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1、2011长春中考数学模拟试题及答案本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分(卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题( 本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟( 卷?(选择题,共20分) 注意事项: 1( 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上,考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回( 2(每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(答在试卷上无效( 一、选择题:本大题共10小题;每小题2分,共20分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的( 1(下列运算中,正确的是【 】 336232A(x,x,x B(3x,2x,5x 2352224 C( D( (x),x(x

2、,y),x,y2(下列二次根式中,属于最简二次根式的是【 】 aa44aaA( B. C( D( 443(若点P(1,m,m)在第二象限,则下列关系式正确的是【 】 A(0,m,1 B(m,0 C(m,1 D(m,0 4(假设每一位参加宴会的人跟其他与会人员均有相同的握手礼节,在宴会结束时,所有人总共握手28次,则参加宴会的人数为【 】 A(4 B(8 C(14 D(28 5(已知梯形的下底长为5cm,它的中位线长为4cm,则它的上底长为【 】 A(2.5cm B(3cm C(3.5cm D(4.5cm 6(若两圆只有一条公切线,则两圆的位置关系是【 】 A(外离 B(相交 C(外切 D(内切

3、 of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurem

4、ents samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred

5、to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method o

6、f operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the se

7、cond determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the

8、second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used7(下列图形既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是【 】 A( B( C( D( A 8(、如图,在?ABC中,AB,BC,AC

9、,3,O是它的内心,以O C B ,ABC为中心,将?ABC旋转180?得到?,则?ABC与? O B ,C ABC的重叠部分的面积为【 】 A 3333363 A、 B、 C、 D、 242P A D 9(如图,在矩形ABCD中,AB=3,AD=4,P是AD上动点, E PE?AC于E,PF?BD于F,则PE+PF的值为【 】 B C F 12513 B(2 C( D( A(52510(如图是某蓄水池的横断面示意图,分深水池和浅水池, 如果这个蓄水池以固定的流量注水,下面能大致表示 水的最大深度h与时间t之间的关系的图象是【 】 h h h h h O O O O t t t t A B C

10、 D 卷?(非选择题,100分) 注意事项:1(答卷?前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清楚 2(答卷?时,将答案用蓝色、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试卷上 三 题号 二 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 得分 determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used ination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0

11、.2. Definition starch viscosityetermthe second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second dof whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of tenessown the

12、whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whimade of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write dboard Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Du

13、yi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai d be fample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample p

14、reparation: samples shoulicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method appl-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ht refl

15、ectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blurch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and ligof the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for

16、determination of whiteness of starches sta 2 得分 评卷人 二、填空题,本大题共10个小题每小题2分共20分, 11( ,5,12(一天的时间共86400秒,用科学记数法表示为 秒( 313(函数中,自变量x的取值范围是 ( y,x,22214(分解因式:= ( a,b,2b,115(写出一个反比例函数的解析式,使它的图象不经过第一、三象限: ( 16(已知:如下图,梯形ABCD中,AD?BC,AB=CD,对角线AC与BD相交于点O,A 则图中全等三角形共有 对( A A D BC E F O l AA B C B C C B 第16题图 第17题图

17、 第19题图 17(如图,在?ABC中,EF?BC,交AB、AC于点E、F,且AE:EB=3:2,则AF:AC= ( 18(?O的半径长为5cm,弦AB长为8cm,则弦AB上的弦心距的长为 cm( 19(如图,把直角三角形ABC的斜边AB放在定直线l上,按顺时针方向在l上转动两次,3使它转到?ABC 的位置.设BC=1,AC=,则顶点A运D 动到点A的位置时,点A经过的路线与直线l所围成的面积C 1 是 .(计算结果不取近似值) B P ? 2 A O 20(如图,弦DC、FE的延长线交于圆外一点P,割线PAB E F 经过圆心O,请你结合现有图形,添加一个适当的条件: ,使?1=?2( 三、

18、计算,本大题共8道小题共80分, 得分 评卷人 21(本小题满分8分) 11,a,2化简并求值:,其中. a,2a,2of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and ligh

19、t reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches

20、 . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sa

21、mple Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whit

22、eness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing different

23、ial analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used得分 评卷

24、人 22(本小题满分8分) ( 已知:如图,?ABC中,AB=AC,矩形BCDE的边DE分别与AB、AC交于点F、G求证:EF=DG A F G D E 得分 评卷人 23. (本小题满分8分) C B 已知:如图,?ABC是等腰直角三角形,?C=90?,AC=BC=1,在BC上取一点O,以O为圆心,OC为半径作半圆与AB相切于点E. 求:?O的半径. A E B ? C O 得分 评卷人 24(本小题满分8分) 为了解各年龄段观众对某电视剧的收视率,某校初三(1)班的一个研究性学习小组,调查频率 了部分观众的收视情况并分成A、B、C、D、组距E、F六组进行整理,其频率分布直方图如图D 所示,

25、请回答: (1)E组的频率为 ; 0.36 若E组的频数为12,则被调查的观众数C 为 B 0.16 0.12 人; A 0.08 0.04 F (2)补全频率分布直方图; 19.5 9.5 29.5 39.5 49.5 59.5 69.5 (3)若某村观众的人数为1200人,估计该村determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used ination, the absolute value of the difference of the resul

26、ts. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosityetermthe second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second dof whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take t

27、he arithmetic mean of tenessown the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whimade of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write dboard Duyi preparation: me

28、thod of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai d be fample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit i

29、n the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples shoulicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method appl-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the

30、 standard Whiteboard for Blu-ht reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blurch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and ligof the difference of the results. This value sh

31、ould be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches sta 4 50岁以上的观众有 人. 得分 评卷人 25(本题满分12分) 如图表示一艘轮船与一艘快艇沿相同路线从甲港到乙港行驶过程中路程随时间变化的图象(分别是正比例函数图象和一次函数图象).根据图象解答下列问题: (1)请分别求出表示轮船和快艇行驶过程的函数解析式(不要求写出自变量的取值范围); (2)轮船和快艇在途中(不包括起点和终点)行驶的速度分别是多少, (3)问快艇出发多长时间赶上快艇, y(千米) 160 140 120 100 8

32、0 60 40 20 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x(时) 得分 评卷人 26,本题满分12分, 图1是棱长为a的小正方体,图2、图3由这样的小正方体摆放而成(按照这样的方法继续摆放,由上而下分别叫第一层、第二层、第n层,第n层的小正方体的个数为s(解答下列问题: of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated condit

33、ions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whi

34、teness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sam

35、ple Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Me

36、asurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the

37、arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosity determination of starch v

38、iscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used 图1 图2 图3 (1)按照要求填表: n 1 2 3 4 n 1 2 3 4 n 1 2 3 4 s 1 3 6 s 1 3 6 s 1 3 6 n 1 2 3 4 n 1 2 3 4 (2)写出当n=10时,s= ( s 1 3 6 (3)根据上表中的数据,把s作为纵坐标,n作为横坐标,在平面直角坐标系中描出 s 1 3 6 相应的各点( n 1 2 3 4 (4)请你猜一猜上述各点会在某一函数图象上吗,如果在某一函数图象上,求出该 s 1 3

39、 6 函数的解析式;如果不在某一函数图象上,说明理由( 得分 评卷人 27、,本题满分12分, 某小型开关厂今年准备投入一定的经费用于现有生产设备的改造以提高经济效益(通过x,1测算:今年开关的年产量y(万只)与投入的改造经费x(万元)之间满足与成3,y反比例,且当改造经费投入1万元时,今年的年产量是2万只( (1) 求年产量y(万只)与改造经费x(万元)之间的函数解析式(不要求写出x的取值范围) (2) 已知每生产1万只开关所需要的材料费是8万元(除材料费外,今年在生产中,全年还需支付出2万元的固定费用( ? 求平均每只开关所需的生产费用为多少元(用含y的代数式表示) (生产费用=固定费用+

40、材料费) ? 如果将每只开关的销售价定位“平均每只开关的生产费用的1.5倍”与“平均每只开关所占改造费用的一半”之和,那么今年生产的开关正好销完(问今年需投入多少改造经费,才能使今年的销售利润为9.5万元, (销售利润=销售收入,生产费用,改造费用) determination of starch viscosity: resistance to flow after samples of starch gelatinization. Used ination, the absolute value of the difference of the results. This value sh

41、ould be less than 0.2. Definition starch viscosityetermthe second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second dof whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mea

42、n of tenessown the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whimade of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write dboard Duyi preparation: method of operation

43、 required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai d be fample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4

44、, analysis sample preparation: samples shoulicable to dry into a powder of refined starches . Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method appl-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whitebo

45、ard for Blu-ht reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blurch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and ligof the difference of the results. This value should be less than

46、 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches sta 6 得分 评卷人 28,本题满分12分, 如图,A、B是直线L上的两点,AB=4厘米,过L外一点C作CD?L,射线BC与,所成的锐角?1=60?,线段BC=2厘米,动点P、Q分别从B、C同时出发,P以每秒1厘米的速度沿由B向C的方向运动,Q以每秒2厘米的速度沿由C向D的方向运动(设P,Q运动的时间为t(秒),当t,2时,PA交CD于E( (1) 用含t的代数式分别表示CE和QE的长( (2) 求?APQ的面积S与t的函数关系式( (3) 当QE恰好平分?APQ的面积时,Q

47、E的长是多少厘米, P Q D E C 1 L B A 数学参考答案(一) 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分) ADCBB DBBAC 二、填空(每题2分,共20分) k4y,6.84,1011(5 12( 13(x, 14( 15( (a,b,1)(a,b,1)x253?,,16(, 17(3:5 18(3 19( 20(CD=EF或=或PC=PE或PD=PF CDEF122a,2a,2,三、21(解:原式= (a,2)(a,2)(a,2)(a,2)2a =4分 2a,4a,2 把代入上式得 of the difference of the results. This value should

48、 be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into


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