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1、苏教版初三数学中考复习_函数及其应用初三中考复习函数及其应用 一、选择题(每题5分,共100分) 11( 函数中,自变量的取值范围是 ? ( ) y,xx,2A(?0 B(?l C(?,2 D(?,1 xxxx答案:C( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了函数自变量的取值范围及分式有意义的条件( x,2分式有意义的条件为分母不为0,即?0,因此本题选C( ky,2( 已知点A(1,5)在反比例函数的图象上,则该反比例函数的解析式是 ( ) x2515yx,5y,y,y,A( B( C( D( xxx答案:C( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了确定反比例函数的表达式( ky,把x,1,y,5代入得:k,5,因

2、此本题选C( xyx,,13( 一次函数的图象经过 ? ( ) A(第一、二、三象限 B(第一、三、四象限 C(第一、二、四象限 D(第二、三、四象限 答案:A( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了一次函数的图象( 因为函数图象与两坐标轴分别交于点(0,1),(,1,0),因此本题选A( 4( 已知矩形的面积为10,则它的相邻两边长y与x之间的关系用图象大致可表示为? ( ) y y y y O x O O O x x x D. A. B. C. 答案:A( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了反比例函数解决某些实际问题( 10y,由矩形的面积公式得x?y,10,所以,又考虑实际问题中x,0,因此本题x选A(

3、y 5( 如图,抛物线的顶点P的坐标是(1,,3),则此抛物线对应的二次函数有 ? ( ) O x minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before

4、the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety tr

5、aining before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted i

6、n a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidde

7、n dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced

8、 wood-mode processing plants, construction of living P (第5题) A(最大值1 B(最小值,3 C(最大值,3 D(最小值1 答案:B( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了二次函数的性质( 当抛物线开口向上时,顶点是最低点,即二次函数有最小值,因此本题选B( 26( 二次函数的对称轴是直线? ( ) yxx,,23A(,1 B(,l C(,2 D(,2 xxyy答案:B( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了根据解析式确定二次函数对称轴的问题( 2解析式化为,二次函数的对称轴为过顶点且平行于y轴的直线,因此yx,,12,本题选B( kyx,2y,7( 如图

9、,直线与双曲线的图象的一个交点坐标为y x(2,4),则它们的另一个交点的坐标是 ? ( ) (2,4) (,2,,4) B(,2,4) Ax O C(,4,,2) D(2,,4) 答案:A( (第7题) 解析:本题为容易题,考查了反比例函数的性质和正比例函数的性质( 反比例函数和正比例函数都是中心对称图形,因此本题选A( 28( 如图,抛物线的图像与x轴的一个交点是(,2,0),顶点是(1,yaxbxca,,,(0)3)(下列说法中不正确的是 ? ( ) (y A(抛物线的对称轴是x,1 3 2 B(抛物线的开口向下 1 C(抛物线与x轴的另一个交点是(2,0) ,2 ,1 O 1 2 3

10、4 x D(当x,1时,y有最大值是3 (第8题) 答案:C( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了二次函数的性质( 抛物线关于对称轴对称(图中抛物线与x轴的一个交点为(,2,0),则它关于直线x,1对称的点是(4,0),因此本题选C( y,kx,b9( 如图,函数(k,b为常数)的图象经过点(0,1)和(2,y 1 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety mana

11、gement system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors e

12、nter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions.

13、 (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security sy

14、stem according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4,

15、safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living x O 1 2 (第9题) 0),则关于x的不等式kxb,,0的解集是 ? ( ) x,1x,2A( B( x,1x,2C( D( 答案:D( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了结合图象对函数关系进行分析( 在平面直角坐标系中,满足的点都在轴的上方,而本题直线在轴上方的xxy,0x,2点的横

16、坐标满足,因此本题选D( 210(把抛物线向右平移1个单位,得到的抛物线是 ? ( ) yx,222A( B( yx,,2(1)yx,2(1)22C( D( yx,,21yx,21答案:B( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了确定二次函数的表达式( 平移后,抛物线的顶点坐标为(1,0),且a,2不变,代入抛物线解析式:2,因此本题选B( yaxhk,,()h11(均匀地向一个容器注水,最后把容器注满(在注水过程中,水面高度随时间的变tOAB化规律如图所示(图中为一折线),这个容器的形状是图中 ? ( ) h B A t O A( B( C( D( (第11题) 答案:C( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了探

17、索具体问题中的数量关系和变化规律( 线段OA表示水位增长较慢,线段AB表示水位增长极其迅速,因此本题选C( 1yx,112(函数的图象与坐标轴围成的三角形的面积是 ? ( ) 2A(2 B(1 C(4 D(3 答案:B( 解析:本题为容易题,考查了一次函数的图象( 该函数图象与坐标轴的两个交点为(0,,1)和(,2,0),因此本题选B( 1y y,13(如图,A,B是函数的图象上关于原点O对称的任意两点,xA O minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order

18、to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, p

19、roject manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, secur

20、ity awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer,

21、 the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and r

22、egulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living x C B (第13题) AC平行于y轴,BC平行于x轴,?ABC的面积S,则 ( ) A(S,1 B(1,S,2 C(S,2 D(S,2 答案:C( 解析:本题为中档题,考查

23、了反比例函数的性质( 由反比例函数的对称性可知,AC,2|y|,BC,2|x|,而|y|x|,1,因此本题AAAA选C( 14(阻值为和的两个电阻,其两端电压U关于电流强度I的函数RRU 12 R1图象如图,则 ? ( ) R2A(, B(, RRRR1212O I C(, D(以上均有可能 RR(第14题) 12答案:A( 解析:本题为中档题,考查了用一次函数解决实际问题( U由物理知识可知,在图象上取相同的I值,对应的电压U,U,因此本题选R,12IA( 15( 已知一次函数y,(m,2)x,(1,m),若y随x的增大而减小,且该函数的图象与x轴的交点在原点的右侧,则m的取值范围是 ? (

24、 ) A(m,2 B(m,1 C(,2,m,1 D(m,2 答案:D( 解析:本题为中档题,考查了一次函数的性质( 一次函数y,kx,b(k?0) 若y随x的增大而减小,则k,0;又该函数的图像与xm,20;,因此本题选D( 16(不论m为何实数,直线y,x,2m与y,x,4的交点不可能在 ? ( ) A(第一象限 B(第二象限 C(第三象限 D(第四象限 答案:C( 解析:本题为中档题,考查了用一次函数解决实际问题( 利用图象判断二元一次方程组的近似解,由于一次函数y,x,4的图象不经过第三象限,因此本题选C( minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.

25、2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all

26、staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the c

27、onstruction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact wit

28、h Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awarenes

29、s of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living k17( 函数y,与y,kx,1(k?0)在同一坐标系内的图象大致为图中的

30、 ? ( ) xy y y y x x O x O x O O A( B( C( D( 答案:C( 解析:本题为稍难题,考查了一次函数与反比例函数的图象( 利用一次函数图象的性质,由b,0可排除选项D,在选项A、B、C中只有C的两个函数图象的k,0一致,因此本题选C( 2218( 二次函数的图象可能是 ? ( ) yaxxa,,,1y y y y O O O x O x x x B( C( D( A( 。( 答案:B( y 解析:本题为稍难题,考查了二次函数的图象( 2a,10选项C、D的对称轴为y轴,显然与解析式不符;由图象可知选项A中的,1即a,1(抛物线开口向上,a,1舍去),此时对称轴

31、应为,显然也不符x,O 2x 合图象特点,因此本题选B( 19( 如图,从某幢建筑物10米高的窗口A用水管向外喷水,喷的水流呈M 抛物线(抛物线所在平面与墙面垂直),如果抛物线的最高点M离墙40A 1米,离地面 米,则水流下落点B离墙距离OB是 ? ( ) 3A(2米 B(3米 B O C(4米 D(5米 (第19题) 答案:B( 解析:本题为较难题,考查了利用二次函数解决简单的实际问题( 40以墙与地面所在直线为坐标轴建立直角坐标系,则A(0,10),M(1, ),可得321040yx,,1二次函数解析式为:,从而可求得B(3,0),因此本题选B( ,33minor injury rate

32、is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility

33、 system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, co

34、mes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety pla

35、ns, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhan

36、ce the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 20( 已知一次函数的图象与x

37、轴,y轴分别交于A,C两点,二次函数y,2x,32的图象过点C且与一次函数图象在第二象限交于另一点B,若AC?CBy,x,bx,c,1?2,则二次函数图象的顶点坐标为 ? ( ) 111111111A(,1,3) B(,) C(,) D(,) ,842244答案:C( 解析:本题为较难题,考查了确定二次函数的表达式及一次函数的图象( 3由题意得A (,0),C (0,3),因AC?CB,1?2,由相似的知识得B (,3,9),22从而解得二次函数的解析式为:,因此本题选C( yxx,,3本卷由100测评网整理上传,欢迎登录获取更多的学习内容。 minor injury rate is less

38、 than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system

39、, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes int

40、o play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, act

41、ive contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living


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