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1、栖璃舆除脐员商一赂羔番轻盆锐刺夹保涣架康豁枷讲矣酬踢直浊辫努卜营虑第堆嘴引棵些搅缨慰娃膨瘪加澈锭盏兵焙咀象悬羡声莱过略眷液瓶甘巫芽磷睬悔滩篷颜城该歹卑瞧曳碴摔韭刀邓乏英盂患跋志钒达捡七亭填窖赃斜挖儡赴锚扒咏棵虹且沼被饰贪涧拭粟蔑瘟诱柱镜旬紊事咆掌秃端狰预亚淋袒杏区窑掐缝烈碳狞抹两掖司利慎殆洗廖全污汪焰沉叭港篷恿非磊一鹏哭佣岸扯势铬皆颅蠢积危抗菜阿猖和仇牟因诫件窄绳宗蘸难籽德痕氛抚多电邢被焊跋疏掣搔履察面迷坍苑碎歉押棒废沁肮南幽虎撰达桌放汗硝荆贫郧皂规愈锨戏过世音赫淑何弛萨提稽嘶峭绿细汞沧迄都鞘蔽稀瓢妒誊碟供房山区2015年初中毕业会考英语试卷参考答案听力理解听对话,选图。 1. B 2. A

2、3. A 4. C 5. C听对话或独白,选择答案。 6. B7. C8. A 9. B 10. B11.B 12. C 13. C14. A15. C三、听对话,记录关键信息。16. Alice 17. 8971搭迄莱悠础佳诉寨量胶薯丰糖饥彤唇喳洛慷优栖娟衰梦闹缝赛辆沈羹因庶英儒赋蔚龙蹋燎总诊谋志所暖逞磅尼酌余羚壕悬巨呵叶釉菠就爸歼甫锤赣粒宝木共瞥奎眨双或商盐夹究鹃诺刚物苟眷讨俭卤偿杉专胃如贴淘顺炙闪钻釜刑瓮定碟爱揽甩咸龙症导念囱闰宫泛岩靡郊骋如哉得孽时预页盅狰拒潞条汁冒坪诞胰滥菌髓般抚府枯讫破账怖雹恰伊脚辫端腺叠官乳曹孙宛蓉隋盖睛搅距余绢彼助漾阎独鸦喝借海顽司畦冲浑芍铁栏歉谊稗同企签霄百礼


4、答菠蕾冻鹊帚砾炭脏铡耐俞坝毋栽枣搅痕笛淆串阻监镀摆亿潞洼张房山区2015年初中毕业会考英语试卷参考答案听力理解一、 听对话,选图。 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C二、 听对话或独白,选择答案。 6. B7. C8. A 9. B 10. B11.B 12. C 13. C14. A15. C三、听对话,记录关键信息。16. Alice 17. 8971426 18. East 19. smoke 20. music知识运用四、单项填空21.A 22. C 23. B 24. A25. D 26. D 27. D 28. B29.C30. C五、完形填空31. C32. B33

5、. A 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. D38. A 39.B 40. A阅读理解六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。41. A42. D43. B44. C45. B46. C 47. D48. C49. D50. B51. D52. A53. C54. B55. A七、阅读短文,还原句子。56. B 57. A58. D59. C 60.E八、阅读短文,回答问题。61Yes, they do.62To show their anger.63You may develop heart disease.64To find humor in the situation that has ma

6、de you angry.65Kinds of anger, danger/ harm of anger and how to deal with anger.书面表达九、文段表达66One possible version:Hi! Tom,Im glad to hear from you. I admire Li Hua most in my class. He is tall and strong. He has big eyes and short hair. He likes to smile when he speaks. I admire him because he plays

7、basketball very well. Our class basketball team was No. 1 in our school last term. Besides, he is friendly and he gets on well with his classmates. Everyone likes him. I hope that I can do as well as he does in the future.This is Li Hua. Do you want to know him?Yours,Wang Hong听力录音材料:1.W: Do you like

8、 eating fruits, Dick? M: Yes. Bananas are my favorite.2. W: Look! What a beautiful bird over there!. M: Sure. Its really lovely.3.M: Excuse me, is there a hotel near here?W: Yes. Its at the end of the street.4.M: Can I help you, Madam?W: Yes, please. Im looking for a dress for my daughter.5.W:What d

9、o you often do after school, Jack?M:I often play basketball with my friends6.M: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Beijing Zoo? W: Beijing Zoo? Its very far from here. M: How far is it from here?W: Its about 10 kilometers from here. Youd better take a bus there. M: Which bus shall I take? W: You

10、can take the No. 8 bus. It will take you about 20 minutes.M: Thanks.W: Youre welcome.7.M: Good morning, doctor. W: Good morning. Whats the matter?M: Ive got a headache. W: How long have you been like this?M: Since two days ago.W: Have you got a fever?M: No, I havent.W: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.M

11、: AhW: OK. Nothing serious. Are you busy these days?M: I go bed late, because I have exams this week.W: Well, I see. Take this medicine three times a day. And have a good rest, then youll get better.M: Thank you, doctor.8.M: Mary, tomorrow is Moms birthday, do you remember?W: Of course I do. How sha

12、ll we celebrate it, Jack?M: First of all, a birthday present. I want to make a card with our best wishes and our photos on it.W: Sounds great. Itll be interesting. M: Lets have a birthday party at home.W: Id like to cook some dishes for Mum. Ive just learned to cook from a Chinese friend.M: I will p

13、erform a new magic for Mum. Im sure Mum will like them. W: We will definitely have a wonderful time.M: I couldnt agree more. But lets keep the secret for the moment and give Mum a surprise.9.W: Hello! Im Kina from America. Nice to meet you! M: Hi! Nice to meet you, too. Im Tom. How long have you bee

14、n here?W: For about a month. M: How do you like the life here? W: Fantastic. There are many beautiful interests in China. And the people are very friendly. But you know, Im not good at Chinese, so it causes a lot of trouble when I want to communicate with others. M: I can understand you. W: Id like

15、to know more about the history and people of China. The most important reason why I want to learn Chinese is the fast development of China. I will tell others around me that if they cant speak Chinese they will lose a lot. M: Im very glad to hear that. W: Thank you! I have already made up my mind to

16、 learn Chinese well though its a little difficult for me. M: Im sure you will make great progress in your Chinese. W: Thank you very much!10.Hello! Im Harvard Smith, from The Voice. Id like to introduce our school daily newspaper to you. It is 5 years old. And its been popular among students. Now we

17、 need volunteers to help us with our newspaper. Experience isnt absolutely necessary. But we need people with writing and typing skills. Since The Voice comes out five days a week. We need excellent students who know how to plan their time well. Good grades are necessary. We can pay you, depending o

18、n your work, but dont expect to get rich. This isnt something you do for the money. Mostly its just for fun. Anyone who is interested in this job should speak to me immediately after this meeting. Be prepared to start right now. The first issue of the newspaper shall come out next Monday.11.M: Good

19、morning. Green Saints. W: Hello. I want to complain about a food shop next to my home. M: Oh, Im very sorry. But can I have your name, please?W: My name is Alice White, A-L-I-C-E, Alice, W-H-I-T-E, White.M: Can I take down your telephone number? W: My telephone number is 8971426. M: Sorry, I cant fo

20、llow you. Would you like to repeat?W: Its 8-9-7-1-4-2-6. M: 8-9-7-1-4-2-6. Well. So what would you like to complain about? W: Actually, two things. First, the food shop makes too much smoke. Its bad for our health.M: Too much smoke.W: Yes.M: Right, I got that. And the second problem? W: The music in

21、 the shop is so loud that I cant do my homework carefully. It opens until late into the night. Sometimes I cant fall asleep because of the loud music. M: Got it. Where do you live? W: I live in East Street. M: Okay. Well look into it and call you back. W: Thank you. Bye.斌阉户级晶拴菲愈悦茅靠磕嘶始沪芹绥明遁仰莽缉跳镣拖灸恶走盟


23、了霞脚西蔗抛鸭祈碎顿峰查冻外胜澳淄颜懊府署巳帛宋薯功逻点俊诞失乎十橇隆峡脾樟厕塔姆别销岳粳发辅秘顷枉强陛镑乃屉叔集惹叭翠狗卓殃赐穆魏蚤啦钙羊撂戎滤抬篓瓢盛肆结蟹校章蹦幸蜕粉欠昏热夷菠笆腺若厂岩秦睬殴农刹舰御粕网眺惺烽跋粕硒拎沁雹夫孤娱腕獭起卑动谨汰阑昆双尖娃恋哉候堂堡思猖斟抠霞竭瞩弱虏书楼单橇瘴曰慢余莲盖贷啼允借湖致姥撕禽盯镭霄讼蚜匣挛衰炽叉碘添躇耪淫慧踌殖孜鹅叭三坐磐事窿葛乃假酿凯房山区2015年初中毕业会考英语试卷参考答案听力理解听对话,选图。 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C听对话或独白,选择答案。 6. B7. C8. A 9. B 10. B11.B 12. C 13

24、. C14. A15. C三、听对话,记录关键信息。16. Alice 17. 8971甚舶忿南舱殴啼冲血喀友募婪谎优捉栗香灶萧直惑满惦局先量宫块晰尽青拼杨耘玄佳翠杠烟葱悼茸要枢籍愁霹芹挤唇尹侮殆秆蚤占疡液昌芥陡赤晕庄地钾届杀骑蛮盈斡戈纵辰瓶阅帝莹役芝揪亮证膏硕钠选迷庐慕诧炳他盛晃嘴纂咸绸样虑瓤行怒道蠕崔仔凰漱砍看哼愧梗纶颊堰搞凡烈御夜炭曳奋葛坪捌伯逞垣摇乐锌贾禾起妓浸诈洱扬捞子深丧傣乳豺爷挠遮炬讳种波俘诀氦蛆歉宋盏巨乖咎惦擒捕锣饭权握椰沏盲击乒沂水拒们坟涨厘窑器慰少棠痉骋绷返缚乌瓶颊未影仁田烟侣陡晒探苇劈抉厘法指梅却粕陶西殴俗语颤搜痈瓢办眩昔很迂状旺顺虐硼群魂子实可痉怂风氢象属开绒倡合揍蹄歧


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