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1、人称代词练习题一一. 选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1. This is( my / I) mother.2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. ( He / His) name is Mark.4. What s( she / he) name?5. Excuse (me / my /I).6. Are( your / you) Miss Li?7. ( I/ My)am Ben.8. ( She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you).10. How old is ( he / his)二. 填空。1.

2、 (她)is a student.(我)am a student, too.2. (我)want(你)to do it today.3. (他)like apples.4. Can(你)help me?5. (他)is a student.三. 选择1. What sname?n ame is Lucy.A. you My B. your My C. yours Myis my sister.A. HerBShe C He2. She isstude nt. n ame is Panpan.A. she / HerB he / HisC. her /Her3. He is not well.t

3、oe hurts.A. her B. his C. she4. I am ten. n ame is Nini.A. my B My C. She6don like milk.mother don like milk too.A. IB. myC. My四. 把下列句子变换单词顺序使之成为正确的一句话1. do you what doWhat like you do3. want I books twoBe 动词的练习 be 动词 意思和用法很多,一般 的意思是:是, 此种用法,有多种变化形式, 小学里主要涉及 is ,am ,are , was , were , to be.另外,be动词还

4、有成为的意思。am ,is ,are am 用于第一人称,例如 i ,过 去式为 was is 用于 第三人称单数 ,例如 he , she ,it ,过去式为 was are 用于 第二人称 ,例如 you we,they 过去式为 were,二、在下面的题目中填上恰当 的Be动词。1. I from Australia.2. Shea stude nt.3. Jane and Tommyfrien ds.4. My parentsverybusy every day.5. Iat school.6. Heat school.7. Westudents.8. Theyfrom Chi na.

5、9. Yang Ling elevenyears old.10. Whereyourfrien ds?11. How oldyoulast year?12. Which dogyours?13. Ten and twotwelve.、用 am, is, are填空1)1a stude nt.2)Youadoctor.3) she from Jinan?4) youAmerica n?5)It_is a car.6)They _are cars7)_is your motherin Chi na?8)are_yourfrie nds in New York?9)What is hername?1

6、0)Thesearebuses.11)Those areoranges.12)Whereishermother?13)How ol(disyour teacher?14)What classare_you in?1. I _aboy.areyou aboy?No, Iamn ot.2.ThegirlisJacks sister.3.Thedogistallandfat.4.Themanwithbigeyesa teacher.5.isyour brother in the classro om?5. Where _your mother?She at home.6. How oldyour f

7、ath er?7. Mike and Liu T aoare at school.8. Whose dressis thi s?一、在下面的短文中填上恰当 be动词。I _ama girl. My nameis_ Mary. I _am_in Class 2, Grade 7. I _am_ 12 years old. Here ismyfamily photo. Look! These _are_my parents and those _are_my grandparents. This boy _is_my brother.He _is_ 15 years old now. That _

8、is_mycat, Mimi. It _is_very lovely.英语练习题一用 do,does,dont,doesnt1. What_you need for breakfast? Some milk and an egg.2.I_want any juice.I want some milk.2. Do Ben and you like vegetables? No,we_3. How_they go to school?By underground.4. _your friend have lessons every day?No,he_.5. What_your father do

9、? Hes a shop assistant.6. Tom,_make a noise in class,please.7. Kitty_do her homework at school.She_it at home.二写出动词的一般现在 时第三人称单数形式 1.gets_ 2.do_es_3. write_s_4. washes_5. watch_es_ 7.go_es_8.have_has8. buys_ 10.read_s_11.studies_12.rides_ 三将下列句子改为否定 句和一般疑问句1.I do my homework at home. 否定句 I do not my

10、 homework at home 一般疑问句: Do you your homework at home?2. We have a picnic onSundays.否: We dont have a picnic on Sundays. 疑问: Do you have a picnic on Sundays?3. Ben rides his bicycle at four oclock.否:Ben doest ride his bicycle at four oclock.一般疑问句: Does Ben ride his bicycle at four oclock ?Kitty goes

11、 to bed at half past nine.否:Kitty doesn、t go to bed at half past nine. 一般疑问句: Does Kitty go to bed at half past nine ? 否定回答:No , it doesn、t. 肯定回答: Yes , it does.4. Janes father gets up at quarter past six every morning.否定句: Janes father does n、t get up at quarter past six every morning.一般疑问句: Does J

12、anes father get up at quarter past six every morning?主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词单数I you she , he , it复数wetheyyouLililucy mingmi ngSheshe he itLili、lucy and min gmingTheydo用于一二人称, does用于第三人称 但是用法是一样的。 助动词do的用法cat1) 构成一般疑问句,例如:Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英 语测试吗?Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗?2)

13、do + not构成否定句, 例如:I do not want to be criticized.我不想挨批评。He does nt like to study. 他不想学习。In the past, many students did not know theimportance of English.过去,好多学生不知道英语的重 要性。3)构成否定祈使句,例如:Dont go there. 不要去 那里。Dontbe soabsent-minded.不要这么心不在焉。说明: 构成否定祈使句只用do,不用 did 禾口 does。4)放在动词原形前,加强该 动词的语气,例如:Do come

14、to my birthday party.一定来参加我的生日宴会。I did go there.我确实去那儿了。I do miss you.我确实想你。6)用作代动词,例如:Do you like Beiji ng?-你喜欢北京吗?一 Yes, I do. -是的,喜 欢。(do用作代动词,代替like Beiji ng.He knows how to drive acar, does nt he?他知道如何开车,对吧?is和are的区别是一个用于 单数一个用于复数。当主语是 单数时be动词用is,当主语是 复数是be动词用are动词:have has (有) have:I (我) we (我

15、们) you (你,你们) they (他们,她们) has: she 她 he 他 it 它练习题,填上正确的 havehas.1.I _ have _ (have ) a cat. 2.He _ has _ (have) a dog.3.She _ has _ (have) long hair.4.We _ have _ (have) a big house.5.They _ have _ (have) a happy family.6.It _has_ (have) a short tail.7.You _ have _ (have) a good teacher.8.Elva _ has _ (have) two big eyes.9.Tom _ has _ (have) a redpen.10.My mother _ has _(have) a beautiful nose.11.Cats _ have_ (have)four legs.12.Dogs _ have_ (have)two ears.13.My father _ has _ (have)a blue car.14.Everybody _have _(have) two hands.15.I _ have _(have) amodel plane.16.Lily _ has _ (have) a


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