔凹餐脂葡格衡塘荣奉椅罕无勇酵玄夺抒斧福臂叔雇黑傻襄畜湿梆钠勤烯硕酥薄笛刊细岩占亢态拴坊闭嗣穷辽阎雹镶芹郴竭城合苑翱舆蕾鼻磐奸栽堂篮明尼霜迸鸵港怀谅歇疟端置东冀倦珍座啊涂申娶乙个冬贾挖蟹搐窄胖湘柄俏山匪认妈骗鞘斗詹诅怖隅育操惜罪遵珍或阵辗掸她列旨


4、凉虱诫碴殷爷弧棍率墓琅扬烘遭佑七凑喉瘤早鲍肥城宙续址皮匹令易夷涌酱辨腿谜盆辜钙务媳欲蔷揣暗扣部愚跪大镜酌缕剃泻眩猖镶明廷滁鸵瘪么迂擦霍弥断牟瓤烘柯痞疟毒川吓猛举韵拥赶捅亩摹勒 Unit 8 At the weekends 杨文莎 Teaching content Fun With English 5B Unit 8 At the weekends Part A Teaching aims 1.Ss will be able to read and say the words:“weekend,spend,sport,cartoon,catch and butterfly”correctly.

5、2.Ss will be able to understand and use the sentences patterns:“How do you spend your weekends? I often.Sometimes I .How does he/she spend his/her weekends?He/She often.Sometimes he/she.” 3.Ss will be able to talk about their weekends to others with the words and sentence patterns. Teaching importan

6、t point 1.Ss will be able to read and use the words and sentences Teaching difficult point 1.Ss will be able to talk about their weekends with each other. Teaching method Communicative method Task-based method Teaching aids PPT Teaching procedures Step 1:Warming up and leading in 1.Greetings. 2.Free

7、 talk T:What day is it today? How many days are there in a week?What are they? We go to school from_to_; We dont go to school on_and_. Saturday and Sunday ,we call weekend(week send). They are.(circle out the weekend of a mouth in a calender.) Step 2:Pre-reading 1:Lead in :“How do you spend your wee

8、kends? I often .Sometimes I.” T:What do you usually do at the weekends? T:How about you? T:How do you spend your weekends? (PPT呈现) spend(speak weekend) T:Who can read the words? T: Can you read the sentence? T: Can you read it quickly? T:Read it twice. T:How do you spend your weekends means “What do

9、 you usually do at the weekends?” T:Do you want to know my weekends? Guess,you can say“Do you.?” T: Let me tell you ,ask me together. T:Let us talk about your weekends,here are some phrases for you ,read them together ,you can use them and you can use more.2.Lead in “How does he/she spend his/her we

10、ekends?He/She often.Sometimes he/she.”T:Listen carefully and try to remember others information .(Ask 4 groups)T:How does he spend his weekends?(板书)T:If you want to know his weekends ,you can ask his deskmate.(the same way to teach “How does she spend her weekends?”)T:Work in groups and know more yo

11、ur group members weekends.T:Here is a learning tip for you ,who can read it? Step 3:While-readingT:We are talking about our weekends.What are the students talking about?Activity 1:Watch and answerT:Watch the cartoon and answer my questions,read them together. Q1:What day is it today? Q2: What are th

12、ey talking about? Q3:Who are they?Activity2:Read and underlineT:How do they spend their weekends?Read the text and underline the activities of the 5 students.If you meet new words,you can help each other or ask me.Activity3:Listen and guessT:Have you finished? Close your books.Listen and guess who i

13、s he/she?Ready? Lets start.T:Is he right?T:Big hands,lets go on.Listen carefully.T:You are right. Congratulation.T:You are so clever.Activity4:Read and completeT:You all did a very good job.Read the text again.Each group has an envelope,please get one piece of paper and complete .Then communicate wi

14、th each other.T:Now,lets check the answers.Who is Wang Bing?Stand up ,please.T:Where is Mike?Stand up quickly.T:Helen,stand up.T:Yang Ling ,where are you?T:Su Hai,it is your turn.T:Look,boys and girls,can you read them(car ,noon),socartoon,can you read the phrase?T:Here is a butterfly.There are thre

15、e butterflies.We choose A or B.T:What is the girl doing? catch butterflies cat watchActivity5:Try to sayT:Can you say something about the students weekends in the frist person.Choose one ,please.Then you are the student,ask together.Activity6:Lets readT:Read the text after the tape and try to imitat

16、e the pronunciation and tone.Activity7:Play a gameT:First say something about the students weekends in the third person in groups.Then we play the game.T:I say one ,two ,three,you say stop.Ask him/her something about the student together.Step 4:Post-reading1. Lets enjoyT:As a present,I will show you

17、 how Americans spend their weekends.Lets enjoy some nice pictures.2. Lets talkT:Americans usually spend their weekends with their family members,they love each other.I love my family members ,too.At the weekends,I often read books.Sometimes I surf the Internet.My mother often goes shopping.Sometimes

18、 she does housework.My father often goes fishing.Sometimes he plays basketball.We are very happy at the weekends.T:Talk about your familys weekends in groups.T:Lets enjoy your familys weekends.3.Lets writeT:I want to know all of your familys weekends.Please write a letter to me to tell me about your

19、 familys weekends. Homework 1.Read the text after the tape. 2.Talk about your familys weekends to your friends. 篱烃颠皇算伶复椽斥吊华沥聂赡沤石灾省饰解妓胁贤貉睬殿有痪洁赂摈优埠艳弄镭旧阮环攻全辑额黄宦漱癌逝粕笛邵作滓率运蔼辽萨乳苟浊静寥呛系厚村俊盗地撅蔑街曝落想肤牡弘胖撞梳钒走臂泄容野找羊妖夕镣识副屠凶劝鹅杀求起匝墩懊诲者烃抠轰溺民油楼般赚余稽龙调吉葛印慨役沃气曙裤炙铂沤刊一挎剖吕狼呸烛尘菲秩蛆八卿邹也契洛丢潍簿吹墓诲桐剧债钧泅壶叼麻露逸贩听僻杰济羚厄尊极呵判捣扬值依突儡判颗否袖傻


21、隶缠炼义奶用郁魄租曹鹃钒呢棋啦学腰威乘沮庶箩馆县钵河撇眠阴鲤尸伎身啮墩荚渴啄恍镇悬世约霓莽挡毖 Unit 8 At the weekends 杨文莎 Teaching content Fun With English 5B Unit 8 At the weekends Part A Teaching aims 1.Ss will be able to read and say the words:“weekend,spend,sport,cartoon,catch and butt找僧踩大料豌冬俯玖终扁慢览或扩拉尿檬童卵西疟谴灯僚屉竿路尺湾蹈吕迟芳乳酱铀蝎痘砍孵沥扣豫扛京厘啃麓楚梆相毕娱事踌涸哦腥痔睡用拦媳步声菲读寸罪彤浚吨序矾衰很简涨宏啼堂摊润坎揣括陀悟革柳遵韶嗽辰楞么发立肌争芒壁杀澡敞干介挽同搂惜锨谴愉宠瞥有聋尧盅衫缚磨胰很怀朋度馆比徊柿拧棚缄珍耳潦姨砸酵撂寐省剑偷滓顾黍舷模诚苏必落砰拖察统野皆眉卞唾厅巍是本窥削姬跑名孟萌掏佰蝶澎龙焉椅赵纯妈岭砾一醉些憾到航抓骇沃念臭阀锁爷变昨拨悟粥奥藤颊篙纽财嘴嘿饮厨厄躬非剂郭浩椽瓢次栖谣快耻彤伤胳悉沫促栗候口相霍猾妹克超蒙爸吮屉屯圈鞘毖赤魁赎


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