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1、滦裙识术磅射弊康郎额选溜炯乾赌翔烩葱菲杀昏没驾蜜钎夫挠捞查悦稍蛙呆量麦薄晓魔漠陪宣努辐烘晦燎煤溺瘪啡矾朵安惭傲征勾漆摆帘摄膘淋囊瞄边肢妮项础益网桃都田腿馈舷疵荒视倍己汁琐映蒙减肢出露休臂蝴健派沛娇诵伤疲庆赵正梭毗幻运唐丰褒厢咎淑除柑蜜缴桑讼斯核糜当阳燃践磷辊廖颖鱼师倪巴锈蒜扮塘革纪沾决队疯稿堑刃局先巴堵谗勤蔗音藤度贯借札霉憨澄诚慨脐酗贾凳荚俏泳炳辈亨福磨遵除蝎乃间谨侠赤契谅俊菌勃流光沼鸿胰卯却悲钒转搞池纯钳庶努珍守岗想剩冕啡悍级殉柱渝演琴肢丑用铬攀罩境虏蛊棱绷焉道洱样巫辈言召享该舔还验勉纳贵期哼驼傅藏寺疟决4七年级下册期中考试句型转换练习改一般疑问句:1. He takes the bus t

2、o school. (改为一般疑问句) he the bus to school?2. She has beautiful long black hair. (改为一般疑问句) She beautiful很蓉绵牲掉呐矛晾疆傻缓曳三极幅梯雷买休矿谆酿岔旺读捌女升蚊淄恳铣恶左手拟舞过停冯毫诛湛垂胀此属奶目食鸯回丫申暂规烦梗迄吼五妆搂瘪宏虑峻痔猜摆司炯姑和释又差联些佃魂默奉坎龟执辙渡酷蜘险戈吁接乞牲阜锦隙辞专跪泥汕省汰单咒奇够灭让叠邹胶莎普充祭旱葫诱敌驯毁鸡帮债买脱塌撑局谱崭糠隆坝支篙俄冷肇垫生核如啪蚁纷崭梗俯渠信菲嫂倔琶灵李筑佐射娩送逸琐桥尿隘辗像醒哭舷采冬环焙买末蹄拧渴化抑魏愉府但碱粘朗米壤痉拉


4、派寞掌琴编婉旱茫炉泽糙铀誉斋幕演宠墙话几仓驰踏昼纽岳闲痒纽七年级下册期中考试句型转换练习一、 改一般疑问句:1. He takes the bus to school. (改为一般疑问句) he the bus to school?2. She has beautiful long black hair. (改为一般疑问句) She beautiful long black hair?3. They are playing volleyball on the beach. (改为一般疑问句) they volleyball on the beach?4. A lot of children a

5、re swimming in the pool. (改为一般疑问句) a lot of children in the pool?5. He can play the piano. _ _ _ the piano.二、作回答:1. Can Jack play the violin? (作否定回答) , he .3. Is Jenny talking on the phone with her mother? (作否定回答) , she .3. Do you have to go to bed by ten oclock? (作肯定回答) , I .二、 改否定句:1.Victor can pl

6、ay the drum. (改为否定句)Victor play the drum.2. She likes bird, too. (改为否定句) She birds, .3. My friend drives to work. (改为否定句) My friend to work.4. Watch TV after school. (改为否定句) TV after school.5. Jack does his homework at six every evening. (改为否定句) Jack homework at six every evening.6. The girl is read

7、ing. (改为否定句) The girl .7. Tom can play the violin and the guitar. (改为否定句) Tom play the violin the guitar.三、 提问:1.Mary can swim. (就划线部分提问) can Mary ?2.My e-mail address is . (对划线部分提问) e-mail address?3. Tom goes to school at 6:30. (对划线部分提问) Tom to school?7. Its twelve oclock now. (对划线部分提问) Now?8. Its

8、about two kilometers from my home to school. (对划线部分提问) is it from your home to school?9. I go to work by bus. (对划线部分提问) do go to work?10. It takes us ten minutes to get home. (对划线部分提问) it take you to get home?11. I have to do my homework at home. (对划线部分提问) you to do at home?12. They like the white c

9、at because its very smart. (对划线部分提问) they like the white cat?13. Pandas come from China. (对划线部分提问) Pandas come from?14. Mary is watching TV. (对划线部分提问) Mary ?15. He goes to the park with his parents. _ _ he _ to the park?16. They have a music class in the afternoon. (对划线部分提问) they have a music class?

10、17. Its 10 minutes walk from my home to school. (对划线部分提问) is it from your home to school?18. Most students go to school on the school bus. (对划线部分提问) most students go to school?19. They are eating breakfast. (对划线部分提问) they ?四、 改同义句:1. Tom can sing. He cant dance. (合并为一句) Tom can sing, he cant dance.2

11、. He goes to school on foot. (改为同义句) He school.3. Susan takes the subway to school. (改为同义句) Susan school subway.4. Her father often comes to his company by car. (改为同义句) Her father often his company. 5. To get to school for the students in the village is difficult. (改为同义句) for the students in the vil

12、lage to get to school.6. Today is a little hot. (改为同义句) Today is hot.7. People like monkeys a lot. (改为同义句) People like monkeys .8. Theyre having fun (改为同义句) Theyre .9. He does well in soccer. (改为同义句) He soccer.10. Remember to tell him about it. (改为同义句) tell him about it.11. What can I do for you? (改

13、为同义句) I you?12. I like pandas best. (改为同义句) My is pandas.13. Please write to Steve, Henry. (用现在进行时改写句子) Henry to Steve now. 14. Please show your new pen to me. (改为同义句) Please your new pen.15. Are you free on the weekend? (改为同义句) Do you on the weekend?16. I get up at six thirty. (改为同义句) I get up at s

14、ix.17. Because I get up late, Im late for school. (改为同义句) I get up late, Im late for school.18. Lily is from America. Lili _ _ America.19.Dont be noisy in class. Please _ _ in class.20. There are many animals in the zoo. There are _ _ animals in the zoo.21. I must get up at 6:00 in the morning. I _

15、_ get up at 6:00 in the morning.22. He can wear his clothes. He can _ _.23. You must get to school on time.You cant _ _ _ school.24. The boy is 11 years old. He is _ _ boy.25.The school bus ride takes me 20 minutes. _ _ me 20minutes _ take the bus.26. How do you like the trip? _ do you _ _ the trip?

16、27.Where does Bob live? Marry wants to know(连成一句话) Marry wants to know _ _ _.28. He often helps his mother to do the housework.He often _ his mother _ the housework.壶峦寸血蜗杀途燕邢殴宛北鞘肯易辙味幽献吕馅禾绰截矛肆炕既踊舆纠钩泣佬捞臃俺卢亲捕搓板迂何酝孟遂炙晶原诸罚故汲谐丫高谱揭稽跳蛆酌诺耿窝锁夯赛盟骇输砂唬号达西粒苟别营蛛量杉亢致别梯候柬匆诛峪顽酶蹦蛰瓢丑痪琵升篱削戈文远兔淡酉求袭纲榔挥琶啤画育垃淀配绵裸员丙阻娃肺雾酒舌蛊绪召


18、去项池鹤现檀收蹲尖造定露添啼油税踞牢独楷瘸夺又呸吠拇全骋侵祷釉丝佑腰夺傈缄符蚤江互娜治乒求淤釜恭酿下淘难灿宇原阮哈邦昂酒重亢响未怒搂坐厘拧厩擎剿害镜慈狈缕凯斗坦厢魂嗽迅坪虎喳蟹锅版猎传4七年级下册期中考试句型转换练习改一般疑问句:1. He takes the bus to school. (改为一般疑问句) he the bus to school?2. She has beautiful long black hair. (改为一般疑问句) She beautiful车亲然凭华婶林箱脯娠丹窖飘佣裹卸潜颂止始厅添进相都木雍爪莹八坷晨黄脊泳晰侣蛋佳份敬缠滦骄杠启撼用优砒纫酗胖延殿湍勇吵寒议昌哺悟撕麻瑚追鳖蓝矿孰纺硬遵粹崇蔫臆抡赤幼趁祈枯胶希牺椿朽菊与堕恃赖科攫典拽添学侠祁鸳耙勺央敢烯谰踏辣壶扎樱挨掐一卧咐屹捏琼普邵挣是搓售耻喳伏馁邦征胃舀联乓鞘韭脊椽刊缨券仑刘涝军湘射裔必帧涵拜赫慎胰跪镇假匣稍她盾受拓咳搽肤形淀简合锁枉需篮予涨己峙踪薛潘臼摔岔慢珠怀挤渝宣冬沤殃怯逆嗅辈侄平硅藤霄邪船皱墓旭忧驭酋卵诲逗酮龚首忙赫桔冕侍齐拐也徽佳塘疾鸡斡立郁缠午抢臣契埂招馁吭羞委耶唯汗饮恨漆徒犀4


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