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1、A. Yes.B. Id like a violi n.C. It means Do not touch.D. I like masks.E. Friday.F. Yes ,it was.G. No ,theyre not there.H. Its the 8th of December.I. Its on the fifth of December.J. Thats all right.A. You re welcome.B. He s a doctor.C. Come in, please.D. Fine, tha nk you.E. Yes, you can.F. Seve nty-on

2、e yua n.G. Me, too.H. No. 6.I. Yes, it s 3854673,J. No, they aren t.六年级英语专项练习题(情景匹配)姓名班级得分:第一组:()1. What would you like as a prese nt?()2. Would you like a camera?()3. Was it there just now?()4. What date is it today?()5. Whe ns your birthday?()6. Where are your earph on es?()7. What day is it today

3、?()8. What does it mea n?()9. What do you like?()10.Tha nk you ?第二组:()1. May I come in?()2. Do you know his teleph one nu mber?()3. How much is it?()4. I kilto write a letter.()5. Which bus?()6. Are they Mr. King s students?()7. Dad, can I have an apple?()8. How are you this morning?()9. What s the

4、niiawhite?()10.Tha nk you very much.第三组:1()1. Look at the flowers, Lucy.()2. It s three twenty.()3. Whose keys are these?()4. What class are you in?()5. Are you in the same row?()6. Where s Yucai School?()7. Do you know her telepho neA. I m in Class 4, Grade 6.B. Sure, it s 273849.C. It s time tct(g

5、ohe playground.D. No, we re in different rows.E. He s Helen s father.F. How beautiful.r? G. It s next to themaie#H. Are they Lin Tao s?()8. Who s the man in the photo?#第四组:()1. Here is your watch, Mike.()2. I can t find my pen.()3. It s twelve o clock.()4. You must go to school now.()5. Here is your

6、 shirt, Jim. E.A. I know where your pen is.B. You must look after your clothes.C. Put on your coat and shoes.D. Thanks very much.I must go now, bye-bye.2第五组:()1. Who is the boy in brow n?()2. Whose jacket is this?()3. What colour is your bike?()4. What s the time, please?()5. Can I have an egg?()6.

7、How many cars can you see?()7. It s time to go to school.()8. You have a nice skirt, Kate.第六组:A. It s Mr. Brown s, I think.B. He s Ann s brother Tom.C. It s about six.D. It s black.E. Twen ty.F. Yes, please.G. Thank you.Yes, let s go.3第五组:()1.What colour are her eyes?A.Sorry, I cant.()2.Is it a map

8、of Jiangsu?B.He s from America, I think.()3.Can I sit here?C.Yes, I am.()4.Are there En glish bookson the desk?. D.Thank you.()5. Which is your bag?E. OK, let s.()6. Where s Sandy from?F. They re black.()7. Let s play games.G. Yes, it s a map of Jiangsu()8. This prese nt is for you.H. The gree n old

9、 one.()9. Can you speak Japa nese?I. Yes, there are.()10.Are you a new stude nt in this class?J. Sure, please.第七组:()1. Where s the toilet, please?A. No, it s time to play.()2. Welcome back to school.B. Sorry, I don t know()3. Can you see a bank n ext to the park?C. They re ours.()4. Shall we give hi

10、m some apples?D. Yes, they re ours.()5. Whose keys are these?E. You can take a bus.()6. What do you want?F. Thank you.()7. How much are they?G. An apple, please.()8. How can 1 get there?H. No, I can t.()9. Are they yours?I. Yes, let s.()10.Is it time to go to class?J. Twelve yua n.第八组:()1. Who s the

11、 girl on the chair?A. All right.()2. Read these nu mbers, please.B. Some kites.()3. Where are the shoes?C. On the floor.()4. How many kites can you see on the floor. D. Some cakes.()5. Whose key is that?E. Yes, let s.()6. Is it my tur n to dance?F. Wang Ying s.()7. What can you see on the floor?G. Four.()8. Shall we go to the classroom?H. No, he s ill.()9. Is Tom at school today?I. Wang Ying s sister()10.What can I have?J. Yes, please.4


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