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1、高中化学 4.4原电池原理及其应用第一课时教案 大纲人教版第四节 原电池原理及其应用 ?教学目标 1.使学生理解原电池原理。 2.常识性介绍日常生活中常用的化学电源和新型化学电池。 3.使学生了解金属的电化学腐蚀。 ?教学重点 1.原电池原理。 2.金属的电化学腐蚀。 ?教学难点 金属的电化学腐蚀。 ?教学方法 利用演示实验,启发学生的思维。 实验思考讨论总结 ?教具准备 1(铁、铜、锌、稀硫酸、电流计、导线、烧杯、试管、橘子、干电池、小灯泡、碳、CuSO(aq)。 42(投影仪、投影片。 ?课时安排 二课时 ?教学过程 ?第一课时 ,引言, 我们已经知道,铁是比较活泼的金属,能溶于稀硫酸,而

2、铜是不活泼的金属,不能溶于稀硫酸。下面我们来观察两组实验现象。 ,演示,(实验414)金属和酸的反应,师,我们知道,在烧杯中分别插入一根铁丝,和铜丝后,铁丝上有气泡产生,而铜丝上没有;那是因为H在铁丝上得到了电子而生成H2的缘故。可是为什么把铁丝和铜丝的上端连接在一起时,铜丝上则有气泡放出,而铁丝上恰恰没有了呢, ,,生,H在铜丝上得到了电子。 ,,师,同学们的推测非常正确。但我们必须清楚,H在铜丝上得到的电子不是铜本身失去的,而是从铁丝上传过来的,这又是为什么呢,这一节我们就来揭穿其中的奥妙。 ,板书,第四节 原电池原理及其应用 一、原电池 ,演示,干电池使小灯泡发光。 ,问,干电池使小灯泡

3、发光的过程中,发生了怎样的能量转化, ,生,化学能转变成电能。 ,师,现在我们就来研究一下化学能是如何转变成电能的。,演示实验415,(分步演示) ,师,请仔细观察并说出现象。 ,学生甲,锌片和铜片平行地插入盛有稀硫酸的烧杯里,可看到锌片逐渐溶解,且锌片上有气泡产生,铜片上没有气泡产生。 ,学生乙,若用导线把锌片和铜片连接起来,铜片上有了气泡,而锌片上则没有气泡,但锌仍在溶解。 used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing b

4、y about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.40.5 at the grass-roots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knocking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake

5、height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and three days before 24, watered every day and night 12, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement sur

6、face should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers . Spike access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sani

7、tary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door insta

8、llation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installation ,学生丙,在导线中间接入一个电流计,可看到电流计的指针发生偏转。 ,师,很好。电流计的指针发生偏转,说明导线中有电流通过。那么,电流是如何产生的呢,我们先来思考下面几个问题。 ,思考题,(用幻灯片投影) 1.锌片和铜片用导线连接后插入稀硫酸中,铜片上为什么有气泡产生, +2.锌片的质量有无变化,溶液中c(H)如何变化, 3.写出锌片和铜片上变化的离子方程式。 4.从能

9、量变化的角度分析这是什么装置, (分4个小组回答后老师板书并补充) ,,一小组代表,溶液中H的铜片上得到了电子生成了H,因而有气泡产生。 2+,二小组代表,锌片的质量减小,溶液中c(H)也减小。 ,2+ ,,三小组代表,锌片上:Zn,2e=Zn铜片上:2H,2e=H? 2,四组小组代表,从能量变化的角度分析,这是将化学能转化为电能的原电池装置。 师以上实验现象早在1799年就被意大利物理学家伏打捕捉并加以研究于是发明了世界上第一个原电池伏打电池。 ,板书,1.原电池:将化学能直接转变为电能的装置。 师那么原电池的正、负极如何确定呢,首先同学们想一想常见的干电池哪一极是正极,哪一极是正极。 生干

10、电池的锌筒为负极,有铜帽的碳棒为正极。 师对。我们把原电池中输出电子的一极叫负极,流人电子的一极叫正极。那么,正负两极各发生了什么反应?电子流向与电流方向是否一致? 学生回答后教师板书 (氧化反应) (还原反应) 师由以上分析可以看出,原电池是通过使氧化反应和还原反应分别在两极进行来实现化学能到电能的转化的。请同学们写出刚才用Cu、Zu和稀HSO组成的原电池的两极反应式和电24池的总反应方程式。 ,2+学生练习负极:Zn,2e=Zn +,正极:2H+2e= +2+总反应方程式:Zn+2H= Zn+ H? 2师请同学们讨论以下装置是否为原电池。 投影 ,引导,通过电流计指针偏转情况分析以上装置中

11、哪些可形成原电池,并结合所给装置图来分析组成原电池的条件和原理。 板书2原电池的构成条件 in the wall. 1, preparation: after installationndow doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the door in the wall, outside the wi exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum allo

12、y Windows, residential entry door to door, otherthe drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified. (F) the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onio

13、n, estroys, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers . Spike access fee, so as not to dbefore 24, watered every day and night 12, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have crackdays peration. Depending on the temperature l

14、evel the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and threeng ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back okiroots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with

15、 mortar laying with leveling and knoc-asspacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.40.5 at the grused in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal s2 学生讨论后小结并板书(1)有活动性不同的两种金属(或一种是非金属

16、导体,如石墨)作电极(较活泼的金属的负极) (2)要有电解质溶液。 (3)两电极要相连或接触,形成闭合回路。 投影练习下列装置能形成原电池的是( ) 答案:BC 过渡前面介绍的原电池结构比较简单(它只能供教学实验用,时间一长(就不能产生电流了,而且携带和使用都很不方便。在日常生活、生产和科学技术等方面应用的是实用电池。 板书二、化学电源 师实用电池一般应具有的特点是:能产生稳定而具有较高电压的电流;安全、耐用且便于携带;能够适用于特殊用途;便于回收处理。不污染环境或对环境产生较小的影响。下面简单介绍几种常见电池和新型电池,首先我们来看一下手电筒中的干电池。 学生活动将事先准备好的干电池拆开,了

17、解电池的组成和原理。 ,讲述,同学们一定要注意,废干电池中有很多有毒、有害物质,如汞、镉、铅、镍以及酸、碱等,是一种严重的污染物,不要随意丢弃废电池,也不要把它们混入普通垃圾,一会咱们收集起来,现在我们来分析一下干电池的组成和原理。 师通过阅读课文并结合拆开的干电池,来回答下列问题: 1(干电池的正、负极分别是用什么材料制成的, 2(电解质溶液是什么, 3(干电池的工作原理,即正、负极上的电极反应是什么, 学生回答、教师板书 1(干电池(锌一锰干电池) 师以上我们介绍的是干电池,它广泛应用于日常生活中。比如手电筒、钟表、录音机中都可使用(相对来说较为方便(但不能循环使用,属于一次性电源。下面再

18、来学习一种可以循环使用、电压稳定的化学电源铅蓄电池。同样,同学们通过阅读课文来思考几个问题: 1(铅蓄电池的组成; 2(铅蓄电池的工作原理。 学生看书再回答。老师补充后板书2(铅蓄电池 师铅蓄电池长期使用ke access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construcor in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after ins

19、tallationial entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the dosidentent shall not be modified. (F) the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, rehighlighting the ground onion, drai

20、n, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses compontion, surface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers . Spiement tion, water per day and three days before 24, watered every day and night 1

21、2, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pav. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservaking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flatroots of cement slurry with l

22、ayers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knoc-t ratio for 0.40.5 at the grassash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cemen used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal

23、spacing by about 1.5M. To3 用心 爱心 专心 会导致电解质溶液硫酸的消耗,因此,要注意在正、负极之间定期补充HSO溶液(以保证24铅蓄电池的循环使用。 随着科学的发展(人们已经研制出寿命更长、体积更小的电池,如手机电池、石英表的电池等,其原理都是原电池的原理。我们下节课再学习几种新的电池。 布置作业P一、1.3.4 二、1.2.3 103第四节 原电池原理及其应用 一、原电池 1.原电池: 将化学能直接转变成电能的装置。 (氧化反应) (还原反应) 2.原电池的构成条件 (1)有活动性不同的两种金属(或一种是非金属导体,如石墨)作电极(较活泼的金属为负极)。 (2)要

24、有电解质溶液。 (3)两极要相连或接触,形成闭合回路。 二、化学电源 1(干电池(锌一锰干电池) 2(铅蓄电池 本节课充分利用实验,改教为导,变学为思,不仅可以加深学生对原电池原理的理解,而且可以促进学生主动思维,自求理解。从而培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,活跃了课堂气氛(收到了较好的效果。 参考练习 1(已知空气一锌电池的电极反应为: 一一锌片:Zn+20H一2e=ZnO+HO 21一一石墨: O+HO+2e=2OH 222据此判断,锌片是 ( ) A(负极,并被氧化 B(负极,并被还原 C(正极,并被氧化 D(正极,并被还原 答案:A 2(如右图所示的装置中,B棒逐渐变细。A棒逐渐变粗

25、,则图中A、B、C的组成是 ( ) A棒 B棒 C溶液 A( Zn Cu HSO 24B( Cu Fe HCl C( Ag Zn AgNO 3D( Zn Cu CuS0 4答案:C 3(将锌片和铜片用导线连接,置于同一稀HSO溶液中,下列各叙述正确的是 ( ) 242, A(正极附近c(SO)逐渐增大 42, ,负极附近c(SO)逐渐增大 4in the wall. 1, preparation: after installationndow doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation posit

26、ion: outside the door in the wall, outside the wi exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, residential entry door to door, otherthe drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral waterproof layer must not touch losses component shall not be modified.

27、(F) the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construction, highlighting the ground onion, estroys, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers . Spike access fee, so as not to dbefore 24, watered every day and night 12

28、, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pavement surface should not have crackdays peration. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservation, water per day and threeng ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby ash cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood tro

29、wel flat. Wooden trowel evenly back okiroots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knoc-asspacing by about 1.5M. To ash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cement ratio for 0.40.5 at the grused in

30、the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal s4 2, C(正极、负极附近c(SO)基本不变 4 D(锌片、铜片同时有气泡冒出时,说明锌片不纯 答案:BD 3+3+ 4(某原电池总反应离子方程式为2Fe+Fe=3Fe,不能实现该反应的原电池是 ( ) A(正极为Cu,负极为Fe,电解质溶液为FeCl 3B(正极为C, 负极为Fe,电解质溶液为Fe(N0) 33C(正极为Fe, 负极为Zn,电解质溶液为Fez(SO) 43D(正极为Ag,负极为Fe,电解质溶

31、液为CuS0 4答案:CD ,结合学生回答板书, 5(把a、b、c、d四种金属片浸泡在稀HSO中,用导线两两相连可以组成各种原电池。若a、b24相连肘(a为负极;c、d相连时,c为负极;a、c相连时,c为正极,b、d相连时(b为正极。则这四种金属的活动性顺序为 ( ) A.a,b,c,d B.a,c,d,b C. b,d,c,a D. c,a,b,d 答案:B sidentor in the wall, outside the window in the wall. 1, preparation: after installationent shall not be modified. (F)

32、 the exterior Windows of Windows and doors project this project uses aluminum alloy Windows, reial entry door to door, other doors installed by the owners themselves. Window and door installation position: outside the dohighlighting the ground onion, drain, drain, sanitary ware and other peripheral

33、waterproof layer must not touch losses compontion, ke access fee, so as not to destroy the waterproof layer. Strengthen the quality inspection of onion part during the construcsurface should not have cracks, peeling, pitted and phenomena such as sand, skirting works closely with wall stickers . Spie

34、ment tion, water per day and three days before 24, watered every day and night 12, curing time of not less than 7d. Required pav. Wooden trowel evenly back operation. Depending on the temperature level the screed is complete 24h, begin to water conservaking ash cake, filled with mortar. With Darby a

35、sh cake height mortar, scrape, rub wood trowel flatroots of cement slurry with layers, start paving mortar, if ash cakes has hardened, with mortar laying with leveling and knoc-t ratio for 0.40.5 at the grassash cakes after water will not collapse, then brushing with water/cemen used in the gray primary elevation on bread, about the size of 50mm square, vertical and horizontal spacing by about 1.5M. To5 用心 爱心 专心


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