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1、高中化学必修1教材分析谢玉玲高中化学教材分析 经全国中小学教材审定委员会2005年初审通过的人教版化学科普通高中课程标准试验教科书从2008年秋季在新疆普通高中教学中实施,本人有幸成为第一批新课改的实践者,因为在实施前,在暑期里通过各种方式分批次进行了新课程理念、新教材培训,实施起来还比较顺手,在五年多的新课程实施中感想颇多,今天受教育局委托就实施新课程的认识与必修教材分析与大家一起交流。 一、新课程的特点 (一)、新教材注重于全面提高全体学生的素质,不再以知识本身为重。 在旧教材的学习中师生共同的认识是:化学这门课是理科中的文科,要求识记内容较多。新的课程标准确定了三个教学目的,分别是1、知

2、识、技能。2、能力、方法。3、情感、态度。这与老大纲“注重双基”的教学目的,形成了鲜明的对比,以学生的发展为本的思想得到了充分体现。新教材中增设的“资料”、“阅读”、“讨论”、“家庭小实验”、“研究性课题”等栏目就是要学生通过多动手、多动脑来进行主动学习,培养观察能力、思维能力、自学能力和实验能力,尤其是思维能力的培养,在新教材的学习中体现尤为明显,新课程中化学成了纯粹的理科课程。 (二)、充分考虑了社会发展的需要、学科发展的需要和学生发展的需要,实现了三者的有机揉合,学生的学习更加贴近实际,使做到学而有用、学而能用。 高中化学新教材由必修课和选修课组成,采用三个年级八本书,能够points,

3、 engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in

4、table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cros

5、s and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to

6、fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between

7、thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. 4.1.

8、4.6 part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 较好地实现分层教学。必修课是为全体学生开设的,从学科


10、决问题的能力,训练他们的科学方法。 (三)、学生是教学的主体,教材的编写更加贴近学生的思维、更加注重学习的过程。 新教材是从学生的视角来写的,是写给学生看的,严格讲应该是“学材”。新教材的语言生动活泼,采用了比喻等手法,注意层层引导,使教材本身具有启发性,以吸引学生自觉地阅读教材,激发学生的求知欲。对某个问题的思维过程描写得非常具体,非常贴近学生,有利于学生理解和自学。如在引入氧化还原反应时,要求学生“用四种基本类型的分类方法分析:属于哪种类型的反应,”这种批判性思维的引入,有利于培养学生的发散性思维,形成良好的思维品质。又如在讲解化学计算的例题时,增加了详细的分析过程,引导学生注重学习的过程

11、,这也突出了学生的主体地位,有利于培养学生的思维能力和自学能力。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable

12、 shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the groun

13、d. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign

14、writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of ca

15、bles and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessa

16、ry, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends shoul

17、d extend each 二、高中三年如何安排必修课程和选修课程 在第一轮新课程实施中,我高一上学期上必修1和下学期上必修2,然后迎接自治区水平测试,高二上学期上选修4,下学期上选修2和选修3,高三全学年迎高考复习。第二轮新课程实施中,高一上学期上必修1和下学期上必修2和选修一,迎接自治区水平测试,高二上学期上选修4,下学期上选修3和选修5,高三全学年迎高考复习。为什么做调整呢, 三、高中必修模块的地位和作用 高中化学必修课程是在义务教育化学课程基础上为全体高中生开设的课程。必修课程旨在促进学生在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观等方面的发展,进一步提高学生未来发展所需的科学素养;同时

18、也为学生学习相关学科课程和其他化学课程模块提供基础。必修化学课程模块为高中全体学生打下共同基础的。 基础性首先体现在为全体学生未来发展所需的科学素养打下基础,同时还要为选修课程和其他相关理科课程的学习提供必要的基础。 必修化学课程模块的基础性不仅表现在知识与技能和过程与方法方面,还表现在情感态度与价值观方面,它在整个中学化学课程学习中处于承前启后的地位,直接影响学生未来的发展和后续课程的学习。 四、必修一教材分析(ppt) 五、教学建议 1、把握必修模块的学习目标与学习要求。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level sho

19、uld not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable ty

20、pe rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time.

21、 Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical instal

22、lation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than

23、1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the layin

24、g distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 体现三维学习目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观),重视学习方式的引导和化学观念、价值的教育;强调问题意识、分析探究能力、应用能力、实践能力、创新

25、意识的培养。 面向全体高中学生,目标指向学生学习最终达到的最低水平;一项学习目标的达成,不要求一步到位,倡导通过多次的学习,螺旋上升,逐步实现。 2、合理把握教学内容的深广度。 中化学新课程在知识体系构建方面的特点,要求教师在教学中必须要树立整体意识,准确理解和把握不同课程模块内容之间的联系和发展,根据不同课程模块的目标要求和内容特点,考虑学生的认识基础,循序渐进地引领学生不断丰富和完善知识体系,促进其认知结构的形成。 3、要将“裸露”的知识包装起来,为学生提供真实生动的学习情景。 只有真实、可信、能引发问题的学习情景,才能为学习者提供一个参与讨论、实验、亲身经历活动的机会。虚假的学习情景必然

26、导致虚假的学习活动,从而挫伤学生学习的积极性和主动性。从一些章节的题目可以看出教材的编排也在体现这一点。 无机非金属材料的主角-硅、富集在海洋中的元素-氯、用途广泛的金属材料。 4、重视引领学生形成化学基本观念。 当学生将许多的事实性知识都忘掉的时候,在他头脑中还能留下什么,是观念,是方法,是思路。具体知识是形成这些基本观念和方法的载体。points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The m

27、inimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of

28、xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install sig

29、ns. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each brac

30、ket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions,

31、protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introductio

32、n of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 学生能否牢固地、准确地、哪怕只是定性地建立起基本的化学观念,应当是中学化学教学的第一目标。背诵或记忆某些具体的化学事实性知识,当然是有价值的,但是更重要的价值在于它们是化学观念及某些基本观念的载体。 必修1 涉及到的化学基本观念主要包括:元素观、微粒观、分类观 元素观:所有的物质都是由最基本的成分

33、“化学元素”组成的。通常我们见到的物质千变万化,只是化学元素的重新组合,在化学反应中元素不变。一种元素对应于一种(一类)原子。元素在元素周期表的序号等于原子核内质子数。 微粒观: 物质都是由原子、分子、离子等基本微粒构成的,这些微粒很小很小。这些微粒是运动的,有间隔的。微粒之间存在着相互作用。在化学反应中分子发生变化,而原子不变。原子间通过化学键结合成分子。 分类观:物质分类、 元素组成角度、 物质性质的角度、 微粒间相互作用角度、化学反应分类。 5、努力提高学生获取与加工信息的能力、增强问题意识、提高探究能力、交流合作能力和实践能力。 教材中都设置了“思考与交流”“学与问”“实践活动” “科

34、学探究” “科学视野”“科学史话” “资料卡片” “提示”等许多不同功能的栏目,这些栏目支持和引领学生的学习活动,促进学生学习方式的转变。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable)

35、. Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket

36、 and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, sp

37、ecification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. 4

38、.1.4.5 for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove

39、debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protectiv

40、e tube, which protect tube ends should extend each “提示” 、“资料卡片”、“科学视野”、“科学史话”、“归纳与整理” 等栏目为学生自主学习适时提供了学习资料,辅助学习;“实践活动”、“科学探究”、“思考与交流”等栏目引导学生回顾、思考、讨论、实验(观察、操作、分析、设计);“实践活动”、“学与问”等栏目鼓励学生通过实践和练习,应用所学知识。 教师可以充分利用这些栏目设计以学生自主学习为主的教学,组织、引导和参与学生的学习活动。学生在自主学习过程中,获取与加工信息的能力、问题意识、探究能力、交流合作能力和实践能力都会得到培养。 6、重视知识形

41、成过程与学习方法的指导让学生学会学习、学会思考、学会分析、归纳。在教学中注意应用各种手段帮助学生了解知识的产生、发展和新知识的生长,从中体会研究学习化学的方法。 例如: 通过实例认识实验、假说、模型、比较、分类等科学方法对化学研究的作用; 通过活动体验科学探究的过程,学习运用以实验为基础的实证研究方法。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending ra

42、dius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and ca

43、ble laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number m

44、ust be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fix

45、ed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measur

46、es should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each


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