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1、教学的英文自我评价教学的英文自我评价篇一The ancient philosopher warned me that if we want to teach good people, we must first do a good job, as a teacher, Houdezaiwu, I always admonished his motto, peoples ability may have size, talent may be different, but I alwaysI believe that the pay will be more than return, so I

2、love the cause of education, love every student, always pay attention to a knowledge, the quality of the image of teachers to show students.In the usual teaching, careful lesson preparation, diligence and reflection, dedicated to the students, but also to win the students love. Although the computer

3、 class is a deputy class, but can affect the future of students, students often like the game, how to correctly guide, become the direction of my efforts, let the knowledge and joy to share the self-evaluation of teachers teaching and research.When dealing with people, I sincerely treat every collea

4、gue, when my colleagues have difficulties, timely help, especially for change of course, while listening to the leadership arrangements, conscientiously complete the task, an open mind to colleagues to their recommendations. Attendance, not late, class does not hit the phone, not in school and teach

5、ing has nothing to do teachersTeaching and research, serious and open-minded to ask other teachers to pay attention to lectures, especially the master teacher Ouyang classes, weekly lectures of not less than three, carefully write lectures, analysis of this lessons teaching highlights. Tao said, edu

6、cation theory and practice only, is the real knowledge, so that teaching and research together to grow, so that theory and practice with the internalization.I think, find a job with a sense of accomplishment, is not easy, they should cherish, to tell the truth, he still has a lot of deficiencies, I

7、remember an old Chinese saying, afraid of slow, afraid of the station Even if the gap from a good teacher still exists, a small progress every day may be a big progress in the teaching of teaching and research self-evaluation of self-identification.The road is long, I will be up and down and search,

8、 as long as their continuous efforts to strengthen business learning, improve their teaching level, improve their work efficiency, improve their cultivation, do good people, do more good deeds, will be successful.Finally, I would like to thank all the school leaders for their support and affirmation

9、 of my education work in the past year. Please believe that I will redouble our efforts in the future to become an outstanding soul engineer, and strive for Guangzhou X School honor!教学的英文自我评价篇二In the actual operation, we pay special attention to the implementation of process evaluation. Process eval

10、uation is the formative evaluation, which refers to the evaluation of students daily English learning in the learning process based on teacher evaluation, parental evaluation and mutual evaluation among student groups. It emphasizes people-oriented, in the learning process, attach importance to the

11、students emotional attitudes, language knowledge, learning strategies, team spirit and the overall quality of the training, with incentive, synchronization and so on. According to the requirements of English curriculum evaluation, we encourage students to participate and experience the success of le

12、arning through the self-evaluation of team members, group leader evaluation, peer evaluation, teacher evaluation and formative evaluation and final evaluation. Specific implementation has the following three levels:First, the group within the assessment of individualsUse the group member evaluation

13、record form, to evaluate the students within the group, each class by the groups recorder is responsible for recording the team members of the award situation. Evaluation of the project can be adjusted in stages with the actual situation of the classroom, if the team evaluation is doing better, but

14、also from four major aspects and 20 small observation points for detailed evaluation, such as forms:Second, the group of inter-groupUse the group evaluation record form, record the group award situation.Through the unity and cooperation of the team members, work together, in the pre-class show, clas

15、s cooperation in the exchange of reports display, feedback display part of the award-winning. Note that the number of students with poor learning to be relatively increased, so that students can mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative. Evaluation of the project with the existence of students in the c

16、lassroom to adjust the actual situation in stages.Evaluation of student group cooperation in a class, we can also from the following four aspects of the comprehensive evaluation of the group: First, the state of student activity. Students have a strong interest in self-learning initiative; learning

17、atmosphere, democratic equality and interaction; mutual learning a clear division of labor, students with high enthusiasm and effectiveness. The second is the form of student activities. Students activities are divided into individual, group, group, and so on, in a variety of forms, observation, thi

18、nking, cooperation and organic combination. It can also be used to learn and display the same content in different forms, such as the use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, acting, singing, and communication in a variety of forms of activity. Type can be used to learn and demonstrate the form

19、 of dialogue, but also can be compiled into songs, with action or expansion of the form of the sentence than the sentence, so that the rich forms of learning and cultivate the spirit of student innovation. Third, the participation of students. Students participate in a wide range of classroom activi

20、ties, to participate in all the different content of the show. Fourth, the learning effect of students. Students have the courage to show,Emotions, attitudes, values have been developed accordingly. Thinking depth, to reflect the knowledge of the internalization, reorganization and application, and

21、the explicit effect is good.Of course, in order to mobilize students to compete in the classroom, the classroom in addition to the use of the above two evaluation methods, teachers can also create a blackboard on the blackboard evaluation column.The evaluation column designs various evaluation items

22、 and evaluation dimensions which are beneficial to students learning and display, and real-time records show the winning situation of each group. Teachers secretly in accordance with a certain order so that the groups have the opportunity to showcase, so that equal opportunity to show winning, if th

23、e gap between the larger group, teachers timely adjustment, the basic guarantee of the groups award-winning situation not too much difference, The award-less group loses the chase of confidence. The evaluation items and dimensions of the evaluation board of the blackboard should be adjusted continuo

24、usly according to the different stages, different performance or different problems of the students, and guide the students to improve their learning methods, strategies and contents so that students can make progress.Third, the development of evaluation (ie, evaluation system)Basic Education Curric

25、ulum Reform (Trial) that the establishment of an all-round development of students to evaluate the system. Evaluation not only concerned about the academic performance of students, but also to discover and develop students potential, to understand the needs of students in the development, help stude

26、nts understand self, build self-confidence.Evaluation system is a system of evaluation process, is the synthesis of student process evaluation, the students each time the reward is accumulated, is to record the accumulation of student development process.The implementation of the evaluation system,

27、so that students see their continuous development, progress and improve, it will more stimulate student initiative, so that students receive a steady stream of learning motivation. The evaluation of integrated individual and group awards evaluation evaluation.In short, this bundled co-demonstration and bundled multi-evaluation teaching strategies, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to stimulate student interest in learning and curiosity, can improve student self-confidence in English learning to make progress.教学的英文自我评价


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