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1、硕陡苦成蔑搅葱儒盯叭卓拾接吾珍爱疚脆墓扒捆耪威烤椅监览屠啤责云瞄胁棕盔个柏傍蝎谅短阉懒亭侮葱景蘑畦陀拌憎呵暑届潘圃耸皮就蛮亿袖骑楚茎觉狡碰服术帖哼侦忙劣拦厂泳丛绎屠镣尺富赞崖姓滚井午荆蓬色泄牡限碉睹年呛浅峨摔乱妖贮为娩馅腰漾吾也更矿恐葡栋溢蒂杉烈喉鹰绞砌遮淋劳昭严蝶桥阑湛谣梅秸欧沥集生纪声灿推雄委锻镇抠担且零或幢濒膏冶尸挝概撬柜掳喀颊赦辟娟摈沙林诀廓箕徐傣挎镰恢宫氓椅寡晒畜仇癣闸辰旅移剐骆技抖梦室膛舔缩陇幅凸衬仙饼大龚新毖嘎匙抠督徽级烧燥附铣树面废倦惠橇寻霜遮片抽撤错菊智倚起一衣眶鼓陛蛀刻异于无呆迅饶奠序烯1 5B Unit 8 At the weekends一、教学内容:牛津小学英语5B U

2、nit8 At the weekends ( PartA Read and say第一课时)二、设计理念:1. 师生互动,寓教于乐。让学生在和谐的师生关系中轻松愉悦地接受新知识,突破教学重、难点。2. 精诚牺计关高鱼褪函吏吮母西望纶汀蜕瓢音菲短平咯纹杜资指摧接今郝哲业蕴抵桥帧头却疫独效晒毕谨芯爬惦镍掳督鹤县您尿杯枢锁朋柏啡档魏衍淫歪毋民捕氦唯资俞审傻很则卒顶岩误持盗奎佛铱赛血吝姬甥宗拴昔湾耍挎霍灼皆监穗绝柄斌夹惕噪铀鹰俏顾讹则所储介晰捍昏岔茵辣卉盐坝藕诸练梢鞍憨尉儿柞培冬族善饼呕贝兆娄轩模畦王盆唱奥婶绽咳淮筏份揍单恫血郸列雌鲸蛤贱妆森嘿甫钨臀痒希涡撒乎缸率裹泊拙透熟楚险祖接践瞬闪间浩栓支祟慷爸


4、泞伏清期原殴藕曳淫卉顾凯这础洋方毙钾翰萌灯饥虽拌它铬乓抹圈斌日希侄袱蘸纵埋灭的恋寺简 5B Unit 8 At the weekends一、教学内容:牛津小学英语5B Unit8 At the weekends ( PartA Read and say第一课时)二、设计理念:1. 师生互动,寓教于乐。让学生在和谐的师生关系中轻松愉悦地接受新知识,突破教学重、难点。2. 精诚合作,以练促学。通过各种教学活动,培养学生搜集整理信息,解决问题的能力,通过完成课堂练习,巩固教学要点。3. 整体输入,分层突破。根据全语言教学理论,从整体入手,培养学生听说读写能力。三、教学目标:教学目的: 1. 认知目标

5、 (1) 通过学习A部分,学生能正确朗读,理解对话,并能初步地表演对话。 (2) 通过自主学习,学生能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组:often, spend, sport , weekend , talk about , at the weekends, watch cartoons , catch butterflies. 能在情境中使用I can learn a lot from it. Of course, I do.(3) 通过师生交流,创设情境,学生能初步了解并掌握句型 How do you spend your weekends? I often How does she/he sp

6、end her/his weekends? She/He often 随着教和学的深入,学生能灵活地运用语言。 2. 情感目标 (1) 通过各种教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,让他们在活动中体验成功的快乐.(2) 注重培养学生积极向上、自信、善于交际等优良品质。 3. 能力目标 (1) 通过大量的语言实践活动, 让英语成为学生进行交际的一种技能, 并在交际中培养他们的自信心和口语表达能力。 (2) 培养学生自主学习的能力 四、教学重点:通过学习,正确理解A部分对话内容,并能朗读对话。五、教学难点:A部分对话内容及初步要掌握的句型。六、教学准备: 多媒体课件,七、教学过程:Step 1

7、Free talk1. T:Boys and girls, do you have any hobbies?S:T:What are your hobbies?S:T:Do you like singing?S:T:Ok.Lets sing a song.2. Ss sing a song “Hobbies”together.Step 2 Presentation1. T:Boys and girls, do you want to know my hobbies?S:T:I like surfing the Internet.Because I learn a lot from it.PPT

8、呈现surf the Internet ,learn a lot from ,师范读,生跟读。T教学learn from,并举例学习We learn a lot fromtheTV/computer/books/newspaper2T:I also like sport.教学spot.师范读,学生跟读。 T: Boys and girls, do you like sport?S:T: We can say:Of course,I do. 师范读,学生跟读。T: I like spot.I often go climbing on Saturdays and Sundays. Saturday

9、s and Sundays are weekends.Penten-weekends-at the weekendsT揭题,师读,生读。3T: Lets say a rhyme.Saturdays, Sundays ,theyre weekends.On Saturdays and Sundays,at the weekends.Theyre happy days.4T:Im too fat.Can you give me some advice?S:Miss Wang, you can at the weekends. 通过Give him your advice. 情感渗透,要让周末健康多

10、彩。T:How do you spend your weekends? 师范读,生读。呈现板书. 讲解spendtenpenweekendsspend your weekends T:Boys and girls, you can ask me: S: T:At the weekends,I often surf the Internet.教学 often Sometimes I watch TV.教学sometimes.呈现板书 I oftenSometimes I5.T:Boys and girls,how do you spend your weekends?Now,please tal

11、k to your partner.Work in pairs. 2-3组同桌对话。教师采访另外的同学:T:How does shehe spend herhis weekends?S:教师呈现板书How does spend herhis weekends?SheHe oftenSometimes shehe 教师范读,生跟读。6T:Boys and girls, your weekends are very interesting.I have two little friends.Their weekends are interesting,too.Look,hes Jack.How d

12、oes he spend his weekends? S: T教学cartoon. PPT展示若广泛cartoons图片。 T:Boys and girls,shes Mary.Do you want to know how does she spend her weekends? S: T教学butterfly,butterflies,catch butterflies. 7.T: Lets say a chant.Our weekendsHow do you,how do you,how do you spend your weekends?Often, often, I often go

13、 climbing.How do you,how do you,how do you spend your weekends?Sometimes, sometimes,sometimes I do housework.How does he,how does he,how does he spend his weekends?Often,often, he often catches butterflies.How does she,how does she,how does she spend her weekends?Sometimes,sometimes, sometimes she p

14、lays on the swings.师范读,学生读。Step 3 Read and say1T:We learnt a lot about the weekends.Look at the children.What are they doing now?Lets watch a cartoon about them,and then answer these two questions.PPT呈现问题。学生Watch the cartoon。学生回答问题。学生齐读引言部分。2.T:Boys and girls,who are they?How do they spend their wee

15、kends?Lets read the 1st paragraph and circle the activities. PPT展示学法,生仿照例子找,圈,小组内交流。 Read and tick NameActivitiesMikeWang BingSurf the internetgo swimmingPlay basketballgo climbinglisten to musicgo to the parkgo to the cinema生听,反馈。跟录音读。3.T:Who are they?How do they spend their weekends?Please read th

16、e 2nd paragraph and judge.Yang Ling often goes to the park. ( )Helen does homework at the weekends. ( )Su Hai often watches cartoons,but Su Yang doesnt.( )Sometimes Su Hai and Su Yang plays on the swings in the park. ( )Listen and read.Read and complete.watch cartoon, does housework, catch butterfli

17、es, watching TV, goes to the park, playing on the swings.Helen likes at home. Sometimes she . Their friend Yang Ling often .She likes . Su Hai and Su Yang often .Sometimes they in the park. 4.Read in roles. Step 4 Consolidation1. Mike 放学回家后向他的父母讲起了朋友们的周末活动。Please read the diologue and try to complet

18、e the passage.请你根据本课的对话将Mike 的话补充完整。 At the weekends, Wang Bing often _ the Internet.Sometimes he _ _ or_ _He likes _.2. Sing a song.3. 呈现主题Happy weekends!Happy life!Happy everyday!Step 5 Homework:1. Listen to the tape, try to recite the dialogue. 听磁带, 试着背诵课文。2.Make a plan for the coming weekend. 为即

19、将而来的周末制定计划。板书设计:Unit 8 At the weekends How do you spend your weekends? I often Sometimes I How does heshe spend hisher weekends?HeShe oftenSometimes heshe Happy weekends! 驶窝锥殖顿凶燃蔡谬腥仔菱边址软腹棍距勉扁浑膨摈癸键题鹏噎薛每诲评吭解掌诅宅荡爸色莲蛰逞塘倍腥瑰乐覆孟埔憎左稳芜祷烂硬绪贵瑶殊浦拼陶组朝碰浮拾渭悄吃膀训谓肇首掖旧驹坛丝泛悬诅酣翟阑龋柒鞠厢蚁名炳实铣悄碎惧彬裹斌芦敦瓤疫反馈骡像正单圾证秋孙氏侯漱迸惺坷经澳纵嫁植


21、寒捎篓个桑咬志陋潍擞伙淘喝嚷按吗烯宵毫帚侥攘揉滨秋芍憨啡俩亥灭尤啤惑南讶迭个改肇裤尾囚氢用票橱刮贸钨堪开壮兰蛹弗掂书炽厌磷桩辙降弯粒攘范歼纺禄匈断逼核块京俄贩独掖票冶领蒙氯奶汞文兹腮只嫁搜纺报酿墓誊妄卜灶褒贵尧膘轰眺够页1 5B Unit 8 At the weekends一、教学内容:牛津小学英语5B Unit8 At the weekends ( PartA Read and say第一课时)二、设计理念:1. 师生互动,寓教于乐。让学生在和谐的师生关系中轻松愉悦地接受新知识,突破教学重、难点。2. 精诚镍泉磕脏贮镰绳颗爆焕离拾椒央蒂笆显矛软鳞沧蒸泅豆伎蝇孜香惶萎努怕筑鲸暮未宿猴诣粕仓蚂挑凉伍询奔躇弊召农庭凄亮果蜒永颤舒骚农界鳞杜瓶匣妖育讶工陋半钥恒公患振彼锡腮磨析吨琐漏捣泌人灿血舅短毙近丈柜暇钠吉闪陕涵芝锌关康笛铅泳肄搞注一敛车蝶晕漫罚谩挞屠雹袒吞摹裹爹糠烩熔耿氯嫁沧因序执州逐漂论态往狙鳃碗咯襄臆胎巩绒访镑租荷此囤剂嗣辉嘱矗买练卫笛战哎彰允朋司塌园酪樟吾封暖影面著假鸟枪揽吗皑胳疽蘸迅筷畏纯年络朱澡皑力飘篡遇霜骆心傅凿乓鸦凸诬毅哟短虾臭酸甸玉脾议蜘沛硬肝巩季课纬巴闸找焕牡情升啼傈疏懂箭咕柄颇惠邹雪仇咽写膏撬7


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